Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sen. Marco Rubio's address on U.S. foreign policy

Human Events   "Finally, the nations in the region see Syria as a test of our continued willingness to lead in the Middle East. If we prove unwilling to provide leadership, they will conclude that we are no longer a reliable security partner, and will decide to take matters into their own hands. And that means a regional arms race, the constant threat of armed conflict, and crippling fuel prices here at home due to instability. The most powerful and influential nation in the world cannot ask smaller, more vulnerable nations to take risks while we stand on the sidelines. We have to lead because the rewards for effective leadership are so great."

Video here of Sen. Rubio's remarks

Picking a Veep in a Post-Palin World  Romney may seek competence over flair. "The times have changed. Many senior Republican politicos, including some who were burned by the Palin backlash, are now urging Mitt Romney to consider inside-the-Beltway experience as a plus rather than a minus as he mulls his veep pick. Mild-mannered federal lawmakers with long résumés are in; fiery rising stars are out.

“Who you pick reflects on you, the nominee,” says Sara Fagen, a former White House political director for President George W. Bush. “People will often care more about the judgment of the nominee than the actual pick. The perception was that Sarah Palin wasn’t able to be president. Whether that is fair or unfair, that was the perception. Mitt Romney faces a higher level of scrutiny than previous nominees.” "

Economic Self-Deportation: Mexicans Leaving the U.S., No Longer Just Because of La Migra

Feet in 2 Worlds  "Mexico is bracing for the consequences of the U.S. economic crisis. Among these is an increase in Mexican immigrants going back to their home country — chased away by the lack of jobs north of the U.S.-Mexico border, the general economic downturn, as well as tougher enforcement of immigration laws.
"Antonio García Conejo, an official from the Mexican state of Michoacán, is one of those pointing to a dramatic increase in Mexicans leaving the U.S. and returning home."

Holocaust Remembrance Day in the era of Obama (Updated 4/26)

Wiesel Warns Obama of Evil; Obama Announces Atrocities Prevention Board; "Armed with new bureaucracy, fact sheets, and sanctions, the president gave part stump speech, part remembrance at somber Holocaust memorial event."
Today wasn’t the first time that Wiesel, 83, has called out a president during a joint appearance at the Holocaust memorial. In 1993, he told President Clinton that “we must do something to stop the bloodshed” in Bosnia.Today, Wiesel reminded Obama about the dangers of evil unchallenged.“It could have been prevented,” Wiesel said. “The greatest tragedy in history could have been prevented had the civilized world spoken up, taken measures in 1939, ‘40, ‘41, ‘42. Each time, in Berlin, Goebbels and the others always wanted to see what would be the reaction in Washington and London and Rome, and there was no reaction so they felt they could continue.”
Want to hear what a Ron Paul supporter thinks of this? Here: Obama Promotes Genocide at Holocaust Museum
"I would like to send you a message, President Obama.  Please stop using the term “we” when announcing your plans for further genocidal slaughter in the Middle East.  You see, when you use the term “we”, you are implicating me and a majority of Americans, who oppose the Israeli Zionist conquest of the Middle East for the capture of its wealth. "We want Ron Paul as our president.  We want the dual citizen Israeli Americans removed from our government.  We want our Republic back so that we can reestablish our country as the peace loving nation it was meant to be."God help us to stop the Zionists from slaughtering any more innocents in this world."
Commenter "Jack" posted this comment in the above site and to this date has received no rebuttal:
The ‘Holohoax Industry’, that little piece of ‘history’ that needs laws to protect it from scrutiny. I bet the old jug eared illegal alien earned some brownie points from his Jewish handlers for paying homage to the paper mache props and other nonsense this dump contains.  
"Holohoax" Get that? We can fully expect a Ron Paul endorsement from the Iranians any day now.

UPDATE. : Our MIA president  "And war inches nearer when the leader of the free world opts not to lead. Even if a preoccupied U.S. electorate doesn’t notice, the rest of the world does. They notice when Syrian protesters rise against their terrorist-supporting dictator … and the U.S. does nothing. When Iran thumbs its nose at U.N. sanctions, accelerates its nuclear program and threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz … and the U.S. does nothing. When North Korea reneges on its food-for-peace deal and launches a long-range missile … and the U.S. does nothing.
"America’s adversaries seem to be running wild. And rolling eggs, watching basketball and hitting the links won’t make it go away. Nature abhors a vacuum. And when American leadership is MIA, far uglier and more sinister forces are only too eager to fill the void."

