Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Courage: DNC 'Gives Away' Small Fraction of Weinstein Money to...Democratic Groups


Courage: DNC 'Gives Away' Small Fraction of Weinstein Money to...Democratic Groups

"Imagine, for a moment, if a major newspaper had published a bombshell investigative report late last week exposing how one of the Koch brothers has spent decades serially subjecting women to high-grade sexual harassment. And imagine that as all of the seedy details -- seriously, read this -- emerged, people throughout the conservative movement started spilling to reporters that this Koch brother's predatory behavior had been an open secret for a long time. Please try to picture the tone of the resulting media coverage, the organized boycotts of Koch Industries, the finger-wagging from sanctimonious celebrities, the outraged statements from women's groups, the football-spiking from Harry Reid, the Democratic Party's extravagant high dudgeon, late night comedians' insult-happy bonanza, and the endless calls for every Republican official with any tie whatsoever to the Kochs to denounce the offending conduct and to return every last cent of Koch-tied money he or she had ever received." . . .

ESPN Faces Surprising Boycott After Suspending Jemele Hill

Daily Caller

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - FEBRUARY 05: ESPN columnist Jemele Hill attends ESPN The Party on February 5, 2016 in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images for ESPN)

"ESPN, already unpopular with conservatives, is now facing the possibility of a boycott from furious liberals over the sports network’s suspension of host Jemele Hill.
"ESPN suspended Hill for calling for a boycott of the Dallas Cowboys’ advertisers after Cowboys owner Jerry Jones threatened to bench any player who kneeled during the anthem. Hill’s boycott was her second violation of ESPN’s social media policies, the network said. She previously stirred controversy by calling President Trump a “white supremacist” on Twitter.
Report: ESPN’s Left-Wing Politics Are Driving Away Viewers  “ 'Middle America wants to pop a beer and listen to sports talk, they don’t want to be lectured about why Caitlyn Jenner is a hero, Michael Sam is the new Jackie Robinson of sports, and Colin Kaepernick is the Rosa Parks of football,” Travis wrote in a blog post Wednesday. “ESPN made the mistake of trying to make liberal social media losers happy and as a result lost millions of viewers.”

Al Sharpton In Full Media Whore Mode As He Leads Protest Outside ESPN Offices Over Jemele Hill Suspension

California To Have Harsher Penalty For Pronoun Violations Than For Knowingly Spreading HIV

Daily Caller

A man waves a rainbow flag while observing a gay pride parade in San Francisco, California June 28, 2015. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage

. . . "California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation on Friday lowering the maximum penalty for knowingly infecting or exposing a person to HIV to six months in prison — down from a maximum of eight years. Also last week, Brown signed legislation allowing for penalties of up to one year in jail for health care workers who “willfully and repeatedly” use the “wrong” pronouns to refer to a senior transgender patient. (RELATED: Legal Experts: Transgender Pronoun Mandates Are Unconstitutional)
"Democratic state Sen. Scott Weiner*sponsored both pieces of legislation.
“ 'The most effective way to reduce HIV infections is to destigmatize HIV,” Weiner told CNN. “To make people comfortable talking about their infection, get tested, get into treatment.”
"Weiner has also dismissed concerns about religious freedom regarding the criminal punishments for health care workers who don’t use transgender pronouns." . . .
*No relation to Anthony Weiner, but he does come by his politics honestly:  "Wiener joined Assemblymember Todd Gloria to author a SB 239, which aims to change the laws that make it a felony to expose someone to HIV without their knowledge (and thus without their consent)[13]. Wiener said that the laws unfairly single out HIV positive people.[14] The bill passed and was signed by governor Jerry Brown on October 6, 2017.[15] Wiener partnered with Senator Toni Atkins to author SB 179 to create a third, non-binary gender option on government documents.[16]Wiener authored SB 219, which protects the rights of LGBT seniors living in long-term care facilities.[17] The bill was opposed by groups who argued the bill criminalized bathroom gender designations and would force care providers to address those under their care with gender appropriate language.[18] Wiener called these arguments "transphobic" and "absurd."   Wikipedia

Monday, October 9, 2017

Bill Maher Torches Democrats For Sucking At Politics, What We Do 'Makes People Hate Us' (Strong language)

Did I remember to say "strong language"?

