Monday, October 21, 2024

So much for “Joy”; Dear Team Kamala: Your anger betrays you

Diann Russell; Substack 

"Remember when Kamala claimed her campaign was built on “Joy?” Well, “Joy” was in precious short supply yesterday, let me tell you. Twitter was jammed with pro-Harris accounts venting their huffy adolescent indignation." . . . 


"I may not know who will win the election, but I can tell you with certainty which candidate thinks she’s losing.

"Yesterday, Donald Trump donned an apron and worked the French fries and drive-thru window at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s, and Team Kamala lost its ever-lovin’ mind.

"It was a master class in retail politics that generated so much attention for the candidate, not to mention several iconic photographs, that the only reaction the other team could muster was impotent rage.

“ 'Well, oh yeah? It was STAGED!”

"Yes, that’s how campaign stops generally work.

"Did they think that Trump filled out a job application, sat down for an interview with the manager, and was hired? Of course it was staged, you prats! Campaigns arrange events at all kinds of places. Team Kamala staged a “Kamala greets customers at a diner in Pennsylvania” event that included kicking out the restaurant’s regulars and replacing them with Kamala supporters who were bused in to play the supporting roles.

" 'It was all fake! The Secret Service vetted the customers!!!”

"Yes, that’s what the Secret Service does — especially for a presidential candidate who was already the target of not one but two assassination attempts.

"Look, they’re not mad because “it was staged.” They’re mad because it was brilliant and they didn’t think of it first.

"The minute the Washington Free Beacon fact-checked Kamala’s claim of having worked at a McDonald’s when she was in college, her campaign could have staged an event with Kamala working the French fries. But they didn’t. Instead, they let it dangle like low-hanging fruit, leaving Donald Trump to wander over and pluck it." . . .  Full article.

Trump shines at McDonald’s while Kamala’s getting mad    "In the wake of getting shot in Butler, PA, Donald Trump struck me as a bit subdued. I was worried that the bullet, while it didn’t take his life (thank God), took some of his mojo. Meanwhile, the media began telling us that Cacklin’ Kamala was the embodiment of pure joy. Well, that was two months ago, and a lot can change in two months. Now, Cacklin Kamala is angry, while a buoyant Trump had fun at a Philadelphia McDonald’s. We are witnessing the living embodiment of the momentum we’re seeing in the polls." . . . First President to ever work at McDonalds.  Says Mr. Trump.

MSNBC Goes Into Full Meltdown Mode As Trump Gets Huge Crowd and Cheers at McDonald's   . . ."What's unstable about working at McDonald's? Are they really going that route to insult the people who work there? Every politician running for office does things like this traditionally. 

"MSNBC also tried to float Kamala's desperate last-ditch propaganda that Trump was "unstable," which was a silly rebuttal, seeing as he just worked with the folks at McDonald's to serve folks. They really are clueless. Plus, the claim that he doesn't have an economic plan is just laughable, when it's really Kamala Harris who has offered up nothing up but word salads. And they had to slip in the "threat to democracy" mantra, which is a little hard to sell when he's handing out food at the drive-thru. 

"Bottom line? They just can't deal -- and it's a beautiful thing to see." 

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