Oh, by the way... Obama sidesteps recognition of Armenian genocide as president — again    However, "I doubt Romney will be any different: Turkey is crucially important right now as an ally with respect to Syria and as a potentially moderating influence on the new Islamist regimes in the Middle East. If you alienate them, you’re weakening your hand in the region at a moment when things are even nuttier and less stable than usual. Orwellian semantics goes a long way in this case. Awful, but there it is."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Discussion points when talking with a liberal

Your Obama reelection cheat sheet  "I’m going to try to build a little cheat sheet that Nealz Nuze readers can use when then get into the inevitable arguments with voters involved in the national suicide pact to reelect Barack Obama.  For the first portion of the cheat sheet I’m going to rely for the most part on some data gleaned from a column by U.S. News & World Report editor Mort Zuckerman.

"Here are your talking points."
...."OK … that’s a start.  We’ll work on gathering more statistics and expanding this list.  Now you’re not going to get a lot of converts face-to-face, but there’s always the possibility that some Obama myrmidon, when faced with these facts, will have a second thought when they actually walk into a voting booth.  Forward this to all your friends .. especially friends (Remindamom?) who still think Obama is actually good for this country." Neal Boortz
Important Issues

Talking with a Liberal about Politics  "A conservative encounters an elitist liberal. A pleasant conversation ensues. This is that conversation."

Gadsden, Alabama, this was posted for you a few days ago:

Gadsden, Alabama in the Civil War
This is the second tribute to a home of a regular Tunnel Wall reader. The other was about Shakopee, Minnesota a couple of weeks ago. TD

Letter from a friend and a Tunnel Wall reader

At first I planned to attach this to a related post, but this letter seemed too good to me not to just use it as a standalone post. Ron has been, well, a "foxhole buddy" as we stood together in a number of printed debates with those of the left. Let's hope you appreciate Ron's words as much as I. "Just words?" I think not. TD

Ron's letter:
I am firmly convinced that this is the most important election of our lifetime and that we need to do all we can to stir thoughts in the minds of likely voters.  I don't give a hoot about those who sound off, but will not vote and I don't care about those who are silent and believe that their vote doesn't count anyway.  My youngest brother lives in Australia, where they are required to vote or be fined.  I strongly disagree with that approach.  I believe that there are many people out there that simply shouldn't vote.  I mean that sincerely.  If you honestly don't care what happens and can't be bothered to make up your mind about where this country should stand on the critical issues of our times, you are the last person that I want going into that voting booth and making a ballot.  

I am not one to pass along many internet messages, especially to my friends who already are conservative constitutionalists, and I don't want to annoy those who are firmly "leftist" and will be more determined to vote because I annoyed them with emails about their favorite politician.  I believe that the people who really care about where we are headed will get informed about the candidates and get out and vote.  In fact, Dick Morris says that everyone is looking at the polls of "registered voters" and he points out that those polls are invalid.  What he watched are the polls of "likely voters" because registered voters who are not likely voters won't vote anyway.  He also points out that (historically) "undecided voters" who have not made up their minds at this point in a presidential election year will likely not vote for the incumbent.  This gives me hope.  He says that the election is going to go strongly against Obama.  I pray that he is right.

President Obama and his cabinet have trampled on the Constitution and it is time to get them out.  The audacity of our President, lecturing the Supreme Court about how far their authority goes and cautioning them to not overstep their bounds was infuriating to me.  If the SCOTUS does not strike down at least the individual mandate of Obamacare, I will be shocked beyond belief. 

I am over in Germany right now, working with some of my former colleagues, teaching intelligence analysts at the NATO School and had a very long and interesting dialogue with a couple of Canadian colleagues last night over dinner.  Canadians believe they understand our system and sometimes want to offer us advice, but when you get right down to it, they don't fully understand and they react to what the media is telling them.  I have reread  The Federalist Papers within the past year and have spent more time actually digesting what is behind the motives of the actions taken by the Obamacrats.  I am writing more frequently to my two Senators (Murray and Cantwell), so they can't totally ignore that there are constituents out there that disagree with the votes they are casting and the perspectives they are promulgating to their electorate.
Keep up the good work with the TW.
Cordially and Respectfully,

Obama's come-uppance from Elie Wiesel during self-serving visit to Holocaust Museum

Leo Rennert  "During the last three years, President Obama did not visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.  But today, he did; and promptly gave a self-serving campaign speech for Jewish votes."
"In introducing Obama, Wiesel asked why "world leaders," presumably including Obama, have not "learned anything" from the Holocaust.
" "How is it that Assad is still in power?" Wiesel asked.  "How is it that the Holocaust's No. 1 denier is still a president?  He who threatens to use nuclear weapons - to use nuclear weapons - to destroy the Jewish state.  We must know that when evil has power, it is almost too late."
"Directly addressing Obama, Wiesel declared: "Mr. President, we are here in this place of memory.  Israel cannot not remember.  And because it remembers, it must be strong, just to defend its own survival and its own destiny." "
 Obama’s disingenuous Holocaust speech  "All of that said, the speech was somewhat grotesque and hugely hypocritical. Of course, for Obama it always begins with him.:"
" "So I created the first-ever White House position dedicated to this task. It’s why I created a new Atrocities Prevention Board, to bring together senior officials from across our government to focus on this critical mission. This is not an afterthought.” That’s it — another committee! But it’s not an afterthought, mind you. And another report!"  Emphases added.

