Friday, December 2, 2011

This is how you lower the oceans and make our enemies love us.

Is he majestic or
 just asleep?

Obama Will Torpedo Tough Iran Sanctions  "Since the administration persuaded the Senate to water the amendment down by giving the president the power to waive enforcement of the law, the Iranians need not fear a swift shutdown of the oil income they get from transactions that are run through their Central Bank. With a six month waiting period before the measure goes into effect and with the president having the right to shelve the bill if he thinks it will hurt either the U.S. economy or that of its allies, it is unlikely the sanctions will ever go into effect."
In a related story, President Obama offered Czechoslovakia to Russia in return for their good will.

Obama Gives SEIU A $4B Christmas Present

Government Policy, Not Laziness, Responsible for Scaring Away Foreign Investors  "President Obama thinks we have been lazy in selling America. But his administration has been anything but lazy in making America a harder sell to foreign investors."

NLRB documents shed light on Boeing fight in South Carolina

McClatchy Washington Bureau  "Lawyers for the federal labor agency fighting Boeing’s new factory in North Charleston, N.C., repeatedly joked among themselves about the dispute and exchanged a political cartoon portraying S.C. Sen. Glenn McConnell as a crass-speaking confederate soldier, according to internal documents released Wednesday.
"The emails, memos and other documents from the National Labor Relations Board, which the agency provided in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, also portray Sen. Lindsey Graham’s behind-the-scenes efforts to prevent it from filing a complaint against Boeing."

"Rob Godfrey, a spokesman for S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, said the NLRB employees’ jokes about the Boeing case didn’t amuse her."
“The NLRB is a disrespectful agency that apparently believes that the jobs and companies they are threatening is all fun and games,” Godfrey said. “They are wrong. These are real people, real jobs and real companies. This is not and has never been a laughing matter.”"

Everything this asinine administration does drags the American free enterprise system further into the trash.
Judicial Watch: NLRB Staffers Joke About Economy, Mock DeMint   "In an April 22 email, acting NLRB General Counsel Lafe Solomon wrote to the organization’s outgoing chairwoman, Wilma Liebman: “The article gave me a new idea. You go to geneva [Switzerland] and I get a job with airbus [French company]. We screwed up the us economy and now we can tackle europe.” "

Plea for financial help by someone in Africa

This came to me yesterday. I cannot believe this kind of stuff still goes around, but regrettably, it must be because it still works and Americans are still being fooled by obvious scams of this sort. This came from someone calling themselves "Mrs. Alice Aka" and their email address is
This is the message, which I'm sure most of you have seen some variation of at other times:
Hello my dear,
How is your day!! hope you are having a great day!!. I am Mrs. Alice Aka, I'm 42 years old of age from North Africa, and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Accra Ghana (in Western Africa) as a result of the civil war in my country LIBYA now. My Late husband Aka Saad was the managing director and CEO of (an oil company) Arabian Gulf Oil Company.
The rebels attacked our house during the crisis and killed my husband,that is why I ran for my dear life with the help of the United Nation and Red Cross Charity Society i managed to make my way to this country Ghana where i am living now in the refugee camp as a refugee, my husband deposited the sum $40.5Million in a Security Company here in Ghana which i want invest abroad.
Should you be interested to help me receive the money and invest it for me
Kindly get back to me, your earliest response to this mail will be highly appreciated.
I await hearing from you soonest
sincerely yours
Mrs. Alice Aka,
If you know those who are prone to being fooled by scams such as these, you may want to refer them to some of these links:

AARP .org/scams  "Have you ever been given a "great offer" or a "hot tip" on an investment? Such investments, while tempting, can be risky. Following these five tips can help you keep your money safe from scammers and aggressive sales people."

 Consumer Fraud Reporting  "If you have observed a scam or been the victim of a scam, spam or fraud and want to report it for enforcement, here is a list of where to report different types of scams in the US, UK, Canada and many other countries. In some cases there is more than one agency to contact.  Some scams fit into more than one category, also."

Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer  You may want to bookmark this one because it covers a wide range of hoaxes. Here is the site for the FBI. (Or you could just email Eric Holder directly and he will jump right on it.)
"If you receive unsolicited e-mail offers or spam, you can forward the messages to the Federal Trade Commission at (Which is where I sent this email)
"Below are some recent scams and warnings."  More....

Here are other links you may find helpful:  Fake Facebook scams discussed.
Here is a source for your own research: Google search

I'm sure most of you would not be fooled by this, but do you have people you look after who are vulnerable and easily deceived by this sort of scheme? Hope this helps; it's a jungle out there.
The Tunnel Dweller

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Huntsman’s Disqualifying Distortion About Vietnam; The candidate's remark at the last GOP debate refutes his reputation as a foreign policy maven.

PJ Media  "Perhaps as stunning as the Huntsman remark was the way CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and seven Republican candidates let it stand unchallenged, as if it were unassailable common knowledge. They should all know better, and speak up."
"As H.R. McMaster wrote in his 1997 book Dereliction of Duty, President Lyndon Johnson’s leadership of the war effort was characterized by marginalizing the Joint Chiefs of Staff, lying to Congress about troop levels, and pursuing Defense Secretary Robert McNamara’s tactic of “graduated pressure,” which treated military force as a communication tool rather than a way to achieve victory."....
"Huntsman’s ignorance, or distortion, of history, should disqualify him from consideration for the Republican nomination. His failure to gain traction after months of campaigning is a tribute to the good sense of the American people. Perhaps the triviality of his continued presence in the field explains why the moderator and the other candidates allowed his remark to pass without a probing question, or a much-deserved rebuke.
"But if Republicans hope to reverse the decades-long leftist narrative about this, and so many other topics, they can no longer allow such moments to pass.
"When we draw such erroneous lessons from history, we don’t merely diminish the service of fallen heroes, we put at greater risk those who wear the uniform today, and those whom they protect."
(Emphasis added)


Obama 101; Few presidents have dashed so many illusions as Obama.

Victor Davis Hanson   "Israel, Britain, and Eastern Europe are not closer allies now than they were in 2008. Iran is still Iran — and may be even a more dangerous adversary after the failed Obama outreach. Putin’s Russia, despite “reset” (a word we no longer much hear), is still Putin’s Russia. China still despises the U.S., and feels in 2011 that it is in a far better position to act on its contempt than it was in 2009. North Korea never got the “hope and change” message. Europe is collapsing, reminding the world where the United States is headed if it does not change course. Outreach didn’t seem to do much for the Castro brothers, Hugo Chávez, or Daniel Ortega. We are helping Mexico to sue our own states, but that does not seem to persuade its leaders to keep their citizens home. Muslim Pakistan went from a duplicitous ally to a veritable enemy. The more we bragged about Turkey, the more we could feel it holds us in contempt. We hope that the Libyan rebels and the Cairo protesters are headed toward democracy, but we privately admit that they seem to have no more interest in establishing it than we have in promoting it. In other words, Professor Obama reminds future presidents that the world will transcend their rhetoric, their pretensions, and their heritage. Other nations always calibrate their relations with the United States either by their own perceived self-interest, or by centuries-old American values and power, or both."

