Legal Insurrection
California elections of 2018 may turn out to be a referendum…on the Democratic Party.
California elections of 2018 may turn out to be a referendum…on the Democrat
"I have previously noted that many of California’s legal citizens were extremely unhappy with the Democratic super-majority in Sacramento ramming through unpopular legislation, such as the “Sanctuary State” measure or the new gas tax.
"Now, the first signs of a substantial political fallout are on the horizon as citizens are organizing a Golden State version of the Resistance.
"To start with, Californians are now preparing to strip the Democrats of the super-majority status they have abused.
Carl DeMaio, a talk radio host and former city councilman in San Diego, said Tuesday that plans are moving forward to launch a recall of Sen. Josh Newman, D-Fullerton, who voted for the $52 billion road repair package, paid for by fuel taxes and registration fees, just four months after he took office.Sen. Josh Newman, left, is joined by his family during the national anthem in 2016 before he was sworn in to office. Carl DeMaio, a talk radio host and former city councilman in San Diego, said Tuesday that plans are moving forward to recall Newman, D-Fullerton, who voted for the $52 billion road repair package paid for by fuel taxes and registration fees. Hector Amezcua“This is the right strategy. There’s consensus on it. And we are moving forward,” DeMaio said.While the gas tax is the impetus of the action, DeMaio said he and others in the nascent coalition to oust Newman are primarily setting their sights on the Democratic Party’s two-thirds supermajority in the Legislature.
"Next, one of California’s cities has voted to oppose the “Sanctuary State” measure. Dawn Wildman, key organizer for California Tea Party Groups reports:
“The Glendora City Council Members voted 5 to 0 to officially OPPOSE the CA Sanctuary State bill. The city council will submit an official letter of opposition to Sacramento.”
"Glendora is a city within the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County, a fairly blue area in this state that went for Hillary Clinton by over 70%." . . .
Legal Insurrection @LegInsurrection Losing by not as much as they thought they'd lose is the Democrats' new definition of victory #KS04