"On Monday, Maria Chappelle-Nadal, a Democratic state Senator representing Ferguson, Missouri, posted a $1000 reward for information regarding Facebook critics. According to Fox 2, racist, profane comments were allegedly posted about her on a pro-union Facebook page. Nadal, Fox 2 added, has a strong pro-labor voting record and was angry about the comments, which have since been removed.
" '$1000: If you can find out his union membership & who employs him (other than his bar)," she tweeted. "Must provide proof."
" 'What a lovely picture of Che Guevara on your page, @MariaChappelleN," said actor Nick Searcy, referring to the background she uses on Twitter. "Are there other Communist murderers you revere?"
" '[I]s it appropriate for a State Senator to offer bounty for identity of private citizen?" one person asked. While Chappelle-Nadal may think so, an attorney Fox 2 identified as an expert on cyber law said Twitter and Facebook could take action against her.
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"This isn't the first time Chappelle-Nadal has caused controversy. In January, she issued what many called a racist threat against white people on Twitter.
" 'LET ME BE CLEAR," she screamed in a message on Twitter. "When you exercise your #WhitePrivilege, don't think I'm not going to remember. I will use it for the future. Uncomfortable?' "