Victor Davis Hanson: Did We Give Up on Libya? Don’t bet on Qaddafi stepping down. Or on America stepping up. "...But if Qaddafi or his family survives in power after the United States simply got tired and quit, we will also be able to say that this sort of defeat is something quite new in American history." But long overdue in the view of Obama's mentors.
Obama's conflict avoidance "A discomfort with conflict may also be a reason Obama avoided faculty lunches at the University of Chicago Law School. I had a boss who didn't like conflict and he would get visibly uncomfortable at some of the lunch meetings at the Chicago Bar Association at which the experts would go hammer and tongs over their opinions about this issue and that pending case. I suspect the table talk at the faculty lunches takes much the same tone. "
Obama’s New Energy Policy: A Lesson in Stealth Socialism "Mr. Obama, as I’ve previously argued in these pages, is provably a socialist, but a particularly American kind: a stealth socialist. Stealth socialism is a matter of tactics. Stealth socialists, recognizing that an open Marxist agenda will never fly with the American people, adopt a patient, long-term strategy whereby they attain the same goals but through misrepresentation, misdirection, lies, and bait-and-switch. These are, coincidentally, the tactics of the con man. Having been a community organizer, Mr. Obama is particularly adept at these tactics and with the use of the primary vehicle for their implementation: rhetoric."
Ideal tactics for a man who avoids conflict. Don't you call that "passive-agressive"?
The President Is Missing "What have they done with President Obama? What happened to the inspirational figure his supporters thought they elected? Who is this bland, timid guy who doesn’t seem to stand for anything in particular? "
By Paul Krugman.