Friday, February 3, 2012

Catholics for Obama
Catholics for Obama site.

Catholics for Obama? Life matters.  "I wish Democrats had not ceded the anti-abortion position to Republicans. I hope that those Catholics among them look again at Abraham Lincoln’s Peoria Speech of 1854, brought to our attention in Lewis E. Lehrman’s brilliant new book, Lincoln at Peoria.And I urge my old friends on the Catholic Left to be careful what they wish for, in wishing for Obama. And to make better arguments for doing so.
"And, please, to hurry the Democratic party back to natural-rights principles."

Catholic Democrats: Is Their Support for Obama Fraying?  "When he said that abortion should be 'safe, legal and rare,' we all believed him," railed then Commonweal editor Margaret Steinfels after Clinton vetoed a ban on so-called partial-birth abortions. Right now, Obama is surfing impressively high approval ratings. But he can't afford to alienate those liberal and moderate Catholics who could defend him when times get tough."

A Short Review of Obama's Agenda

Warning Signs  "What word describes a President who knowingly and deliberately decreases the nation’s access to energy by stopping an oil pipeline that will not cost the taxpayers a penny and will generate 20,000 jobs?"....
"Whether by reason of intent or stupidity, President Obama is causing this nation to be systematically deprived of sources of energy vital to the economy and the welfare of Americans. He is undermining the ability of the nation to defend itself in the event of an attack and to project force throughout the world to maintain peace in the face of those nations that threaten it."

Rush asks us:  Are We Stupid Enough to Reelect Obama?  "If this guy gets four more years, there's nothing stopping him. The fact that he won't have to get reelected. There won't be any games of extending the Bush tax cuts, for, for example. There won't be any health care waivers. There won't be any delaying the onslaught of the massive increase in the size, reach, and scope of government. There's a reason Obamacare doesn't fully implement 'til 2014. If it fully implemented by now, no Democrat would be reelected in November. That's why this is important. That's why so many people are pulling their hair out over the Republican primary and demanding -- hoping, praying -- for a genuine conservative. That's why people are willing to overlook some of the baggage, because the people that do get it, Pete, like you, understand what's at stake here."

Sleep well, Holder's DOJ is keeping the peace

Eric Holder's 'Fast and Furious' woe  by Gen. Michael V. Hayden: ...." Beyond that, if it had been a true covert action, the attorney general would have had to give his opinion as to its lawfulness beforehand; the implementing agency would have been required to exhaustively articulate risk; the National Security Council would have had to judge it favorably; President Barack Obama would have had to authorize it; and the Congress would have had to have been briefed before its implementation.
"And all concerned would have had the opportunity to reject a bad idea, whatever its rationale."
Gen. Michael V. Hayden, who was appointed by President George W. Bush as CIA director in 2006 and served until February 2009, is a principal with the Chertoff Group, a security consulting firm. He serves on the boards of several defense firms and is a distinguished visiting professor at George Mason University. Hayden is an adviser to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. He held senior staff positions at the Pentagon and, from 1999 to 2005, was director of the National Security Agency.

Legal Insurrection:  Fast and Furious, and what 2010 meant  "If you don’t think it’s critical to control the House, imagine how this would be buried if Nancy Pelosi still were Speaker."

Fisking Eric Holder’s Prepared Remarks for the Fast and Furious Hearing  "Suffice to say, Holder should be in for an interesting day tomorrow — in the Chinese sense of the word. Issa has already threatened him with contempt charges and it boggles the mind that none of the Republican candidates have even mentioned this yet."  This article takes each statement made by Mr. Holder and analyzes it, point by point.

Michelle Malkin: Fast and Furious showdown: Holder/Obama defend bloody culture of contempt   "House GOP leaders repeat what whistleblowers have been telling us from the start: Top White House/DOJ knew. They knew:"...

Breaking story: Bribery, compromised officials leave indicted financial-crime suspects free from prosecution under Holder’s DOJ

Daily Caller   "A U.S. Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives who were indicted under court seal within the past 13 months, but never arrested or prosecuted.

"The sitting governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, his attorney general and an unspecified number of Virgin Islands legislators also accepted bribes, the source said, adding that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is aware prosecutors and elected officials were bribed and otherwise compromised, but has not held anyone accountable.
"The bribed officials, an attorney with knowledge of the investigation told The DC, remain on the taxpayers’ payroll at the Justice Department without any accountability. The DOJ source said Holder does not want to admit public officials accepted bribes while under his leadership."
Hat tip to PJ Tatler 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

White House Picks Fight with Conscience; Congress Can Fight Back

The Foundry  "A remarkable page in the history of American conscientious objection is being written by citizens throughout the United States who are standing up and saying, “We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law.”

