Ann Coulter "The EPA proposed banning alar based on a study that involved pumping tens of thousands times more alar into rats than any human could possibly consume, and observing the results. The rats died -- of poisoning, not tumors – but the EPA banned it anyway. Poor people went back to eating Twinkies instead of healthy fresh fruit."....
"After decades of this nonsense, The New York Times' Paul Krugman has the audacity to brag that liberals believe the "truth should be determined by research, not revelation." Yes -- provided the "research" is conducted by trial lawyers and Hollywood actresses rather than actual scientists."
Ann refers to this attack by Ed Schultz of-naturally-MSNBC: Ed Schultz Attacks 'Toxic' Ann Coulter: 'There Is Always Misinformation' When She's On TV
"Schultz conveniently ignored that Coulter cited the Times in her piece. That's unfortunately what passes for journalism at MSNBC these days.
"Rather than mimic his negligence, let's take a look at what the Times reported in its November 2001 article "For Radiation, How Much Is Too Much?":"...
"After decades of this nonsense, The New York Times' Paul Krugman has the audacity to brag that liberals believe the "truth should be determined by research, not revelation." Yes -- provided the "research" is conducted by trial lawyers and Hollywood actresses rather than actual scientists."
Ann refers to this attack by Ed Schultz of-naturally-MSNBC: Ed Schultz Attacks 'Toxic' Ann Coulter: 'There Is Always Misinformation' When She's On TV
"Schultz conveniently ignored that Coulter cited the Times in her piece. That's unfortunately what passes for journalism at MSNBC these days.
"Rather than mimic his negligence, let's take a look at what the Times reported in its November 2001 article "For Radiation, How Much Is Too Much?":"...