Matt Vespa  

Watch: Bill Maher Torches Democrats For Sucking At Politics, What We Do 'Makes People Hate Us'

"HBO host Bill Maher often gets under conservatives’ skin. He’s blunt, at times—crude, and unabashedly against religion. He mocks the GOP. He mocks conservative politics, but there are areas of agreement. He’s sick of the political correctness virus that’s infecting young progressives and college campuses. He’s right about the threats posed by Islamic extremism and especially the political correctness that has infested that debate. Now, he’s set his sights on the Democratic Party itself and he was quite blunt in his assessment of the party that he supports: we suck. We suck and because we suck, we’re not winning elections.
"He spoke eloquently about the over-regulation ethos that is the hallmark characteristic of liberalism. He mentioned the latest bill in Congress: the Hot Cars Act of 2017. Yes, it’s self-explanatory; it’s mandates that cars be equipped with a sensor that goes off if you leave your kid in a hot car. It’s common sense that’s now becoming a regulation. Maher added that over 17 million cars were sold in 2016; are we seriously going to force all of them to get this sensor installed?"

NFL owner who knelt with players during anthem now says 'disrespect' for the flag will not be tolerated

Jones may be trying to retrieve [an] irretrievable situation.  However, his stance on the protests is too little, too late.He and the players have sown the wind.  Now let them reap the whirlwind.

Rick Moran  "One of the most powerful owners in the NFL says that any player who disrespects the flag won't play.

"Jerry Jones, owner of the league's flagship franchise, the Dallas Cowboys, was asked to comment on Vice President Mike Pence walking out of the stadium following an anthem protest in Indianapolis.
"I don't know about that. But if there is anything that is disrespectful to the flag then we will not play," Jones said after the Cowboys' 35-31 loss. "You understand? If we are disrespecting the flag then we won't play. Period.
"We're going to respect the flag, and I'm going to create the perception of it. And we have."
Jones addressed the media for 22 minutes after the game. He spent the final seven minutes talking about how he's adamant that Cowboys and other NFL players should stand for the national anthem in the wake of dozens of players around the league kneeling the first five weeks of the season.
"Jones was singing a different tune a couple of weeks ago." . . .

Not Funny? SNL Completely Avoids Harvey Weinstein Scandal


. . . "There was no mention of the controversial Oscar-winning producer, not even in the Weekend Update segment. Anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che did however push for gun control in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre.
"SNL isn’t the first to avoid this scandal. Every late-night talk show host from Stephen ColbertJimmy KimmelTrevor NoahJimmy FallonSeth Meyers, and Bill Maher did not crack any jokes at Weinstein’s expense since the exposé was published Thursday morning.
"Tonight’s SNL was hosted by Wonder Woman star Gal Gadotand featured musical guest Sam Smith and Jason Aldeanwho opened the show in honor of the victims of last week’s tragedy." . . .

Why Columbus Day Is Worth Celebrating/ "Indigenous peoples Day" update

But if you live in any number of "enlightened" progressive cities, today is "Indigenous Peoples' Day."

Robin Smith

. . . "Leftists are truly determined to destroy America’s remarkable discovery and founding. They use many tools to sully and rewrite history, one of which is called “presentism.”
"What’s presentism? It’s the approach to events of the past that views them through the lens of modern morality, behavior and ethics. This method takes events of history, such as the many expeditions of Columbus, and deconstructs them into vile categories of invasion and barbarism as measured by biased and politically correct intellectuals devoted to self-loathing instead of guarding world and American history — the good, the bad and the ugly — for the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Put simply, the morally superior elites of today judge all events — Columbus’ discoveries, the horrors of slavery, various wars, etc. — as if they happened within the last few days.
"Let’s analyze a few facts about Columbus Day to truly appreciate the holiday in perspective." . . .

UPDATE: Why ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ Is Far Worse Than Columbus Day
. . . "According to an eyewitness account of “indigenous peoples” at work—in this case, the Iroquois in 1642, as observed by the Rev. Father Barthelemy Vimont’s “The Jesuit Relations”—captives had their fingers cut off, were forced to set each other on fire, had their skinned stripped off and, in one captured warrior’s case, “the torture continued throughout the night, building to a fervor, finally ending at sunrise by cutting his scalp open, forcing sand into the wound, and dragging his mutilated body around the camp. When they had finished, the Iroquois carved up and ate parts of his body.”