"These are not unemployed, bedraggled 20-somethings looking for a free pass on student loans and camping trips in downtown parks, nor are they unknowns with little influence.
"These citizens are Roman Catholic bishops throughout the United States. And in statement after statement issued in diocese after diocese, many bishops are publicly declaring that they “cannot” and “will not” comply with “this unjust law.”"
...."The Obama Administration has nevertheless decided to implement a scorched-earth, last-mile policy of mandating that nearly every health insurance plan provide these morally controversial services. In so doing, the Administration has backed what the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling an “unprecedented” attack on religious liberty."
Just can't get motivated? Then go to this site:

Galleries of Images of Aborted Children

Medical Illustrations of Abortion Procedures

Video from Priests for Life

End the Fed? Ron Paul Is Wrong for All the Right Reasons: Books

Bloomberg  "Can the Fed be fixed? Don’t bother, writes U.S. Congressman Ron Paul in “End the Fed,” a blistering libertarian broadside from a firm believer in Austrian economics."
Arlo Guthrie, Paul supporter
"Like many clever politicians, Paul has a knack for mixing sound observations with Utopian promises. Without the Fed, he says, we would enjoy “all the privileges of modern economic life without the downside of business cycles, bubbles, inflation, unsustainable trade imbalances and the explosive growth of the government that the Fed has fostered.”
No wonder the jacket carries a written endorsement from folkie 
Arlo Guthrie, who says the book has “decisively changed my mind.”
Hold on, though. Wasn't America’s Fed-less 19th-century history punctuated with recurring booms, busts and banking panics? Paul dismisses such talk.

Happy Hour: Obama's Enemies List

Via the Weekly Standard: Obama's Enemies List
"How would you feel if aides to the president of the United States singled you out by name for attack, and if you were featured prominently in the president's re-election campaign as an enemy of the people?"
"The misuse of government power to damage or demean one's political enemies is abhorrent and the very antithesis of a free society and a government of laws, not men. It is time for the public to ask those engaged in these practices, "Have you no sense of decency?" "

Dem Congressman: West "Not Representative Of African-American Community"  "Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) said about Rep. Allen West telling liberal leaders to "get the hell" out of the country. "

The case of Lt. Col. Allen B. West.  What matters most: your career or the lives of your troops?
Obama is incapable of making the choice that Colonel West did in Iraq. Now we learn the Taliban are not our enemies but Col. West is, which is just the Obama administration being consistent to its values.

Ann Coulter's defense of Romneycare (UPDATED, Feb 3); Krauthammer's counterpoint on Romney

Ann Coulter  "A leading conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, helped design Romneycare, and its health care analyst, Bob Moffit, flew to Boston for the bill signing."
...."The bill passed by 154-2 in the Massachusetts House and unanimously, 37-0, in the Massachusetts Senate -- including the vote of Sen. Scott Brown, who won Teddy Kennedy's seat in the U.S. Senate in January 2010 by pledging to be the "41st vote against Obamacare." "
...."What went wrong with Romneycare wasn't a problem in the bill, but a problem in Massachusetts: Democrats.
"First, the overwhelmingly Democratic legislature set the threshold for receiving a subsidy so that it included people making just below the median income in the United States, a policy known as "redistribution of income." For more on this policy, see "Marx, Karl." "

Santorum has boasted of his role in passing welfare reform in the 1990s. You know what the Democrats' 2009 stimulus bill dismantled? That's right: the welfare reform that passed in the 1990s.
"The problem isn't health insurance mandates. The problem isn't Romneycare. The problem isn't welfare reform. The problem is Democrats."

Updated Feb 3: Newt strikes back at Coulter:  "Fox News Latino’s Victor Garcia did a phone interview with Newt Gingrich. During which the Former Speaker was asked about the recent Ann Coulter and Tom Delay criticisms. He dismissed them as “the old order,” and specifically cited Coulter has having been “all over the map.” 

Romney Can't Explain Conservative Ideas (video) ""The real problem here is that it shows he doesn't have fluency with conservative ideas. Conservatives are not the one who engage in the war of the classes or division of American classes. Obama, the Democrats will win that kind of argument every day. The moral case for conservative economics is that our policy is going to help everybody, including the poor. Two examples, school choice, which will help those trapped in the inner cities and tyranny of the teachers unions will finally have an education, have the skills to get a job. And you lower the marginal rates and taxes so you encourage economic expansion and creation of jobs," Krauthammer said on Wednesday's "Special Report" panel."

How badly does Obama want to be re-elected? This much:

Administration briefs Senate leaders on Taliban transfer  ""The whole idea that they're going to ‘transfer' these detainees in exchange for a statement by the Taliban? It is really, really bizarre," McCain said. "This whole thing is highly questionable because the Taliban know we are leaving. I know many experts who would say they are rope-a-doping us.""
Is the Obama administration aware of this Islamic tactic of lying to infidels?

Surrender in Afghanistan; Obama wants to bug out before the election   "If Mr. al-Qaradawi is chosen as mediator it would suggest the Obama administration is far more interested in making a deal before the U.S. election this year than in what's in the deal. The administration might be satisfied, it appears, with a public renunciation of al-Qaida by the Taliban (they don't have to mean it), and private assurances that the Taliban won't take over until after the election."
Tony Branco cartoon too good not to use a second time.
AEI Critical Threats Project:  Courting Disaster in Afghanistan  "This task cannot be left to the Afghan security forces, moreover. Apart from the fact that Secretary Panetta used the same media availability to suggest that the Obama administration is looking to reduce the size of the Afghan security forces to which it proposes to transition this fight, the Afghans will not be up to accomplishing this task. Clearing a heavily defended, long-established insurgent safe haven without simply annihilating the population is a challenge that only the American military and one or two of its allies can meet." 

