A plague on both their houses.
NY Times
NY Times

"It’s hard not to feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. She is hearing ghostly footsteps.
"She’s having her inevitability challenged a second time by a moralising senator with few accomplishments who chides her on her bad judgement on Iraq and special-interest money, breezily rakes in millions in small donations online, draws tens of thousands to rock-star rallies and gets more votes from young women.
"But at least last time, it was a dazzling newcomer who also offered the chance to break a barrier. This time, Hillary is trying to fend off a choleric 74-year-old democratic socialist.
"Some close to the campaign say that those ghostly footsteps have made Hillary restive. The deja vu has exasperated Bill Clinton, who griped to an audience in New York last Friday that young supporters of Bernie Sanders get excited because it sounds good to say,