Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown

Heritage  "President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown.
"At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama is so intent on protecting his unpopular, unworkable, and unfair health care law that he’d prefer to keep the government closed.
"Mr. President, here’s a five-point plan to end the government shutdown—using some of your favorite phrases."....More.
The American people need a leader, not a lecturer.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Barack Obama Quote Against Raising the Debt Limit-Truth!

Truth or Fiction  "This is a forwarded email of an allege quotation by Barak Obama when he was serving in the U.S. Senate about raising the debt limit.

"The quote is:
 "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
"In January, I asked then-White House press secretary Robert Gibbs about those comments and that vote, given the president’s belief that the debt ceiling needs to be raised in May.
"Gibbs said it was OK for then-Senator Obama to have cast that vote, since the outcome was guaranteed."  Emphasis in the original.

Andrew C. McCarthy; Senator Barack Obama Explaining his 2006 Vote Against Raising the Debt Limit  "At the time, Senator Obama was urging Congress not to tolerate an increase that would bring the debt ceiling to $9 trillion. Under President Obama, the debt ceiling has been raised to $14.3 trillion. Even without counting most unfunded liabilities, the national debt is now calculated to be nearing $14.1 trillion. It increases about $4.22 billion per day (each citizen’s share stands at roughly $45K). Thus, Democrats will soon demand that the debt ceiling be raised, lest the sky fall. When they do, they will be asking for a significant boost in a ceiling that is already 60 percent higher than the one Barack Obama said was “a sign of leadership failure” five years ago."

Biden Launches New Imaginary Gun Buyback Initiative

The Peoples Cube
"Inspired by the "Toy Gun" buyback program recently initiated by Hayward California's Strobridge Elementary School principal Charles Hill, Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to announce today White House backing of a new "Imaginary Gun" buyback program.

" 'We have been plagued by a recent rash of imaginary gun incidents in our nation's schools," said Biden spokesman Aldous Orwell. "Children live in terror because of rampant imagination."

"Step One of the program would entail registration of imaginary weapons in a National Imaginary Terror Weapon Information Tracking System (NITWITS). Educators will help students fill out a form from NITWITS to see if their imaginations are producing unacceptable thoughts involving a weapon of any kind."....
" 'Little boys shouldn't be imagining shooting a gun or fighting a dragon," explained Orwell. "A six-year-old should be examining his sexual orientation...." 

Reading list: 'We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting'...( See if you can find the word "petulant" somewhere in this post)

Via Drudge; PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game   "The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause."
“ 'It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
"The Republicans, fighting with smaller-bore weaponry, keep trying to get some things reopened with carefully targeted legislation. The Senate, under the thumbs of Sen. Harry Reid and the White House, refuses to budge from the trivial and the petty."
Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.
Thomas Sowell; Who Shut Down the Government?   "There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going — except for Obamacare."

Case in point: WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut
"But the barriers are still at the memorial, and they've been reinforced. This morning, I walked by the memorial and noticed that wires had been used to tie the fences together:"
View image on Twitter

Closure of War Memorials Continues to Cause Conflict   "News4's Mark Segraves said two U.S. Park Service Rangers manning the gate asked that the group respect the government's shutdown but moved aside.
"Segraves described the exchange as pleasant and respectful."

Comment posted by: spahrkl, 10/4/2013 4:13:05 PM   Via Lucianne
He closed down the Normandy Park!
What a vicious individual Obama. To close this park is purely ugly. Now France and the world now see what a puny little man this Obama really is.