The Cain Scrutiny

  My plan for Herman Cain to become president is this: He should resign the Republican Party and register as a Democrat, then run as a primary challenger to President Obama.
  His alleged conduct would no longer be an issue but a resume enhancement and eyes of women Democrats would shine with lust as Herman Cain walked into any venue.  Anyone questioning Cain would be called a pervert and all lawyers opposing him would be called "out of control" or "sexual deviants" by celebrity "strategists" such as James Carville (who would refer to the women accusers as "trailer trash").
  Democrats in Congress would never say, "it's not the truth of the charges but the seriousness of them that makes us pursue Mr. Cain". The press (ABC, CBS and any media outlet with the letters "NBC" in their name) would  produce all the boyfriends, lovers and every psychiatric report on these ladies while some men's magazine would do a photo spread on one of them.
  Cain would be forgiven every allegation, being called the "greatest president who ever sought office"and the CBC would dismiss it all as racism; Tavis Smiley and Maxine Waters would be on every TV set.
  His women accusers would be told by Cain to "put some ice on that" and then disappear from the public spotlight while Democrat women's groups would act as if not one thing ever happened. Gloria Allred would vanish until the next Republican scandal. Best of all for Cain every foreign policy misstatement he ever made would be ignored by the press while they turned on Republican candidates instead of him.
  Before publishing the above statement, it was scrutinized for poor logic and ridiculous reasoning. Finding none of that, I hit the "publish" button.
The Tunnel Dweller.

The ‘Cain Scrutiny’ Leads to a ‘Reassessment’  "Anyone watching Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s Wednesday morning address in the Cincinnati suburb of West Chester would have come away believing that the last thing on his mind is dropping out of the 2012 race.
"Alas, such is not the case. In both the post-speech press scrum (second video at link) and a two-segment interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto Wednesday afternoon, Cain made it very clear that a “reassessment” is indeed in progress, and that it will take at least several days to complete it."

Other, more important reasons to be wary of Cain  "He thought the Taliban was fighting for control of Libya. He didn’t know about the wet foot-dry foot policy on Cuban refugees. He didn’t understand the “right of return” and he said he would release all the terrorists in Gitmo for one captured American. He can’t give a straight, coherent answer on whether he’s pro-life or not. He said America needs a “leader, not a reader,” whatever that means. And though he says as president he would rely on the knowledge of others to make decisions, on his campaign he retains staff who blunder about contradicting themselves and who may have launched his campaign with illegal money."

Some Questions about the Cain Allegations  "Unlike some people, who think all the allegations against Herman Cain can be dismissed by referring to a “liberal media conspiracy,” I prefer to approach the issue more scrupulously. I was once enthusiastic about Cain but now find my support waning for the following reasons, none of which have to do with a “conspiracy” against him:"

  Once You Go Conservative Black, You Better Watch Your Back  "The liberal media is an old story, but it's still a big story when it comes to creating the impression of scandal out of thin air.
"Most people say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I say, "Where there's smoke around a conservative, there are journalists furiously rubbing two sticks together." "
So, even if all allegations are proven false, there are still those nagging foreign policy statements that rank down with Ron Paul saying we should be nice to the Iranians so they will be nice to us. Cain's ignorance is regrettable, Paul's is insidious.
Below are the cartoonist's takes; do you see a theme here?

iPolitical Cartoons by Dana Summers

More here, here, here, here. And these are from a conservative site; we haven't even touched the liberal ones because this would all be expected there. The only difference would be they would attack all Republicans in each cartoon.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stop Obama’s Big Union Onslaught

Heritage  "Unions also didn’t learn any lessons after taxpayers bailed out General Motors and Chrysler, and then-White House “auto-czar” Ron Bloom gave the UAW preferential treatment in the restructuring process despite their contracts being largely at fault.
"And, this is a lesson that still has not penetrated the walls of the Obama White House. The President’s appointees to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) want businesses to be unionized at all costs, even if it means harming both workers and the economy. They’re trying to make it happen by ramming through measures that would help expand unionization in America."

