Saturday, August 30, 2014

Harry Reid's Alma Mater Strips His Name from Building

Image: Harry Reid's Alma Mater Strips His Name from Building
... "This is a conservative base in Southern Utah and many people in southern Nevada also feel the same way," Cozzens said. "These people in Nevada do not espouse to Reid's political philosophies, and they told me they would not support the university or send any more of their children there, and this was coming from people who had already sent children to SUU, so long as Harry Reid's name remained."
Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, CA

NRO: Harry Reid’s Alma Mater Removes His Name from Building    “They thought there would substantial donations from Harry Reid’s friends,” Wyatt told the newspaper. “But there has never been any money donated for that purpose.”

Fox News video agrees    "Cedar City Councilman Paul Cozzens told The Specter he received $40,000 in pledges to remove the Nevada senator’s name in just five days."



D'Souza: ISIS Shows What Happens in a World Without US

Breitbart    “ 'When I came up with the subtitle for the book and the film, which is ‘America: Imagine a World without Her’ I truly meant it as a hypothetical ... let’s imagine, let’s envision what the world might look like if American influence begins to be diminished, begins to be subtracted.  Well, gee, we don’t actually have to imagine because that’s what Obama’s doing” he stated.

"And “when American leadership subsides, this [the current state of foreign affairs] is kind of what we have to learn to expect.”

"D’Souza also criticized the media for failing to hold Obama accountable for his foreign policy failures, declaring “in this country the media, the mainline media has not been holding Obama accountable, the guy has actually been on a six year honeymoon,” adding that “there is a desperate desire on the part of many in the media that this first African-American president not fail.' ” 

Voters who chose Dinkins, Obama and De Blasio produce what kind of results?

*Oct 20 - 00:05*
33% Rise in NYC Murders Under Bill “Soft on Crime” de Blasio    "Who could have predicted that electing a Dinkins aide whose only calling card was viral videos made by his obnoxious son and junkie daughter running on a 70s platform of class warfare, racial tensions and empowering criminals would backfire?"
Last year, the Big Apple racked up 334 homicides in 365 days, the lowest in the city’s recorded history.
“This is the residual effect of de Blasio’s backlash against stop-and-frisk,’’ the source said. “Cops aren’t stopping people and taking guns off the street, which emboldens the criminals,” the source said.
Another veteran investigator agreed, saying, “Cops are reticent about making stops because they don’t want to get punished.”

"...Stop and Frisk was one of the best tools for controlling gang violence and protecting black communities.   
"Now Bill de Blasio has taken that tool away and violence is on the increase."

How New York’s New Gun Control Law Is Working Out (Hint: Not Great)   ...“ 'You can’t blame them [Remington] when a state’s welcoming you with open arms and your home [state], they’re kicking you out the door,” said laid off worker Corey Etwell.
Indeed. More regulations almost always end up meaning fewer jobs. But hey, all the numbers aren’t bad. Cuomo can advertise the fact he killed jobs but increased memberships for the National Rifle Association." ...

Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Andrew C. McCarthy    "For those of us who’ve been raising alarms about both the jihadist threat and the national-security vulnerability created by the Obama administration’s non-enforcement of the immigration laws, this is not a surprise — particularly less than two weeks before September 11. But it is nonetheless jarring to read  Judicial Watch has just put out this statement:
Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.  Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas.

  The Long Slow Flip-Flop Into Light    "Kerry is exhorting the world to rally itself into a grand coalition to battle ISIS, or ISIL, or whatever. Maybe agreeing on a name would be a useful first step for this coalition.

"Kerry's message of fear is totally at odds with Obama's message of numb complacency (which has the WaPo alarmed - do these guys even talk?) but it is Kerry's conclusion that leaves us laughing:" ...

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Why call those who fight for ISIS “Americans”?

They are not Americans; they are radical Muslims who currently live in America. I'd go one step further and ask are there any Muslims in this country who consider themselves "Americans"? I'd really like to know, please.

Legal Insurrection  "It’s really just common sense: “Americans” who leave this country to fight for ISIS, or any other country or entity or group who is our enemy, should no longer be referred to as “Americans” by the press.

