Thursday, December 8, 2016

Movie About Political Correctness on Campus Accused of Not Being PC

Legal Insurrection


"Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager are making a documentary about political correctness on college campuses but they’re running into problems because they’re not politically correct.
"The Hollywood Reporter has the story:
Adam Carolla Off to a Rocky Start Filming Movie About Political Correctness at Universities
A funny thing happened to some right-leaning filmmakers trying to make their case that conservatives aren’t welcome on college campuses: They weren’t allowed on a college campus.
At least that’s according to a letter that their lawyers fired off to California State University, Northridge in southern California.
Comedian Adam Carolla and radio host Dennis Prager are touring the nation’s universities while making their documentary film, No Safe Spaces, and their first stop, scheduled at CSUN, was canceled, according to lawyers, because the content of a talk they were to give was deemed politically incorrect.
The presentation was supposed to consist of Carolla interviewing Prager at the Campus Theater on Dec. 1. The topic was rather vague, but it invariably was to focus on the duo’s assertion that the political left has a stranglehold on most colleges, and it was to be filmed so that some portions would have presumably ended up in No Safe Spaces.
But while negotiating for the use of the venue, the filmmakers, Justin Folk and R.J. Moeller, say they were informed that “people higher up the food chain” at CSUN weren’t happy about the “content” of the planned presentation, and their lawyers say laws may have been broken.
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The Obama military: Sickening Class Taught To US Troops Makes Us Laughing Stock Of The World

The academy’s Center for Teaching and Learning is holding two events on Friday, one for faculty and staff and another for midshipmen. The hour and a half-long workshops will be hosted by Marnie Florin and Kevin Perry, who are “transgender trainers” for Google.
Midshipmen and staff who take the training course will get the opportunity to display cards outside their door that show they are allies of the LGBT community.
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Mad World News  "One of Barack Obama’s main goals during his presidency has been to cripple our military by taking away key assets necessary for America to defend herself. While deteriorating our forces to pre-World War II capabilities, Obama continues to implement his ridiculous policies into our military, as it has become his pet project for social experimentation. However, the latest ridiculous thing this president is doing proves that he’s intentionally trying to make us the laughing stock of the world." . . .

. . . "As this crisis rages on, Obama has also gone straight after our premiere fighting force, the US Marine Corps, where they’re now being forced to lower their standard in order to allow women into combat positions, in order to meet this president’s demands. Unfortunately, this has only been the beginning of Obama’s strategy to destroy our military, as disturbing news about what our soldiers are now being taught was just revealed.
"Like it or not, when you sign up to join the military you become a killing machine for the US government. Your sole mission in life is to defend America at all costs, and sometimes that means blowing someone’s head off who poses as a threat to our country’s freedom.
"However, Obama wants everyone to forget about that. Rather than our soldiers being taught how to slaughter military targets, they’re now being taught a series of courses about safe spaces, with one of the courses titled “Transgender 101,” which will instruct these millennial recruits on how to provide “safe spaces” for anyone who might get their tiny feelings hurt." . . .

Welcome to Jihadi land! Iran opens theme park where children get to dress up as soldiers and pretend to attack Israel and other Western enemies

The war-themed attraction has opened in Mashad, the second biggest city in Iraq

UK Daily Mail  "A new theme park has been opened by the Iranian government, where young children learn to be revolutionaries and fight against the country's enemies.
"Youngsters as young as eight are able to don military uniforms and fight 'battles' against the US and Israel at the new attraction in the city of Mashad. 
"The park is named The City of Games for Revolutionary Children." . . .

Visitors are kitted out with military gear and given guns, so they can learn how to fight the country's enemies

"Some of the stages which the children pass through at the theme park: 
  • Stage one - Youngsters are taught about the Mahdi, the Shi'ite messiah
  • Stage two - They are taken to the station of the Rule of the Jurisprudent
  • Stage three - The children are taught about the Islamic Revolution and how the Shah's dictatorship was vanquished
  • Stage four - They enter the first station of the Holy Defence, where they simulate fighting the enemy and learn about combat methods, including firing plastic bullets. They shoot at effigies of the Israeli Prime Minister and the US flag.
  • Stage five - The children go to the station of defence of the Shrine of Zaynab and learn about the fighting in Syria against ISIS
  • Stage six - Children have a contest throwing balls at effigies of ISIS and the Saudi royal family
  • Stage seven - They watch a video about the defence of the Shrine of Zaynab
  • Stage eight - The children receive a souvenir gift
  • Stage nine - Children are blindfolded and asked to stage thow a ball at an Israeli flag in the form of a puzzle and knock it down, and then assemble a puzzle of an Israeli flag

Sheriff Clarke: You Kill A Cop, You Should Receive Death Penalty!