:  Operations in Afghanistan Can’t End Early  ..." And before long I suspect we are going to hear that the number of U.S. troops—already insufficient—will be cut back some more so as to allow President Obama to run for reelection claiming to have ended one war and to be on his way to ending another. The Afghan Security Forces will be hard-pressed to pick up the slack, because they will need extensive training and support for years to come. The only way they will have any chance of success is if the U.S. maintains a substantial force in Afghanistan after 2014—say at least 40,000 troops. But that is highly unlikely if Obama stays in office. He seems determined to downsize as fast as possible."
Obama's new BFF

Andrew C. McCarthy: Obama's surrender is complete: The administration is working with a Muslim Brotherhood jurist.
"For those who may be unfamiliar with him, he is the most influential Sunni Islamist in the world, thanks to such ventures as his al-Jazeera TV program (Sharia and Life) and website ( In 2003, he issued a fatwa calling for the killing of American troops in Iraq. As he put it: "
Blackfive: BUGGING OUT OF A-STAN?  "Well, former Marine and US Army Special Forces Officer and columnist, Jack Kelly believes that the Obama Administration's choice for negotiator also shows their hand - that they don't care what happens in Afghanistan as long as we are out of there:"

Barack the Peacemocker  "Here’s the plan. We wait until Barack Obama begins strutting and chest thumping about how he has “ended two wars,” then we respond thus:"...
...."All that’s left is to declare all American hydrocarbon fuel off-limits at the very moment the Iranians decide to blockade the Strait of Hormuz; then the cosmic Obasmic failure will be complete, thorough — and irreversible."
 Onsite commentary from here:  ENDGAME IN AFGHANISTAN

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Please, Mitt; don't campaign like John McCain!

Althouse  "Romney phrase sets off a lefty feeding frenzy.
"Of course, this is completely silly. The full context is:
I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.
"The ideologues are embarrassing themselves by trying to turn this into a statement that he doesn't care about or empathize with the very poor."

Romney Could Defend What He Said… But He Probably Won’t "But is there any reason to think Romney will say any of this? I noted a few days ago, “Avik Roy defends the work of Bain ten times better than the candidate himself. Romney’s entire argument against Gingrich’s work at Freddie Mac was based on the work of Tim Carney. Every day, I see better, more compelling arguments for Romney from outside the campaign from within the campaign.”

"This doesn’t have to be a negative-perception-reinforcing, “I-voted-for-it-before-I-voted-against-it” gaffe. But who believes that the Romney campaign has what it takes to turn the narrative around?"
Oh, please; not another George Bush or John McCain!

Shame on you, Juan  
Juan Williams Accuses GOP Candidates of Veiled Racism   "It does seem a touch odd that Williams would be so quick to conclude that Republican candidates were masking bigotry, given that he was (unfairly) crucified on a similar altar last year. He, as much as anyone, should understand the cheap way such accusations are thrown around in the modern political climate. Still, that Republicans are racists is an article of faith for the Left; perhaps Williams has seen a chance to rehabilitate himself in the media’s eyes and taken it with both hands?"

The Racial Hypocrisy of Juan Williams, Jeffrey Goldberg, and the Liberal Media  "It might surprise Williams and Goldberg, but Republicans who advocate self-reliance among black Americans actually believe they are fighting racism. The essence of anti-black racism is the belief that blacks are inherently inferior. And in conservative eyes, many of the failed policies of the social welfare state accept black inferiority as given. Therefore, Republicans believe, to oppose these policies is actually to oppose racism."

Juan Williams Finds Racism in Candidates' (and Others'?) Use of 'Constitution' and 'Founding Fathers'  "This afternoon, Jim Taranto at the Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web noted another potential target of Williams's ire:

 Accusing someone of not respecting "the 'Constitution' " is a racial code word? If that were true, the American Civil Liberties Union would be the biggest racist organization around.
"Indeed. When are we going to hear from you, Juan, about the ACLU's obvious and pervasive racism?"
Boortz: Code words on the campaign trail  "Juan Williams has graced us with a list of code words … these are words that when you hear candidates, particularly Republican candidates, utter these words, they are really just euphemisms for raaaaaacist language.  So here, for your displeasure, is a list of the racist code words:"...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blackfive   "Joe Biden's spineless drivel aside, most SEALs that I have spoken to (Active Duty and Reservists) are NOT HAPPY that the details of the raid to capture or kill bin Laden were divulged and now we know what unit rescued the hostages in Somalia.  Identifying the unit after direct action was something that no one has done before to such a level of disregard for the safety of the men of that unit and their families.
"Leif Babin, a highly decorated SEAL, in the WSJ expresses the same sentiment that I have heard over and over again..."