"I know; fat chance. " ...
 ISIS iraq 7.25
... "the relevant statute is here. These portions seem especially apropos:

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—
(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or
(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or
(3) entering, or serving in, the armed forces of a foreign state if
(A) such armed forces are engaged in hostilities against the United States, or…
(7) committing any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States, violating or conspiring to violate any of the provisions of section 2383 of title 18, or willfully performing any act in violation of section 2385 of title 18, or violating section 2384 of title 18 by engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, if and when he is convicted thereof by a court martial or by a court of competent jurisdiction.

"If we ignore them, I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month," he said in remarks quoted on Saturday by Asharq al-Awsat daily and Saudi-backed Al-Arabiya television station.

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Friday, August 29, 2014

Obama has a great round of golf; General Green not so much

no vacation

Funerals Show Obama Insensitivity and Hypocrisy  "Three funerals this month — of Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, Chicago student Shaquise Buckner, and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., tell us much about the Obama Administration’s attitudes toward the military and hypocrisy on issues of race.

"Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, the two star general assassinated in Afghanistan was the highest-ranking U.S. military officer killed in combat since the Vietnam War.

"One would think that the major general’s funeral would have merited attendance by the president or at least the vice president.

"Did the president attend or in his absence send his vice president?

"No. He was relaxing in Martha's Vineyard.

"He sent Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno.

"The absence of the Commander-in-Chief or his Vice President was an insult and slap in the face to our military."

Also this comment sent by a friend in California (you may know him since he is the guy in that state who did not vote for Mr. Obama):

"Not only has Obama been unable to make any comment about the General’s sacrifice, he also was unable to find the time to make it to General Greene’s funeral, held on Thursday in Arlington National Cemetery.  Obama himself was conspicuously absent, but so were the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense.

"This is beyond outrageous, and should be taken as a blatant slap in the face of every military member and civilian that knows and understands the tradition, honor, and respect that comes with military service.  In what can only be a gross oversight, or else a belligerent middle-finger, Obama hasn’t even ordered flags to be flown at half-staff, like he did for the deaths of singer Whitney Houston, as well as the former communist and South African President Nelson Mandela.

"The activity that Obama thought more pressing than this hero’s funeral? Golfing."
Hat tip to Corporal Robert Hope, USMC; Sacramento, CA. Thanks, Jarhead

Snopes says the President did not break tradition by not attending the General's funeral

Not only has Obama been unable to make any comment about the General’s sacrifice, he also was unable to find the time to make it to General Greene’s funeral, held on Thursday in Arlington National Cemetery.  Obama himself was conspicuously absent, but so were the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense.

This is beyond outrageous, and should be taken as a blatant slap in the face of every military member and civilian that knows and understands the tradition, honor, and respect that comes with military service.  In what can only be a gross oversight, or else a belligerent middle-finger, Obama hasn’t even ordered flags to be flown at half-staff, like he did for the deaths of singer Whitney Houston, as well as the former communist and South African President Nelson Mandela.

The activity that Obama thought more pressing than this hero’s funeral? Golfing.

Who Was Missing From Acceptance Speeches at the Emmys and VMAs

The Daily Signal  "The MTV Video Music Awards and Emmy Awards this week offered pop culture fans a foretaste of awards season, which — say those who notice such things — kicks off in November.

"As the winners took the stage and clutched their trophies, they voiced immense gratitude to fans, producers, writers, agents, directors and so on.
Few, however, thanked God.

"Back in the day, it was almost commonplace for acceptance speeches in the televised awards shows to include thanks to God; arguably the practice waned but then was renewed after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, along with thanks to the first-responders and troops." ...

Social justice indoctrination in math class courtesy of Common Core

Math class common coreDanette Clark    "LOS ANGELES – To ensure that not a single minute of precious indoctrination time is wasted in the school day, liberal educators have incorporated brainwashing into every course subject, including math.

"Next month, the organization, Creating Balance in an Unjust World, will hold its annual conference on “math education and social justice”.

"The conference is sponsored by Radical Math, an organization founded by Jonathan Osler, a math and community organizing teacher at a Coalition of Essential Schools high school in Brooklyn, NY.
The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) is the progressive education reform movement expanded by President Obama and domestic terrorist William Ayers through their work with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge in the 90′s.