Wayne  "Sheriff David Clarke gave a stern opinion to those who have decided killing cops is ok. Clarke thinks you kill a cop; you should face the death penalty. Now liberals will be pissed off at that sort of thinking because most are against killing someone who has decided to kill others.
"Clarke’s position is very tough and will open up dialogue."

Senate Dems, powerless to stop Trump nominees, regret 'nuclear option' power play


. . . "But there is little they can do about it -- and some top Democrats are now coming to regret it.
    "That's because Senate Democrats muscled through an unprecedented rules change in 2013 to weaken the power of the minority party to filibuster Cabinet-level appointees and most judicial nominees, now setting the threshold at 51 votes -- rather than 60 -- to overcome tactics aimed at derailing nominations.
    "With the Senate GOP poised to hold 52 seats next Congress, some Democrats now say they should have thought twice before making the rules change -- known on Capitol Hill as the "nuclear option."
    " 'I do regret that," said Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, a Democrat who voted for the rules change three years ago." . . .

    Kathy Griffin Heckles Megyn Kelly's Speech at THR Event

    Hollywood Reporter  . . . "There's room for the loyal opposition in this country," Kelly continued as the room quieted. "As women, we must reject the urge to fight with pigs — which gets us dirty and the pigs enjoy. But if a fight is unavoidable, then fight ... with composure, and grace. And we let our children see us do it — standing tall and sometimes playing hurt."

    Wellll, I just HAD to boo the mention of Prez d bag. Middle finger up! RT : re

    Wednesday, December 7, 2016

    “Air Raid On Pearl Harbor, This Is No Drill”: The Men Of That Day…

    Weasel Zippers


    Only five of the 335 men who survived the unprovoked attack that sunk the USS Arizona on Dec. 7, 1941 remain alive. Donald Stratton, 94, is one of them. He has added to the historical knowledge of that day and the beginning of America’s entry into World War II in a new book, “All the Gallant Men: The First Memoir By a USS Arizona Survivor.”
    Typical of so many men of that era, the book (written with Ken Gire) is less about Stratton, a 19-year-old kid from a tiny Nebraska town ravaged by the Great Depression, and more about the men with whom he served.
    According to the book, total casualties at Pearl Harbor on that fateful day amounted to 2,403 dead and 1,176 wounded. Many of Stratton’s shipmates lie interred in the bowels of the Arizona, which still secretes oil, a constant reminder to “never forget.”
    People too young to have known men of that era, or who never asked grandparents about their World War II experience, will find in Stratton’s book a quality that has declined in modern times — modesty. “We were not extraordinary men,” he writes. “Truth be told, most of us had enlisted because there were precious few jobs to be found where we lived.”
    The isolationist spirit was strong in 1941. Here’s Stratton on the patriotism that overwhelmed isolationism after the attack: “Love for country welled up inside seemingly every American, coming out in the songs we sang, in the movies produced, in the newspaper articles that were written. … We were ordinary men. What was extraordinary was the country we loved.


    Luckily for the country, Trump doesn't seem obsessed with what the elites think of him. But his advisers include just the type of Republicans whose second-tier law schools make them particularly susceptible to the cheap respectability of establishment media approval.  
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    Ann Coulter  "Shortly before Thanksgiving, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni wrote a column that should chill you to the bone. 

    "Titled "Donald Trump's Demand for Love," Bruni said: "I had just shaken the president-elect's normal-size hand and he was moving on to the next person when he wheeled around, took a half step back, touched my arm and looked me in the eye anew. 'I'm going to get you to write some good stuff about me,' Donald Trump said.” 

    Bruni is a fabulous writer, but if he ever writes good stuff about you, Mr. President-elect, YOU WILL HAVE FAILED. 

    "I assume this was just our president-elect doing something he gets the least credit for, which is being nice. But you can never be too careful. 