This Is All About a Petulant President  "In the showdown over the shutdown of the U.S. government, the Obamaites tipped their hand yesterday as what their strategy is.
"Taking a page out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," the plan is to maximize the people's pain — to maximize the political damage to the enemy, the Republican Party."  Patrick J. Buchanan

Oh, That Punitive Liberalism

PJ Media  Laurel documented the other day the extreme language and demonization of Republicans coming from the highest levels of the Democratic Party, The new civility: Dems turn public debate into schoolyard taunts:
1. “Unhinged” Arsonists (Wasserman-Schultz)
2. Insane People Who “Have Lost their Minds” (Harry Reid)
3. “People with a Bomb Strapped to their Chest” (aka Terrorists)(Dan Pfeiffer)
4. Blatant Extortionists (Jay Carney)
5. “Legislative Arsonists” (Nancy Pelosi)
"No longer is it just the deeper reaches of the left-blogosphere, it’s the ranking Democratic members of the House and Senate, and the White House, trying to paint Republicans as criminals."....
The National Park Service, which has somehow become the unofficial goon squad of American liberalism, reversed course and let American World War II vets visit the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C. This is obviously good news. (I was waiting to see if Steven Spielberg would come out with a new Obama-friendly director’s cut of Saving Private Ryan in which the old guy at the end is dragged off in cuffs before he can reach Tom Hanks’s grave.)


Observing the culture

‘Catholic’ College Profs Demand Abortion, but Advocate Dolphin ‘Personhood’ "Dolphins deserve “personhood” and human babies deserve subsidized killing. At many institutes of “higher learning,” such a position would hardly raise eyebrows. But at an ostensibly Catholic university?"
"Among the more than 150 total signatures on the demand is that of Professor Tom White, who has called for dolphins to be recognized as “persons.' ”

From one out-of-control pop star to another Sinead O’Connor to Miley Cyrus: “I am extremely concerned for you that those around you have led you to believe, or encouraged you in your own belief, that it is in any way ‘cool’ to be naked and licking sledgehammers in your videos. It is in fact the case that you will obscure your talent by allowing yourself to be pimped, whether it’s the music business or yourself doing the pimping.”
However: Rappers Rally for Miley Cyrus "Cyrus, who will host and perform on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" this week, has been the girl of the moment for months now."
137352 600 US Exceptionalism cartoons

10 Porniest Fall Flicks: Hollywood’s Sleazy Season Opens  "So this fall, Hollywood’s given free reign to its chief obsession. Whether it’s dolled up as “art” like “Blue is the Warmest Color” or aiming for a cheap, feel-good laugh like “Don Jon,” Tinsel Town’s lack of creative imagination makes it seem like writers, producers and directors have no choice but to return to sex again and again. Luckily, audiences do have a choice."

Barack Obama: A Divider, Not a Uniter

"Obama's biggest failing has been his inability to build relationships and make deals on Capitol Hill."

National Journal
Mr. President,
We thought you were different, but you turned out to be like all the others. You promised hope and change, but we trust government even less than before. You offered a new brand of post-partisan governing, but the red states and blue states are farther apart than ever.
Washington was a mess when you arrived in January of 2009, but by breaking your promises and, frankly, our hearts, you made it worse.You vowed to ban lobbyists from the White House only to sneak them in through loopholes.          
You barred corporate donations to the first inauguration but let the special interest money rain down the second time around. You even learned to love super PACs.
How could you?
Hopeless and Changed (for the worse)

"The Obama brand was presented to American public as a new and unifying force in American politics, but he's turned out to be an absolutely conventional politician," said Republican consultant Kevin Madden, who advised Mitt Romney's unsuccessful presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012. "He's been very divisive."
"This week's government shutdown represents a new low in Washington, reinforcing how little gets done and everyone hates each other. And while polls show that Republicans in Congress still get more of the blame, Americans are increasingly pointing the finger at the Oval Office."

That has not been evident in a Fox News poll that gives more blame to the Republicans than it does to the vicious Harry Reid by a long shot. But then...

...."Obama's tendency to impugn Republican motives--instead of attributing conflict to a different view of the federal government's role or contrasting economic philosophy--has helped erode what little good will was left between the two parties when he took office."

