Friday, April 8, 2016

U.S. 'surge operation' to clear 10,000 Syrian refugees in just 3 months, 600 interviewed A DAY

Washington Examiner

"The administration [Ed. Barack Obama] has established a "surge operation" in Jordan to process 10,000 Syrian refugees and get them to the United States by President Obama's deadline of September 30, according to a new report on the temporary processing center in Amman.

"The report said that some 600 interviews are being conducted every day, suggesting that 36,000 refugees are being targeted for entry into the United States." . . .

Krauthammer: The coming train wreck

Does Mr. Trump not comprehend the import of this election? With Supreme Court Justices to be chosen and any number of oppressive actions by Obama's departments and by his executive orders that must be cancelled, can't Trump see what his candidacy is likely to do to this nation? Mr Trump is about to give the presidency over to the most dangerous people that could run for that office and who, along with Mr. Trump, should never be considered as serious candidates. TD

 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
"Trump did not exactly advance his needed outreach with his reaction to the Wisconsin result: a nuclear strike on “Lyin’ Ted,” as “a puppet” and “a Trojan horse” illegally coordinating with his super PACs (evidence?) “who totally control him.” Not quite the kind of thing that gets you from 35 percent to 50 percent."
Charles Krauthammer

"Yes, the big Wisconsin story is Ted Cruz’s crushing 13-point victory. And yes, it greatly improves his chances of denying Donald Trump a first-ballot convention victory, which may turn out to be Trump’s only path to the nomination.
Nonetheless, the most stunning result of Wisconsin is the solidity of Trump’s core constituency. Fundamentalist Trumpism remains resistant to every cosmic disturbance. He managed to get a full 35 percent in a state in which:
● He was opposed by a very popular GOP governor (80 percent approval among Republicans) with a powerful state organization honed by winning three campaigns within four years (two gubernatorial, one recall).● He was opposed by popular, local, well-informed radio talk show hosts whose tough interviews left him in shambles.● Tons of money was dumped into negative ads not just from the Cruz campaign and the pro-Cruz super PACs but from two anti-Trump super PACs as well.

Feelin' the Bern

Bernie Sanders accepts Pope Francis' invitation to speak at Vatican conference   . . . "The Vermont senator was invited out of the blue Friday by Pope Francis to speak at an April 15 church conference on social, economic and environmental issues." . . .[!]

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Obama Administration Sticking it to Whitey

One dear friend of ours - white friend, by the way - who came out of poverty told us that the culture never leaves them. That you can lift someone out of the slums and place them into a mansion, but they will continue to think as they did.

Robert Weissberg  "Is the Obama administration, or at least some officials in it, hostile toward whites? This is certainly an awkward, publicly unspeakable question -- and answering it is exceptionally difficult. Not easy to discern the motives of countless Washington bureaucrats. 
"Nevertheless, recent events outside of Baltimore, MD suggest that enmity toward whites does afflict some Obama administrators and our proof, though short of the smoking gun standard, is probably as good as it gets. 
"In a nutshell, thanks to Washington’s money and political pressure, thousands of poor blacks will now be re-located from Baltimore’s slums to upgraded housing in the surrounding, nearly all-white suburbs. " . . . 
. . . 
"One can only wonder why officials cannot foresee this racial-train-wreck-in-the-making. This is punitive policy-making that can only reflect the presence of deeply rooted racial animosities. Helping poor African Americans find decent housing is just the polite cover story. At least some government officials in the Obama administration want to punish suburban whites and given that Uncle Sam will foot the bills, inflicting this damage is irresistible."

Judge Tells Kids ‘Stop Acting Like Trash’ In Epic Speech

"Tell that to the 882 shot or killed in Chicago this year so far…
Aaron Goggans — the core organizer of Black Lives Matter, DC — told CNN’s Carol Costello Thursday that black-on-black crime is a myth.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bill unloads on Obama: 'World coming apart'

Clinton takes shot at Black Lives Matter for 'defending' murderers

WND "Former President Bill Clinton unloaded on the Obama administration and Black Lives Matter protesters during a campaign event Thursday for his wife in Pennsylvania.
"Clinton took a veiled jab at Obama’s handling of world affairs, saying, “Unlike when I was president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now. We like to just think about our economic issues, but you have to worry about a collapse in Europe dragging back the American economy. You have to worry about the largest number of refugees since World War II. And all this stuff comes home.”
"As WND reported, the Clinton family has been unleashing a barrage of attacks on Obama in recent weeks. On March 21, Bill Clinton publicly lamented the “awful legacy” of the past eight years.
"Clinton told listeners at Spokane Falls Community College that if they believed the U.S. had “finally come to the point where we could put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, then you should vote for [Hillary].”
"Then WND reported when Chelsea Clinton took a cue from her father and bashed Obama’s record to benefit her mother in March. Chelsea attacked the president’s key accomplishment – Obamacare." . . .

NOT SATIRE: Trump’s INSANE Response To Ted Cruz’s Win In Wisconsin

Noisy Room
Fake pro-Trump "news" site
“ 'Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet — he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump.” – Donald Trump campaign response, April 5, 2016
"After Ted Cruz won the Wisconsin primary, some pro-Trump Twitter accounts imploded. Oftentimes using blatantly fake “news” stories from questionable sources, these accounts often claimed that Ted Cruz engaged in voter fraud to steal the Wisconsin primary from the rightful winner, Donald Trump.
. . . "But even those silly tweets did not compare to the response from Donald Trump’s campaign itself, where Ted Cruz was accused of “coordinating with his own SuperPAC’s [sic] (which is illegal) who completely control him.”

