Thursday, December 28, 2017

Trump: The Unlikeliest Churchillian


Patricia McCarthy  . . . "To the horror of our 2016 establishment, Donald Trump was elected.  He has been as loathed as Churchill was when he took on the P.M. job as the catastrophe at Dunkirk was unfolding.  Like Churchill, Trump is a bit reckless with his opinions and his speech.  Churchill regularly offended people on both sides of the political spectrum, as does Trump.  Churchill was innovative, imaginative.  He devised the civilian boat rescue of all those soldiers at Dunkirk.  It worked.  Trump has, in a year, defeated ISIS, although the media are loath to report that.  Trump has revitalized the economy beyond anything Obama was able to do.  He has successfully rolled back the restrictive regulations Obama put in place that have strangled the economy and suppressed GDP growth to 2% for eight years."
. . . 
"Would it not be a hilarious turn of events if Trump became recognized as the greatest American president of all time?  Churchill was a highborn man of letters with a lifetime of public service under his belt.  Trump is none of those things, but he is a host of things Churchill was not.  The end results may just be similar.
"Trump may just be our Churchill.  They certainly share some personality traits.  Churchill's love of England saved England.  Trump's love of America may save us as well."
Pictured: ISIS (ISIL to Obama)under Trump

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"A bust of the former prime minister once voted the greatest Briton in history, which was loaned to George W Bush from the Government's art collection after the September 11 attacks, has now been formally handed back." . . .

You Don't Have to Like this President to Acknowledge the Obvious

. . . "To say journalists have a liberal bias and detest this president isn't exactly breaking news. When it comes to Donald Trump, a lot of journalists figure if the sun rose in the east today, he must have done something wrong and they're going to prove it. So they let their journalistic instincts lapse; they let their guardrails down. Instead of being skeptics, they become gullible patsies, taking in all sorts of later discredited information peddled by anonymous sources -- as long as it makes the president look bad.

" They put out false information about collusion with the Russians, for example, because they want to believe that he conspired with his pal Vladimir Putin to rig the election. Collusion, after all, could lead to impeachment, the holy grail. 

"And if, heaven forbid, you criticize them for sloppiness or for going overboard, you're accused to being a Trump sycophant who wants to put a stake through the heart of the First Amendment and democracy itself. 

"But how would these same journalists respond if it were Barack Obama or President Hillary Clinton who was under investigation by a special prosecutor who loaded up his team with Republican donors? How would they react if a lead FBI investigator texted his mistress that candidate Clinton "is a (expletive) idiot" and that they needed an "insurance policy" in case she somehow won the election? 

"We know how they'd react: They'd say the deck was stacked against the Democrat. They'd be outraged. And for good reason." . . . 

American Silliness: Do we even know what racism is anymore?

Professors claim farmers’ markets cultivate racism: ‘Habits of white people are normalized’  "Two professors from San Diego State University claim in a new book that farmers’ markets in urban areas are weed-like “white spaces” responsible for oppression.". . . Define oppression:  "the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjustmanner. an act or instance of oppressing or subjecting to cruel or unjust impositions or restraints."

Washington DC restaurant accused of dress-code racism changes ‘no sneakers’ policy  . . . "Rashid said that the dress code policy was “no different than any DC, LA or New York lounge,” and that when guests saw other guests who weren’t dressed according to the code, it was usually because the underdressed guests were dining in the restaurant, which has no dress code, and stuck around for the nightclub portion of the night, when the dress code is instituted. . .

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee invokes racism when not given her demands.

Woman Accused Of Racism By Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Is Human-Rights Activist   There goes her race card.

Tucker Carlson Tweets 100 Racist Things — It’s Even More Ridiculous Than You Think It Is

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee once called for hurricanes to be given African-American names so that "all racial groups would be represented."

The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus From 2015:  "As the University of Missouri is engulfed by a number of bratty students offended over racial incidents that might not have even happened, it's important to note that race hoaxes tend to pop up on campuses throughout the country. Here are the top ten race hoaxes that have occurred on campus." . . .

