CLAIM: Hillary Clinton said that she would shut down the NRA and ban handguns if she were elected President.
"ORIGINS: On 25 October 2015, a Tumblr page dedicated to fake Hillary Clinton quotes posted a meme of the Democratic presidential candidate that included a quote supposedly uttered by her during an interview with the Des Moines Register on 8 August 2015:
"The "Shocking Hillary Clinton Quotes ..." Tumblr page claims that all of their quotes are 100% sourced and even provides links to make it appear as if the quotes have been verified:
This Tumblr page is just another fake quote generator created in the same vein as Facebook group "Stop The World, The Teabaggers Want Off."
"Claim: Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity Alaska has "all sorts of Eskimos and other foreigners.' "
Hat tip to Karen Joy Roth
"Claim: Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity Alaska has "all sorts of Eskimos and other foreigners.' "
Hat tip to Karen Joy Roth