George Will: Nikki Haley Would Be A "Promising" VP Choice For Ted Cruz

Real Clear Politics

"GEORGE WILL: He'd have to throw into that mix Kasich himself, as I'm sure your listeners know. No Republican has ever won the White House without carrying Ohio. You have to carry Ohio and Florida. Because there is a 'gender gap' as they used to call it in the Republican Party about approaching women. It is really narrower than that -- Mitt Romney carried married women.

"[South Carolina Republican Governor] Nikki Haley is a promising candidate for two reasons. One thing you don't want in a candidate for a vice presidential nomination is surprises. You want them to be surefooted and not make news and not disrupt the momentum of the campaign. She has demonstrated a tremendous surefootedness. Going through the traumatic reaction after the horrible shooting in Charleston, and also the difficulty of bringing down the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds in Columbia. 

"Second, she does as a governor, she is presiding over a state transformed more and more for the better... It just continues to boom, with Boeing and all the rest down there." . . .

Clinton Email Scandal: Hillary’s Documents Flowed Openly Across Web

Investor's Business Daily

Because Hillary Clinton's personal email system lacked encryption, her messages were essentially connected to the entire world. (AP)

"Corruption: It’s been known for some time that Hillary Clinton’s personal email contained top-secret government material. We’re also learning just how vulnerable her system was. She might as well have posted documents on an open blog.
"While secretary of state, Clinton conducted State Department business through a personal email account handled by a private server that did not meet the government’s security standards. The homebrew system was probably the most susceptible to hackers during its first two months of existence when emails passed through it without encryption.
"The domain name was registered on Jan. 13, 2009, eight days before Clinton became secretary of state, Computer World reported last month, “but it wasn’t until March 29 that the first (security) certificate was issued for the domain.” The certificate is necessary to encrypt connections from cell phones and computers accessing the server and email account, said the report.
“ 'Without that security, data would be flowing across the Internet in plain text,” the trade magazine reported." . . .

Hillary needs to reset with a lot more than the Russians

‘Panama Papers’ Implicate Client of Clinton-Linked Lobbying Firm
How the "reset" works
"A firm with ties to senior members of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign registered to lobby on behalf of a major Russian bank just weeks before a massive leak exposed the bank’s role in a web of secret financial dealings that have enriched members of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.
"The “Panama Papers” are being called “the Wikileaks of the mega-rich.” Corporate documents leaked from the law firm Mossack Fonseca show how world leaders have used offshore tax havens to hide their involvement in lucrative companies and business deals around the world."
Soros is suspected of being behind much of this  . . . "Don’t you wonder about who might be being protected by the Soros-funded group that is stage managing the leaks?  I certainly do.  When I think of difficult-to-trace massive offshore investments, the first name that comes to mind is George Soros, the very definition of lack of transparency."
Mrs. Clinton panders -- but the left hates her anyway   . . . "Also, Mrs. Clinton decided to pander to the left and has gotten nothing but contempt for it. She has adopted positions, from health care to illegal immigrants to saying that the unborn has no constitutional rights, that are nothing but cynical pandering.
"Unfortunately for Mrs Clinton, the left that now runs her party knows that she's pandering. They know that she's changed positions over and over again for purely political reasons. They don't trust her no matter how much she panders for their vote."

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Hillary just boxed in AG Loretta Lynch  . . . "Hillary Clinton yesterday made it very difficult for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to decline to prosecute a possible criminal referral from the FBI. Using her trademark sandpaper tone of voice when she is being emphatic, speaking to a rally in Pennsylvania, Hillary flat out declared: “Everyone who violates the law anywhere should be held accountable.' ”

Interesting WW2 Irony

wwii11Daily Bananas  "Some baffling bits of irony: 1. The insignia of the U.S. Army’s 45th Infantry division was the swastika (the 45th was part of the Oklahoma Army National Guard and the swastika was a tribute to the large Native American population in the southwest) 2. Hitler’s private train at the start of the war was named “Amerika” 3. At the time Pearl Harbor was attacked, the top U.S. Navy command was called CINCUS (pronounced “sink us”)."

Adolf Hitler’s nephew, William Hitler, served in the U.S. Navy during World War II.

. . . "William Hitler joined the U.S. Navy in 1944 and was discharged three years later after being injured in service. After returning to the U.S., he changed his last name to Stuart-Houston. He married, had four children, and died in Patchogue, N.Y., in 1987." . . .

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton has had enough of Bernie Sanders

Politico via Drudge

"There’s an unmistakable Groundhog Day quality to this spring campaign swing by Hillary Clinton: the chain-chugged Diet Dr Peppers, the pained rasp and crisp pantsuits — and the once-commanding lead undercut by an underdog near enough to nip at her sensible heels.

"Seventeen years ago, the underdog was Rick Lazio, a forgettable Long Island Republican with a paperboy’s face and a war chest brimming with anti-Hillary millions who gave Clinton a brief scare in a triumphant Senate race that inaugurated her electoral career. This year, the foil is independent democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, a stubborn Brooklynite with a nearly nonexistent path to the nomination and a nearly unquenchable thirst for humiliating the Democratic front-runner in her home state’s April 19 primary.

"Clinton didn’t much care for Lazio and she’s clearly arrived at the enough-already stage with Bernie." . . .