Iran's Rouhani Boasts: I Rejected Obama Five Times

Big Peace   "Rouhani said:
"Before my trip (to New York), the Americans had sent 5 messages to arrange a meeting between me and Obama, but I turned them down."
"Then they raised a plan for a brief meeting, but I didn’t agree (with it) much; we didn’t disagree with (the idea to have) a meeting, but its grounds weren’t prepared."
"The Iranian leader also said that he had achieved his mission at the UN "to prevent a new war in the region," and he mocked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his strident speech earlier in the week, saying that Israel is merely frustrated that its own power has declined as Iran's power has grown."....

Iran’s Rulers and the Art of the DealWith victories like these, who needs defeats? "Deceiving your enemy has never been difficult, but these days, it seems, Americans are eager to deceive themselves. For example, on Friday Politico ran the headline: “For Obama, finally, a foreign policy win.” Specifically: “Obama became the first American president in 34 years to speak directly with his Iranian counterpart. . . . Obama touted the progress his team has made negotiating on Syria and the opening of talks with Iran, the nation’s nemesis for two generations.' ”
Iran unveils short-range reconnaissance drone   "It resembles the American ScanEagle, an unmanned short-range aerial surveillance vehicle that Iran claimed to have captured in late 2012. However, Iranian officials did not mention the US drone on Saturday."
A handout picture released by Iran's ISNA news agency shows the new Iranian-made highly mobile propellant-powered reconnaissance drone named "Yasseer", in Tehran, on September 28, 2013
A handout picture released by Iran's ISNA news agency shows
 the new Iranian-made highly mobile propellant-powered
reconnaissance drone named "Yasseer", in Tehran, on
September 28, 2013

Everything We Know About Miriam Carey, The Woman Killed After A Car Chase On Capitol Hill

Buzzfeed  "As of Thursday night, we have more questions than answers as to why a 34-year-old dental hygienist engaged with police and the Secret Service on the steps of the Capitol building."
"The cop looks into the death scene, into the car named — too aptly — Infiniti. In his arms is the baby of the woman the police shot. We are shielded by pixilation from having to see the expression on the baby's face."
Let's see the look on his face when Al Sharpton cuts loose on him through his bullhorn and the death threats start coming in.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Storming the Barricades in Washington

Heritage  "Americans are justifiably angry over the political game being played by the Obama administration to barricade the World War II Memorial in Washington. And they should be. Under federal law, there is no justifiable reason for closing the memorial.
"On Tuesday, the National Park Service put up barricades around the open-air memorial that is normally accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even when Park Service personnel are not there. Police threatened to arrest visiting veterans, who came to Washington as part of Honor Flight, a non-profit that gives veterans free transportation so they can see war memorials.
World War II Memorial (Credit: KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images/Newscom)
"In an action that defies logic and any appreciation for the deep sacrifices of these veterans, more Park Service employees were dispatched by the Obama administration on Wednesday morning to re-erect the barriers — “two more security officials than the State Department had in Benghazi a year ago on the night of the terrorist attack that killed four, including the U.S. ambassador,” according to the Washington Examiner."

Hah! “Barrycade” enters Urban Dictionary

Legal Insurrection  "Tuesday night Mandy wrote a post, WWII Vets storm Barry-cades, regarding the absurdity of the Obama administration erecting barricades in open spaces for no reason other than to hassle Veterans at the World War II Memorial.
"The term Barry-cade, and its acceptable variant Barrycade, became hits on Twitter (here and here)."

American Glob
"I first heard the term Barrycade at Legal Insurrection and Twitchy.
"It’s now a matter of record in the Urban Dictionary which defines Barrycade as…":

Benjamin Netanyahu teaches Barack Obama how to lead on the world stage

UK Telegraph
"If you are looking for an antidote to last week’s awful mush-filled address to the UN General Assembly by Barack Obama, look no further than Benjamin Netanyahu’s powerful address to the same body. The American president’s speech was an embarrassment, recycling the propaganda claims made by the Iranian regime – "The Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has just recently reiterated that the Islamic Republic will never develop a nuclear weapon…' "
Via Lucianne.