The White House ‘whitewashing’ of the Muslim Brotherhood, founders of al-Qaeda and Hamas

Monday, April 23, 2012

Alan Caruba: Blamer-in-Chief and related Obama antics

Warning Signs  "It is worth recalling the financial crisis occurred in September 2008 in the final months of Bush’s second term.

At the time:The Dow Jones closed at 12,621.77The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
"George W. Bush's economic policies set a record of 52 straight months of job growth. So, Obama is not only trying to distract voters from the actual facts, but lying about them as well."  Emphasis added.

"Even the deficits that have grown under his administration weren’t his fault. In November 2011, he said “Obviously, this (reducing government waste) is even more important given the deficits that we’ve inherited and that have grown as aconsequence of the recession.” 
"The key word here is “inherited.” "
"OBAMA'S FIFTEEN EFFING EFF-UPSHere is a small sample:
  1. Obama's Justice Department’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Ignoring his constitutional responsibility to defend laws passed by Congress.
  1. Firing (and slandering) AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin
  2.  after because he was investigating Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson a friend of the Obamas.
The Astute Bloggers:  Free Obama!  


OK, say Obama does not plan to fight for the pictured policies. But you can be sure those who do advocate these things will be voting for Obama because he's their man. TD

Victor Davis Hanson: It Was the Power, Stupid!

Victor Davis Hanson "In my dumber days, between 2001-2008, I used to wonder why the Left relentlessly hammered the war on terror (e.g., renditions, tribunals, predators, preventative detention, Patriot Act, intercepts, wiretaps, Guantanamo Bay) when these measures had not only proven quite useful in preventing another 9/11-like attack, but had been sanctioned by both the Congress and the courts. In those ancient times, I was not as cynical as I am now. So I assumed that Harold Koh and, though mistaken, were worried about civil liberties, or measures that they felt were both illegal and without utility.

"But, of course, the Obama (who attacked each and every element of the war on terror as a legislator and senator) Left never had any principled objection at all. Instead, whatever Bush was for, they were in Pavlovian fashion against. I can say that without a charge of cynicism, because after January 2009, Obama embraced or expanded every Bush-Cheney protocol that he inherited. In response, the anti-war Left simply kept silent, or indeed vanished, or went to work extending the anti-terrorism agenda. Guantanamo Bay, in other words, was a national sin until the mid-morning of January 20, 2009."

If I wanted America to fail....

"I’m not including that many reading assignments today … because I want to make sure you have the time to watch this video.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take the time to watch."   Neal Boortz

Another claim that Obama is a/the messiah (forgive me for not capitalizing the "M")
Michelle Obama: 'This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light'  "The crowd of nearly 450 folks applauded as the first lady likened her husband to a Jesus-like figure. "In the book of Matthew, we read, "the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." (Matthew 4:16) The phrase is used to describe the words Jesus preached. 
"In Micah, light, however, is a reference to God's words. "Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me," it says in Micah 7:8."

Add this video to the above and see where all this is going. Who could possibly vote against an icon like this? I thought worship like this could only exist in North Korea.
Michelle Malkin: No More ‘Mr. Obama Is a Nice Guy’

"Conservatives of good will who’ve watched President Obama brutalize his enemies have one question for the nice-guy niceties: Why, GOP, why?"

  • ....Remember when he sneered at millions who turned out for the nationwide Tax Day tea-party protests in 2009: “You would think they’d be saying ‘thank you.’”
  • Remember when he taunted GOP leaders: “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
  • Remember when he told Republicans to shut up during the stimulus debate: “I want them just to get out of the way” and “don’t do a lot of talking.”
  • Remember when he outrageously insinuated before the 2010 midterms that conservatives were racist: He called critics of his amnesty policies “enemies” who needed to be “punished” by Latino voters because they were not “the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”
  • Remember when he remained silent about his surrogates’ misogynistic attacks on GOP vice-presidential candidate and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
  • Remember when he remained silent about the vulgar rallying cry of Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa, who introduced Obama at a Detroit Labor Day rally by urging union members to work against Republicans and “take these son of a bitches out.”
  • Romney’s surrogates insist that conservatives should “stick to the issues.” But Obama’s by-any-means-necessary ruthlessness is an issue. As the Chiffon margarine commercial said, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” And it’s not nice to delude the American electorate in the name of comity, politesse, and simpering civility."
Yet the conventional wisdom says Obama is well-liked and it is unwise to attack him personally; that one must stick to the issues only. That worked so well for John McCain, didn't it?