Legal Insurrection "Since the rise of the Tea Party movement in the spring of 2009, the movement has been the target of Democratic politicians and supportive media.
"The Tea Party was called un-American and terrorists for showing up at health care town halls and voicing an opinion.
"The Tea Party movement was called racist without basis, often based on false and misleading videos put out by groups like Think Progress, and even as non-white leaders in the Republican Party rose from and with the support of the Tea Party movement.
"MSNBC and particularly Chris Matthews have devoted endless hours to inventing “dog whistles” supposedly blown by the Tea Party movement.
With every violent act in the news, the media search began for a Tea Party connection to confirm the now-failed ”eliminationist narrative.” Sometimes the connection was invented out of thin air, and then amplified by the media, as in the cases of the Gabby Giffords and Aurora movie theater shootings.
"There has been an unrelenting assault on the Tea Party movement by Democrats and the media. Sometimes establishment Republicans piled on, but they were the tail on the Tea Party-hating Democratic-media dog.
Is it any wonder that “low level” IRS employees took it on themselves to target Tea Party-related groups? And is it any wonder that senior level officials knew about it?
"Those IRS employees simply reaped the hatred of the Tea Party sown by Democrats and the media."
Here is an example of how the media creates hatred of conservatives:
"Law and Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population I wrote at that time:
We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA partiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?
If you watched last night's episode of Law and Order Criminal Intent, you might have noticed the show's most recent dig at conservatives.