Shocked? Don’t be. Cannibalism was also fairly common in the New World before (and after) Columbus arrived. According to numerous sources, the name “Mohawk” comes from the Algonquin for “flesh eaters.” Anthropologist Marvin Harris, author of “Cannibals and Kings,” reports that the Aztecs viewed their prisoners as “marching meat.” . . .
Do the anti-Columbus activists who claim Europe’s conquest of America is a sin really want to live in a world where it never happened? Where America is an illiterate, technological backwater of tribal violence and ritual human sacrifice? Of course not. The only reason their ideological idiocy has free rein today is because Europeans showed up in 1492.

California Sheriffs Are Openly Protesting Their New “Sanctuary State” Updated

Hot Air

. . . "The complaints from the sheriffs are nothing we haven’t heard before and their concerns are well founded. What’s not made clear here is precisely what they would like the GOP led Congress and the President to do about it. What sort of federal law would overrule the state’s ability to dictate the policies of its own law enforcement agencies and not run into constitutional trouble when it was inevitably challenged?
. . . 
"As to the actual policies which the sheriffs are protesting, two of them really stand out. One is the inability of law enforcement to notify ICE when they pick up known gang members, including MS-13, if they are snagged on non-violent charges. If they are on the registry of known gang members, ICE should be able to take that opportunity to get them out of the country even if they were only pulled over for an illegal right on red." . . .
Emphasis added, TD

Consistent with that:
It is no longer a felony to knowingly transmit HIV in California

Update: ICE warns California illegals not to get too cozy; new sanctuary state law won’t protect you"
 . . . Brown wrote, according to the Los Angeles Times“[T]his bill strikes a balance that will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort to those families who are now living in fear every day.”

"People living in fear every day? People like Kate Steinle who was killed by a criminal illegal alien in California?

"But if Brown thought his state’s law was going to stop ICE from enforcing immigration laws, he is mistaken." . . .

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jack Benny’s Comic Program; Remembering something wonderful

Terry Teachout

"The art of comedy underwent two radical transformations in the first half of the 20th century, both triggered by the emergence of new electronic technologies. With the coming in 1926 of network radio, vaudeville comedians who had previously performed their self-written routines over and over again in theaters across America were forced to depend on professional writers to supply them with a steady flow of fresh material for the weekly radio series that soon became their bread and butter. And with the coming of network television 21 years later, radio comedians had to develop ways of amusing audiences that could now hear and see them.

Photo added
"Not surprisingly, many well-established performers were left in the lurch by the rise of the new media. Moreover, some vaudevillians who, like Fred Allen, had successfully reinvented themselves for radio were unable to make the transition to TV. But a handful of exceptionally talented performers managed to move from vaudeville to radio to TV, and none did it with more success than Jack Benny, whose feigned stinginess, scratchy violin playing, slightly effeminate demeanor, and preternaturally exact comic timing made him one of the world’s most beloved performers. After establishing himself in vaudeville, he became the star of a comedy series,

"With the demise of nighttime network radio as an entertainment medium, the 931 weekly episodes of The Jack Benny Program became the province of comedy obsessives—and because Benny’s TV series was filmed in black-and-white, it is no longer shown in syndication with any regularity." . . . 

Take Back Your Brains

Naturally, ignoring the impossibility as a practical matter of repealing the Second Amendment, and the ineffectiveness of gun control measures, the usual culprits called for more gun control. Nick Gillespie at Reason took them on, arguing “policy cannot be therapy.”

Clarice Feldman  "Today, with ample evidence that young students are no longer taught critical thinking in school, and a tsunami of fake news, we have more reason than ever to take back our brains and critically analyze what we are told is happening and why. This week’s news underscores this point.
"It’s Not who we Are
"Did you believe, like Hillary, that the country was divided into a smart set who deserves to rule and unwashed, ignorant deplorables? 
"Two stories show how untrue this is:
"Las Vegas
The horrible slaughter in Las Vegas has unleashed the kind of wild speculation that seems to always follow seemingly inexplicable events. What we did learn was that a well-educated, high-ranking CBS official expressed publicly on Facebook that she had no sympathy for the victims attending the country music show: “I’m actually not sympathetic [because] country music fans often are republican gun toters.” She was fired and in the usual left-wing dodge when caught out engaged in reprehensible behavior claimed it was not reflective of “my actual beliefs.” . . .More at the link
"Hollywood’s Harvey Weinstein
. . . "Do you get the idea that the soi-disant* “champions of women” are their champions only when women are accusing the right, and spokesmen and politicians merely use this as a political cudgel against those they oppose on policy? I do. Compare the silence about Weinstein over decades with the non-stop coverage of one untoward remark by Trump ages ago." . . .
*"usually disparaging". Why not just say that? But I digress.

