NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE "They’re back. Rationing, death panels, socialism, all those nasty old words that helped bring Republicans victory in 2010, and that came to seem so impolite after November of that year. They’re back because of IPAB. Remember that acronym. It stand[s] for The Independent Payment Advisory Board. IPAB is the real death panel, the true seat of rationing, and the royal road to health-care socialism. President Obama won’t admit to any of that, but his speech in response to Paul Ryan’s plan did push IPAB out of the shadows and into public view, however briefly. If Republicans don’t seize the IPAB issue and run with it, they’ll be losers in 2012." Emphasis added.
Ryan's Plan Will Fix Medicare — Not Destroy It "In his speech to the nation on Wednesday, President Obama joined the chorus of critics howling that Rep. Paul Ryan's federal budget proposal is cruel to seniors and will decimate Medicare as we've known it.
"The data show the opposite. Seniors and baby boomers will be better off under the Ryan proposal than under the Obama health law."