The Foundry "For progressives, politics has always been seen as an ebb and flow between periods of “progress” and “change” and brief interregnums to defend and consolidate the status quo as we wait for the bursting forth of the next great era of reformism. “It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past,” he said at one point, referring to the fight over open homosexuality in the military. “It is time to move forward as one nation.” Look at what he said about “the new health care law”: he is eager to improve it, but “what I’m not willing to do is go back.” “So instead of re-fighting the battles of the last two years, let’s fix what needs fixing and move forward.” Lock in progressive achievements and let’s move on."
Our Brave Leaders "The Washington Post reports: “Obama has decided not to endorse his deficit commission’s recommendation to raise the retirement age, and otherwise reduce Social Security benefits, in Tuesday’s State of the Union address.”
"When I read this, I thought of a song from
Monty Python and the Holy Grail:"
The President’s Speech: An Irresponsible Performance "Still, this doesn’t mean the speech was unimportant. It was, in fact, quite significant in terms of highlighting the president’s cast of mind and how he understands, or fails to understand, the moment we’re in.
"The State of the Union address reaffirmed that Barack Obama remains a man of the left. He spent most of the speech championing an array of new programs, explaining why he believes we need to expand the size, reach, scope, and cost of the federal government."
Peter Wehner
DOLLAR CRUMBLES After Obama’s Disappointing SOTU Performance "The dollar crumbled today after Barack Obama failed to convince investors that he was serious about reducing the record deficit in his State of the Union Address last night." See video of Las Vegas mayor below:
Reason TV and a Tale of Two SOTUs "Remember when Obama promised to focus like a laser on jobs and the economy in his third year in office? It looks more like a laser focus on public-sector jobs in education and train service, as well as the usual laser focus on more federal spending."
Via Hot Air as is this:
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "I have a speech which I bet could get even better ratings: "Tell me what you want and it's yours. For free.""
Excuses, Excuses "Speaking with vigor and aplomb, the president demonstrated once again that he can look serious, act like a president, and read the words that have been written for him. But so far, he has not demonstrated his ability to
be a president, create jobs, or do anything else."
American Thinker
Devastating… Frank Luntz Focus Group Dumps On Obama’s “Flat” SOTU Address (Video)
Obama 2.0 - the SOTU "Will he again boast that under his programs energy costs will necessarily soar and that coal mines will go bankrupt? Will we hear the rage towards "fat cats" and greedy doctors? Will he brag that "spreading the wealth" is his idea of how boost the economy?
"Will Americans buy what is again being sold by the master snake-oil salesman? Will history be repeated as tragedy?"
Karl Rove has this:
Enough for now, but more later, I'm sure. Especially when Ann Coulter and Charles Krauthammer check in.