Friday, October 25, 2013

Bill O’Reilly on Socialism and a Shocking New Book

OK, OK, you don't have to like O'Reilly to appreciate the substance of this report. For once he's plugging someone else's book instead of his own.

Noisy Room
..."People need to look at what is happening in our country and if they don’t start caring, they might not like the society their children and grandchildren will be forced to live in. A pervasive and unrelenting statist force is permeating our government at all levels – town, city, state and federal.

"There is a new book about the socialist and communist influences in our government which I would like to see everyone read. It’s called The Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. The information in the book is both shocking and undeniable, undeniable because it is very well-researched. To give you a glimpse into the book, I will share some of the reasons for the dramatic transformation of California as detailed in the book.

"The state has gone extremely far-left with LA County being most definitively so. How did it happen?"...Read more. 

"[Obama's] views are extreme and he is incapable of adjusting to reality in a pragmatic way.
"It is impossible to know what is in Mr. Obama’s heart but socialism is what he knows.
"President Obama is the son and grandson of Communists. He was mentored by Communist and pedophile, Franklin Marshall Davis who was hand-selected by Barack’s grandfather to guide him.
"In college, Mr. Obama hung out with the Chicanos, Marxist Professors, structural feminists."
"It is government theft of the shareholders’ money, pure and simple, and it’s not the kind of thing that should take place in a Capitalist nation.
"This is not what our nation was founded on and it is not a good place for us to go, or one day we will find that we have no rights or property of our own and we are wards of the State."

Pat Condell: There's no racist like a liberal racist

Youtube  " 'Progressive" used to mean socially enlightened and forward looking. Now it's just another word for a creepy liberal racist."  

Obamacare: we're laughing with it, not at it.

Just in time for Halloween: Health Care Horror Story  "The worms turn in the health care horror story. The president says ObamaCare isn’t just a website. He’s right. The problems go much deeper. Ezra Klein explains here.
131026 health care horror story
"The horror continues with the pitchman-in-chief’s claim that “if you like your doctor and your insurance – you can keep it”. The Daily Caller says more people have had their insurance cancelled than have signed up for ObamaCare. Florida Blue Cross cut 300,00 and Kaiser Permanente whacked 160,000 in California.

Health Care Horror Warranty

"Now along comes Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson with a new bill to hold the government to its warranty. He calls it the “If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep it Act“."  Chip Bok.

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

"Generation Opportunity brings their Creepy ObamaCare Uncle Sam character back for a Halloween-themed video and website makeover.  There’s just no escape from this many-tentacled Big Government terror!"....

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

139175 600 Obamacare Train cartoons

139065 600 Obamacare Salesman cartoons

Iran gives Christians 80 lashes for communion wine as UN blasts human rights record

Many Christians in Iran have been punished for violating theocratic laws as the government cracks down on house churches in the country
Benjamin Weinthal  "The four Christian Iranians sentenced to 80 lashes for violating Iran’s anti-alcohol law have ten days to appeal their verdict.
“ 'The sentences handed down to these members of the Church of Iran effectively criminalize the Christian sacrament of sharing in the Lord’s Supper and constitute an unacceptable infringement on the right to practice faith freely and peaceably,” Mervyn Thomas, chief executive of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, said."


Opponents of transgender rights law say signature-gathering efforts to repeal are “exploding”

SF Gate  "Republican Frank Schubert, the veteran strategist behind Prop. 8, says the signature-gathering effort to repeal a controversial law regarding transgender student services is “exploding” around California.
"The law sponsored by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano and signed by Governor Jerry Brown mandates that schools allow transgender students to use services, including bathrooms and sports teams, with which they sexually identify."

Privacy For All Students

Hat tip to The Andy Caldwell Show in Santa Maria, CA

Obamacare cancellations/ Kirsten Powers update

UPDATE: Twitchy: " ‘Not quite the way they sold it’: Kirsten Powers’ insurance premium skyrockets." 
"Twitchy has brought you the stories of many who have learned that even though they liked their insurance plan, all they got to keep was the cancellation notice and higher premiums. One high-profile person in that group is Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers, a Democrat who Thursday night told host Megyn Kelly of her own experience with Obamacare. 

