"Rioting. Slander. The wanton personal destruction of people known by their accusers to be innocent. In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows how events like the rioting in Ferguson do not occur in a vacuum, and how Progressives not only tolerate this lawlessness, this New Barbarism -- they teach it." ...
From the rioters on the street stealing car rims under the Progressively-sanctioned cover of so-called social justice; to inhuman attention-junkies who are perfectly happy to ruin the lives of people they perceive as political enemies, knowing full well they are innocent; through Leftist college professors who teach them that the truth and the law do not matter so long as the Progressive goals of identity politics are advanced; and right on up to the President and Attorney General, who use IRS intimidation of political enemies and simply dictate laws they cannot get passed – Progressivism is a philosophy of lawlessness, disregard for truth, contempt for individual lives and individual freedom. It is utter, total barbarism.