Out of Control NLRB Strikes Again  "Now the NLRB, which is dominated by Obama appointees, is trying to alter the timetable for union organizing elections, in effect shortening the process and, say critics, making it harder for companies to mount a campaign to explain to its employees why it may be in their best interests to keep the union out."
The Regime Wins: Boeing, union in early deal, would end NLRB case  "A high-profile court battle over the issue has become the fulcrum of a larger conflict between supporters of labor union rights and those who believe U.S. companies should have the freedom to build factories where they want, for whatever reasons they choose.
"Boeing's decision to build the new 737 MAX at its Renton factory is a major victory for the union."
GOP seeks to head off NLRB rules that would speed up organizing process, allow multiple unions
"The Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, introduced in October by Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline, Minnesota Republican, will receive a floor vote Wednesday afternoon that could repeal the NLRB’s new rules before they even get approved."
UPDATE: House Passes Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act While Board Approves Resolution to Change Election Rule  "While the bill was readily approved in the House, it is unlikely to advance in the Democrat-controlled Senate."

THE HOUSE REPUBLICAN PLAN FOR AMERICA’S JOB CREATORS (PDF)  "America is at a crossroads and House Republicans are committed to taking every possible step to spur job creation and get our economy back on track so that Americans can do what they do best: create, innovate and lead.  The pro-growth agenda detailed below builds on the GOP Pledge to America, our governing agenda focused on job creation and economic growth. It will address our economic challenges, foster innovation and investment, and help job creators without raising taxes on working families and small business owners."
 Download the Pocket Card (PDF)

Chevy Volt has its positives

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mainstream Media declares Obama the winner

Morning Bell: Obama Keeps Turning His Back on Jobs  "That’s bad news for job creation. One deepwater rig alone can create 700 jobs locally. But slowing down oil drilling in the Gulf isn’t the only way the President is blocking jobs. Earlier this month, the Obama Administration announced it would delay the construction of the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline that would bring in more than 700,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf coast–and could have produced upwards of 20,000 jobs. Heritage’s Nicolas Loris explains the impact:"   More...


The Free Dictionary   stalk·ing-horse (stôkng-hôrs) n.
1. Something used to cover one's true purpose; a decoy.
2. A sham candidate put forward to conceal the candidacy of another or to divide the opposition.
3. a. A horse trained to conceal the hunter while stalking.
    b. A canvas screen made in the figure of a horse, used for similar concealment.
 Wikipedia" The expression is generally used in politics and business. In politics, the circumstances are an attempt to bring down a powerful leader, usually by members of their own party"  "Republican Jon Huntsman today refused to rule out running as an independent candidate for president should he fail in his quest for his party’s 2012 nomination.
"Asked, “Is there any situation in which you would run for president as an independent?” Huntsman told The Boston Globe, “I don’t think so.” "  Via Astute Bloggers

Huntsman Says He Won't Run as Third Party Candidate  "Some political watchers have suggested that should Governor Huntsman not win the Republican nomination, he could run as a third party candidate. When pressed on this point by anchor Chris Wallace, Huntsman unequivocally said that he would not run as an independent and that he would support the Republican nominee."   However...

Jon Huntsman Hesitates To Answer Chris Wallace Whether He Will Make An Independent 2012 Bid“Can you flatly state right now that you will support the Republican nominee and you will not run as an independent?” “I’m running as a Republican, that’s where I am,” Huntsman responded, which Wallace noted was “not a denial.” Huntsman did eventually confirm he would support the Republican nominee after the second prodding, however, but his hesitation may be a red flag for those who suspect he may be dissatisfied with what his party has to offer.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Maxine Waters Will Replace Bawney Fwank As Top Dem On Powerful House Financial Services Committee…

Weasel Zippers  "Here’s something that will keep you up at night, if the Dems retake the House Maxine Waters will be the chairwoman."

The Hill has this:
"“Rep. Frank has always been a formidable but fair legislator who understands financial markets and the indispensable role banks play in the broader economy,” Frank Keating, the chief executive of the American Bankers Association, said in a Monday statement.
"Waters, on the other hand, is seen as more of a hard-line opponent.“She’s not a good face of the issues,” one financial executive said. “She’s too much of a bomb thrower.” "
"In making their choice, party leaders will have to face other knotty issues, most notably an ethics investigation centered on Waters and her husband’s business interests."
"Waters is expected to gain the support of the Congressional Black Caucus as she angles for the top spot."