"As I explained here, Common Core ‘architect’ David Coleman’s Grow Network also worked with Chicago Public Schools, Obama, and Ayers during that time."...   Full article...

Hat tip to Rachel Cohen

Common Core math question for sixth graders: Was the 2000 election ‘fair’?

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics held a conference April 9-12 in New Orleans where they discussed:
“such crucial issues as formative assessment in the common core state standards, number and operations, social justice, teaching computational fluency with understanding, leveraging technology, and supporting new teachers.” [Emphasis added]
"Social Justice? During math?
"Delving into a couple of lessons just a bit:

math-300x194 (1)

Feminists’ Failure on Rotherham and the subservience to multi-culturalism

Feminists see “rape culture” in nail polish (and everywhere else) but now remain silent about real abuse.

... "Feminists of the vocal, bathe-in-male-tears sort find proof of “rape culture” all about: in newspaper satire, in ’80s movies, in the verb “to force.” So one would think news that between 1997 and 2013 at least 1,400 children in Rotherham, England, were victims of sexual exploitation would confirm the feminist narrative and ignite their righteous fury.

"Not so fast." ...
Why, you ask? Here is why:
It is hard not to interpret the feminist blogosphere’s silence on Rotherham as an indication of the movement’s ultimate lack of seriousness. Perhaps they are not interested in confronting the ethnic and religious homogeneity of many of the perpetrators: Emma and the majority of the 1,400 victims were abused by “Asian” men — i.e., Muslim men typically from Rotherham’s Pakistani community. Local government leaders, social services, and law enforcement — for fear of being labeled racist — ignored numerous reports they received.
Rotherham’s — and England’s — Shame.  
"The Muslim men who tortured more than 1,400 girls are criminals.  So are the authorities who covered it up."
"The motives of the exploiters, though vile, are not hard to understand. They plainly include both racism and sexism alongside the lust and cruelty enabled by their misogynistic culture. But what explains the silence, the acquiescence, even the cooperation of the authorities? Their motives seem to derive from the rich stew of progressive absurdities that constitute official attitudes in modern Britain. The first is the fear of being suspected of racism. Again and again the police and the social workers shrank from intervening or responding to complaints because to do so would invite the accusation that they were “racist.” Most people in the Muslim community were unaware of this criminal conspiracy (and, shocked and horrified like everyone else, they now condemn it). But when it was brought to the attention of  “community leaders,” they too played the race card to suppress further investigation. To uncover such scandal would be not only racist, it would commit a sin against the ideal of multiculturalism that now actuates much official policy."

Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Failures

Definition of grovel Bing Dictionary  
  • behave in servile way: to act in a servile way, showing exaggerated and false  respect in order to please somebody or out of fear
  • crawl: to crawl or lie face down on the ground in humility or fear
  • wallow: to indulge in something unworthy

    Jonathan Levin   "Do not be fooled by Hillary Clinton’s attempt to rehabilitate her term as Secretary of State ahead of the 2016 presidential election.  From 2009 to 2013, Clinton embodied U.S. foreign affairs even as President Obama’s avowed policy of self-effacement descended into listless, desultory abdication.  Notwithstanding her recent critiques of Obama’s performance, Clinton’s failures as Secretary of State helped bring war to Europe, an arms race to Asia, and inferno to the Middle-East.  The U.S. and its international standing are weaker for Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State." Read more:

    Lower corporate tax rates. Now.

    Charles Krauthammer

    "The Obama administration is highly exercised about “inversion,” the practice by which an American corporation acquires a foreign company and moves its headquarters out of the United States to benefit from lower tax rates abroad.

    "Not fair, says Barack Obama. It’s taking advantage of an “unpatriotic tax loophole” that hardworking American families have to make up for by the sweat of their brow. His treasury secretary calls such behavior a violation of “economic patriotism.' ”

    "Nice touch. Democrats used to wax indignant about having one’s patriotism questioned. Now they throw around the charge with abandon, tossing it at corporations that refuse to do the economically patriotic thing of paying the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world."