The Hill: Conservative think-tank says ObamaCare to raise premiums dramatically for some young women  "The conservative American Action Forum (AAF) found that on average, a 30-year-old woman who does not smoke and buys health insurance on the individual market would see her cheapest available premium increase 193 percent." The Article

KOGO Radio, San Diego: Health insurance cancellation notices soar above Obamacare enrollment rates   "Hundreds of thousands of Americans who purchase their own health insurance have received cancellation notices since August because the plans do not meet Obamacare’s requirements.
"The number of cancellation notices greatly exceed the number of Obamacare enrollees."  NBC News posted:

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama

Illinois Review: Health Insurance companies raise rates, cancel policies as ObamaCare rolls out
 How Will ObamaCare Affect Medicare?  "There have been rumors that the ObamaCare plan will drastically cut payment to doctors by up to 21% and institute harsh draconian control over billing procedures of doctors participating in the Medicare plan. ... These cuts have been in the making long before ObamaCare ever became even a bit of hope but instead were developed in 2002 by the Clinton administration... These cuts have been deferred and as of present situation will continue to be deferred.

If we may digress: Sean Hannity's Call To Obamacare Hotline Gets Employee Fired   "Hannity promised Davis a one year tax-free salary of $26,000, as well as help her to find a new job so that she can continue to support her two children."


Never Again!

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals  ..."The Nuremberg trials showed that Germany's trend toward atrocity began with their progressive embrace of the Hegelian doctrine of "rational utility," where an individual's worth is in relation to their contribution to the state, rather than determined in light of traditional moral, ethical and religious values. As both the British commentator, Malcolm Muggeridge commented... “the origins of the Holocaust lay, not in Nazi terrorism and anti-Semitism, but in pre-Nazi Weimar Germany's acceptance of euthanasia and mercy-killing as humane and estimable..... "It took no more than three decades,” Muggeridge continued, “to transform a war crime into an act of compassion, thereby enabling the victors in the war against Nazism to adopt the very practices for which the Nazis had been solemnly condemned at Nuremberg."

"And today we face a similar philosophy of life when it comes to abortion. Millions of tiny unborn infants killed in the interests of the quality of life of others. We have learned nothing."
 Derek Thomas is an Alliance Council Member and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He is also the Minister of Teaching at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson

Liberal Radio Host: Ben Carson is GOP’s ‘Black Racial Hit Man’

Are there no depths to which the left will not sink in their desire for more and more power? Where is any sign of outrage from Democrats over what their talking heads say, from Harry Reid on down to Al Sharpton?

Mediaite  "During a segment on Al Sharpton’s radio show, author and regular co-host Earl Ofari Hutchinson identified GOP rising star Ben Carson as a “black racial hit man” for conservative views..."

“ 'Now, I think Ben Carson fits into the plan,” he continued. “You take someone who, on the surface, has a compelling life story. Many people know that. is the black racial hit man.' ”
They’ve read his book, they heard him lecture over time. They know his tremendous accomplishments as a medical professional, overcoming many odds. So, he’s almost tailor-made to be the stalking horse, to say stupid things, to say dumb things, but more importantly, to say very, very pointed things. In other words, he’s almost—no, not almost, he...."

Rather than being proud of Dr. Carson and his life, Hutchinson meets with others on the left to discuss how they can destroy the man. The tolerance and civility of liberals on display and amplified by MSNBC.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Hill of Hypocrisy

This Facebook page is about the speaker, Katie Pavlich, mentioned in Prof. Adams' article below and is more up to date:
Free Speech: Fight Censorship at UNC "Hear the speakers that UNC Student Congress tried to BLOCK from campus!
" Journalists Katie Pavlich and Ann McElhinney will speak about the importance of free speech and the people who want to silence dissent.

        When: 10/28/2013
        Where: UNC Hamilton 100
        Time: Doors open at 6:30p. Starts at 7:00p.

Prof. Mike Adams  "For those who haven't yet heard, Katie [Pavlich] was invited by the College Republicans to speak at UNC-CH. But the folks in student government said she was "non-intellectual" and had "no value" as a speaker. So they refused to fund her speech and gave it to some feminists and anarchists instead. (Please pardon any redundancy in that last sentence)."
"I agree with the UNC-CH student government. Katie is a non-intellectual with no value as a speaker. .... I shared a number of examples with Katie. Just in case you're a conservative woman seeking an audience at UNC-CH, I'm sharing these tips with you, free of charge."

"Dress up as a six foot vagina." ...."Katie could have borrowed that costume and even given her speech wearing it. She would have looked every bit as intellectual as an Appalachian State feminist."...

"Drop your guns and celebrate "kick ass" feminism."..."If a feminist intellectual recommends a vigilante course of action, you know it has to be sound."