. . . Byron York examined the Russian meddling hoax, focusing on the claim -- much exaggerated -- that the Russians used ads on Facebook to sway the election for Trump. (This after claims of hacking vote totals, and collusion proved unsupported by fact.)
. . .  Day after day the media is forced to retract and make corrections -- sometimes doing so only online and not in newsprint. My favorite fake news correction this week was this one, from Politico.But there were more, of course. The NYT, for example, falsely reported that the Administration blocked Puerto Ricans from using food stamps to buy prepared food when, in fact, they waived the rule as soon as they could in the aftermath of the hurricane. 
. . . "Those with religious objections to contraception will no longer have to provide contraception insurance coverage for their employees; the Iran (non) deal likely will  be decertified this week; the market is booming; the number of employed rising; the hurricane-hit cities and islands are being repaired; Obama’s clean power plan energy restrictions are being lifted; NATO’s kicking in more of its share of the costs of that organization; ISIS is folding in Iraq under new rules of engagement; the sage grouse protection plan rules which are constricting Western state economies are about to be overhauled." 
Yes, we are making America great again." 
Image result for fake news cartoons

UPDATED: James Woods retires from acting after saying he's blacklisted because he's conservative. Wait! What? He's NOT?!

Update to bottom story:
James Woods: Here's The Funny Story Behind That False Report That I'm Retiring For Being Blacklisted  "As The Daily Wire has chronicled, James Woods is one of the few conservative voices left in Hollywood who's willing to push back against the progressive agenda promoted in lock-step by his colleagues. After decades of duking it out with his fellow celebrities, the 70-year-old actor appeared to have announced on Friday that he was officially retiring from the film industry — just a few weeks after saying that he'd accepted that he had been "blacklisted" in Hollywood because of his openly conservative views. However, after sitting back and watching the story go viral, Woods revealed on Saturday that the news of his retirement had been "greatly exaggerated.' " . . .

Fox News

FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2016 file photo, actor James Woods poses at the premiere of the film "Bleed for This" at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, Calif. Woods said he is retiring from the entertainment industry. The news was included in a press release issued Friday, Oct. 6, 2017, by Woods' real estate agent offering Woods' Rhode Island lake house for sale. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)
. . . "Woods was a Hollywood favorite -- and a Democrat -- until at least 1998, when he broke ranks with the party after former President Bill Clinton's impeachment.
@Real JamesWoods  I was for years, until  was impeached. Every single  without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end. 8:22 PM - Aug 21, 2017
"He said on Twitter that he switched parties because of his disgust with the former president. 
" 'Every single #Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer," he wrote on Twitter this summer. "That was the end."
"His luck in Hollywood turned sour soon after he became a Republican. He has not had a major role in a film in at least a decade." . . .
Politichicks:  Blacklisting in Hollywood still alive and well today
,. . . "Rarely has Hollywood rallied against a cause more so than the blacklisting that resulted from the McCarthy trials.  Because of this, everyone should be baffled as to why liberals aren’t rallying against the newest “McCarthyism” in Hollywood—firing artists because of their conservative political standing." . .  .witter Ads info and privacy

The Unbelievable Stupidity of Those Who Believe that Laws Stop the Lawless

American Thinker  "Lady Gaga is the latest celebrity weighing in on the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre by blaming lawmakers (aka Republicans) for not passing more gun control.  Yoo-hoo Lady G, no law would have prevented the slaughter because the alleged suspect passed all federal laws purchasing his legal guns.  Here’s a tip which I give freely (as someone who loathes guns and is not a member of the NRA): if you hear anyone urging Congress to pass more gun controls immediately, consider that person mentally deficient. That advice will be coming from celebrities, the media and politicians who probably all have armed security to protect them.
. . . 
"There are no easy answers to the gun violence that plagues us but the left seems to think that there is one -- if only we would ban guns. Another non compos mentis celebrity, Michael Moore, said that it’s time to get rid of Trump and the Second Amendment. Have any of these celebs noticed that these mass murders have occurred in gun-free zones that are actually a magnet for psycho killers?  It’s amazing how the left brings up the same worthless arguments when the gun victims are the same color as themselves. If they really are concerned with gun deaths then why isn’t this same call to arms being organized to protest the many deaths in Chicago where the majority are blacks and minorities? Has Black Lives Matter organized protests there? I don’t think so." . . .  Alicia Colon