Monday, October 21, 2024

Climate Change: The Greatest Psychological Operation We Never Needed (Redux)

 David T. Cloft; AFNN

"So here we are, united by a crisis that doesn’t really exist, but feeling pretty good about ourselves for caring so much. It’s like the biggest, most well-intentioned hoax ever pulled on humanity."

"Well, folks, we’ve been had. Turns out, climate change was never really about saving the planet. It was a cleverly orchestrated psychological operation designed to give humanity a common goal—because apparently, the planet didn’t actually need saving. According to the real science (not to be confused with “the science” aka Fauci) the Earth is doing just fine on its own, thank you very much. But as the Russian philosopher Dostoyevsky—once said, humans need a struggle to be happy. And what better struggle than fighting an invisible, impending climate catastrophe?

"Our political leaders, who are clearly much smarter than us, figured this out long ago. They saw a world without purpose, where people were content watching Netflix and complaining about the Wi-Fi. How do you unite a fractured humanity when people can’t even agree on pineapple as a pizza topping? Simple: you invent a global crisis! Enter climate change. It’s the perfect bogeyman—vague, everywhere, and completely unavoidable. Who cares if the real science says the planet isn’t going up in flames? We need a good struggle, and they gave it to us.

"In their infinite wisdom, the powers-that-be decided that the climate crisis was noble enough to rally us all together. After all, saving the planet sounds a lot better than admitting we just needed something to freak out about. Plus, who’s going to argue with polar bears and melting glaciers, right? It’s the perfect emotional hook. If you question it, you’re not just a skeptic—you’re a villain, hellbent on destroying Mother Earth herself. That’s some next-level psychological manipulation, and you’ve got to hand it to them: it worked.

"The truth is, this whole climate operation wasn’t about actual data or facts. It was about giving humanity a shared purpose. Because, let’s face it, we’re happier when we have a collective enemy, whether it’s asteroids, aliens, or the impending doom of rising sea levels. And if the science doesn’t quite back up the claims, well, details, schmetails. The important thing is that we’re all together in this fight—even if the fight itself is about as real as Bigfoot."

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