Saturday, September 14, 2024

Victory: Israel Wins Battle of Rafah -- Which Kamala Told It Not to Fight ("We've been very clear!")

 Joel B. Pollak (  

Kamala Harris doesn’t rule out consequences for Israel if it goes ahead with Rafah op | The Times of Israel

 "The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) declared victory Thursday in the battle of Rafah, having destroyed Hamas’s four battalions there over the course of four months.

It was a battle that Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party nominee for U.S. president, told Israel not to fight, warning of the consequences for civilians there, and even threatening to withhold U.S. weapons.

“I have studied the maps,” Harris said, declaring that it was impossible to attack Rafah without hurting civilians.

"Israel, believing it would lose the war without taking Rafah, entered anyway.

"At the time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the importance of eliminating the last remaining Hamas battalions. As of May 2024, Israel had destroyed 18 of those battalions, leaving four in Rafah and two in central Gaza. Without destroying the final six battalions, Netanyahu argued, it would be impossible to win the war.

"After delaying from February to May, in the fact of opposition from Harris and President Joe Biden, Netanyahu proceeded with battle plans, and IDF troops seized the Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border before turning toward the rest of Rafah, fighting neighborhood by neighborhood, street to street, and house to house.

"As Breitbart News reported, the prime minister’s office declared Thursday that all of the Hamas battalions had been destroyed, and that Hamas was now reduced to guerrilla warfare and no longer functioning as a coherent military.

"The Jewish News Syndicate added that the IDF formally declared victory in Rafah over the four battalions there: . . ."     Kamala Harris Called an 'Empty Suit'

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