"Tell UNC feminists that some handguns can also be used as sex toys.  A few years ago, UNC Chapel Hill decided that "orgasm awareness week" was of enough intellectual value to merit funding from the university.".... 

"Dress up as a gorilla and throw bananas at the audience."...our women's center paid for a group called the Gorilla Girls to come to campus. They were some serious intellectuals. They dressed up in gorilla costumes and threw bananas at audience members."...

"Fly in on a private jet.  Arianna Huffington was paid $12,500 to fly into UNC - Wilmington on a private jet. During her tree hugging feminist speech, she lectured the audience about driving SUVs and wasting precious gasoline."
Pavlich and Andrew Breitbart
"Stop wearing makeup and shaving your arm pits." ...These UNC feminists are tough on good looking women. They have a real disdain for makeup and razor blades."

Read the full article here. I'll be asking you questions about it this weekend, and I don't bluff.

Katie Pavlich columns/
Katie Pavlich is the News Editor at Follow her on Twitter @katiepavlich. She is also the author of the New York Times Best Seller Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats? Some say that's a phony story.

Liberals are "chickifying" the NFL, why not the Marines as well? 
Fox News; Pentagon  "A change to the Marine Corps' uniform hats could leave hard-nosed Leathernecks looking a lot less macho.

"According to the New York Post, President Obama's plan to create a "unisex" look for the Corps has officials on the verge of swapping out the Marines' iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so "girly" that they would make the French blush.

" 'We don't even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women's hats!" one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. "The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous.' "  NY Post article.
“The Marine Corps is being ‘encouraged’ by DoD to standardize on a unisex/universal dress and service cap,” Marine brass noted in an internal memo obtained by The Post. 

"As a Marine veteran who knows how these changes actually happen, I can tell you the story is 100% B.S. The bottom line: The President doesn't involve himself in what troops happen to be wearing.
"But just to make sure, I called Headquarters Marine Corps and a spokesperson confirmed that the process for making changes to Marine uniforms hasn't changed since I last left the service in 2010."
"The President in no way, shape, or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover," said Capt. Maureen Krebs, a spokesperson for the Marine Corps. "We're looking for a new cover for our female Marines for the primary reason that the former manufacturer went out of business. The Marine Corps has zero intention of changing the male cover."

"If there's someone to blame about a change in a uniform, the buck would stop at Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos, who has the final say."

The fact that hordes of us are willing to believe such things may show our gullibility, but it reveals much more the low opinion so many have of Barack Obama as a commander-in-chief.
If for political reasons he should want a more politically correct uniform, he certainly has the power to make that happen. We have seen many occasions where Obama has used our military as pawns and for photo ops, the most distasteful to me being the photo of him saluting coffins of fallen soldiers after he was first elected.
This story may be untrue, but it would fit the pattern we have come to expect of  Bill Ayres' ally and other Democrats who speak of their loathing for the military, pictured here with Mr. Obama.  The Tunnel Dweller

 Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA.

A Deficit of Stories; As much as think tanks, we need storytelling tanks — and a way to disperse the stories far and wide

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE    "How did it happen? How did we wake up one day to find ourselves cast as the bad guys for trying to save future generations from a lifetime of indebtedness? Why are we punished for pointing out that if we keep spending more money than we take in, we won’t continue to be a great country? Why do Americans view the Republican party more negatively than they view Democrats, when it’s Democrats who gave us Detroit? And Democrats who might soon turn America into Detroit?
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"Our net debt is now nearly 90 percent of our GDP, compared with Canada’s debt, which is 35 percent of its GDP, and France’s, which is 86 percent of its GDP, as Mark Steyn pointed out in a recent column on NRO. And we’re the bad guys? When you add up all of our debts and obligations, every American family is on the hook to creditors for nearly $750,000. And the government shutdown was the problem?

"How did that happen?"

‘What Do America’s College Students Want? They Want to Be Oppressed’

"What do we want?"
     "To be oppressed!"
"When do we want it?"

PJ Media

"At the point, someone on the left will likely say that the Tea Party is an attempt to create a similar fervor on the right. But the Tea Party has a very different mission: they’re not trying to ban everyone’s lightbulbs, jack the price of gasoline up to sky-high European levels, and make everyone drive a Prius or ride “intercontinental high-speed rail” as the president calls one of his many boondoggle FDR-era retread big government projects. They want the government to leave everyone alone.  (And their detachment from the self-imposed oppression of the global warming doomsayers is a reminder that a little distance is always a good thing.) "