    "The Times is in total opposition to Trump's stated goal to make America great again. Trump has got to know -- not next year, but by 5 p.m. today -- that anyone pursuing his agenda will incite rage, insanity and spitting blood from that newspaper. 

    "There's a long and tragic history of Republicans who won the war but lost the peace by trading results for respectability. 

    "The first President Bush not only promised not to raise taxes, but also laid out the steps Democrats would take to get him to break that promise. "And the Congress will push me to raise taxes," he said in his iconic 1988 convention speech, "and I'll say no, and they'll push, and I'll say no, and they'll push again, and I'll say to them, 'Read my lips: No new taxes.’" 

    "He was a good prognosticator! Congress did exactly as he'd anticipated. But instead of saying "no," Bush caved. " . . .

    Trump is down to his last wish from Aladdin. He can impress The New York Times, or he can make America great again. But he can't do both.
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    Pearl Harbor, 75 years ago

    74 Years Ago  From 2015: "The website has a nice story about the ceremony in Pearl Harbor today that united former enemies:
    Former U.S. airman Jack DeTour, 92, and Japanese fighter pilot Shiro Wakita, 88, sworn enemies during World War Two, together poured whiskey from a battered canteen into Pearl Harbor on Sunday to commemorate the 1941 attack on the U.S. naval base.

    A faithless elector

    American Thinker  "Christopher Suprun, an elector from Texas, writes in an op-ed published in  the  New York Times on December 6, saying he will not cast his vote for Donald J. Trump.  Mr. Suprun urges his Electoral College colleagues to "unity behind a Republican alternative."
    "Mr. Suprun – it is not clear how he got to be an elector – cites Federalist No. 68 for guidance.  He does not, however, refer to the following passage from No. 68:
    It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief. The choice of SEVERAL, to form an intermediate body of electors, will be much less apt to convulse the community with any extraordinary or violent movements, than the choice of ONE who was himself to be the final object of the public wishes. And as the electors, chosen in each State, are to assemble and vote in the State in which they are chosen, this detached and divided situation will expose them much less to heats and ferments, which might be communicated from them to the people, than if they were all to be convened at one time, in one place.
    . . .
     Suprun signed a pledge this summer to support the Republican nominee. He lied.
    . . . "Texas law doesn’t mandate that electors vote according to the results of the state’s presidential election, which Trump won by nine percentage points over Hillary Clinton. Suprun and the GOP’s other electors signed pledges at the state Republican convention in Dallas this summer promising to vote for their party’s nominee, but those aren’t legally binding.
    “ 'I’m expecting backlash, but that has been par for the course this campaign. People are unhappy. They’re angry. But I’m angry, too,” said Suprun, who said that prior to changing his mind he had received hundreds of emails, letters and phone calls urging him not to support Trump."

    The Electoral College Prevents California from Imposing Imperial Rule on the Country

    Recounts barely making dent in election results; Trump gains in Wisconsin

    Fox News

    Officials count ballots during a statewide presidential election recount in Waterford Township, Mich., Monday, Dec. 5, 2016. The recount comes at the request of Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who also requested recounts in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

    . . . "Statewide recounts in key 2016 battlegrounds are proceeding in fits and starts -- but doing little to change the math behind Donald Trump's victory. 
    "In Wisconsin, one of three states where Green Party candidate Jill Stein has sought a fresh tabulation, the president-elect has even gained on Hillary Clinton" . . .
    Napolitano: Recount is bizarre Clinton-Stein combination

    They’ve Gone Insane, "And hating Trump hasn’t made them any nicer either."  . . . "Why are people so upset? What has Mr. Trump done that’s so awful? His choices for the Cabinet fall well within the range of the usual types — Wall Street, campaign helpers, ideological bedfellows. Despite what you may have read online, none of them has made horrible statements. None is a Klansman. None is a Nazi. They have different views from those of the ACLU, but that’s what you get in a free country.

    "The voters voted in a candidate with certain views. That candidate won fair and square. He gets to choose people he agrees with and who agree with him.
    "The media powerhouses and the morons on college campuses cannot accept that someone with views different from theirs will be president. They riot. They burn Old Glory. They stop speaking to me.
    "This is exactly the opposite of how a free country should be run. And besides, what can Trump do that will be so bad?"

    Harvard Law School Professor: Impeachment Of Trump Should Begin On Inauguration Day (Video)


    Liberal America wants to impeach Trump for being, well, Trump.