NAACP official: Trump judicial nominee 'a product of the modern white supremacist machine'   I hate to say this, but the NAACP may have a claim here that can't do any good for President Trump's image. How sad that the antics of those such as Jackson-Lee, Sharpton, and Maxine Waters can cause us to disrespect serious racism claims out of hand. TD

Adam Schiff Saying Something About Russia Doesn’t Make It True

The Federalist
Adam Schiff’s Wall Street Journal opinion article shows yet again that Democrats have no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia. Schiff’s wild claims harm himself, and America.
Image result for adam schiff cartoons Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, writes in the Wall Street Journal that evidence abounds of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.
But rather than providing evidence, he proves the opposite: Democrats have absolutely no proof of President Trump colluding with Russia. And Schiff harms himself and the country by making such wild claims. To see why, take Schiff’s points in turn."
. . . 
"First, Schiff claims that because the probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller has led to charges, this must mean Mueller is on to something. Really? Paul Manafort was charged with crimes unrelated to his time as Trump’s campaign chair, and Manafort’s brief time as the campaign chair was only due to a lack of GOP operatives willing to work with Trump who understood the Byzantine process of a floor-fight at the Republican National Convention. As soon as Trump realized Manafort was problematic, he dropped him like a hot potato.
"The charges against Manafort are related to him failing to disclose work for, and payments received by, foreign governments. Yes, this is a problem, but many in DC who violate this statute go unprosecuted. During the time in question—before Manafort was Trump campaign chair—Manafort was working with Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta. We are all patiently waiting for Democrat Tony Podesta, and many others who ran afoul of this law, to be charged." . . .
See the source image

UPDATED: "Sheila Jackson Lee has been a congresswoman for over 20 years. However, she acts far more like an arrogant monarch than a humble servant of the people."

Update to the main post: Of Course: Sheila Jackson Lee Cries Racism After Kicking a Teacher Out of First Class
. . . "When the teacher, who works with kids in Guatemala, issued a complaint to the airline and wrote about the incident on her Facebook page, Sheila Jackson Lee predictably accused Simon of racism. United accused her of cancelling her own flight, which she did not do." . . .

Sheila Jackson Lee’s Long History Of Being An Entitled ‘Queen’
According to accounts from former staffers, Jackson-Lee would berate staffers, calling them names like “You Stupid Motherf***er.”

. . . "The Texas Democrat has regularly abused her power and position to demand and receive special treatment from private companies, demean and harass subordinates, and reap untold benefits of being “The Queen.”
"When her abusive behavior comes to light, Jackson Lee often claims her opponents are racist.
"Jackson Lee’s most recent abuse of power comes at the expense of teacher Jean-Marie Simon  who was allegedly bumped from her first class seat when Jackson-Lee demanded it. Simon was given a voucher for her flight by United and moved to the economy section. On her way to the back of the plane, Simon saw Jackson Lee occupying her seat." . . .
. . . "In response to the accusation, Jackson-Lee called Simon racist, saying the teacher caused a stir “because I was an African American woman.”
"Along with being a teacher, Simon is a celebrated photojournalist who helped document human-rights abuses in the third world." . . .
“You don’t understand. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen,” she allegedly once told a member of her staff.

How the homeless in Los Angeles spent Christmas

My years and years of experience tell me these views go unnoticed because there is Democrat control of government from Los Angeles up to state level. These people should all vote Republican so that they can get media coverage.
I thought that four years ago on the way to the flower district near city hall, driving past blocks of homeless people just like those pictured here. TD

Rick Moran  "A dashcam video of downtown Los Angeles on Christmas day reveals a stunning sight: hundreds of tents and lean-tos on the sidewalks that serve as shelter for the homeless.
The scene is reminiscent of a third-world country. 
"The Daily Mail reported on the video:
The three-minute clip was originally published on Instagram by [L.A.] street artist Plastic Jesus[,] then on LiveLeak by Nick Stern in the 'Citizen Journalism' video category.
It had ... been live for [only] 10 hours when it was viewed nearly 40,000 times.
In one frame of the viral footage, a man can be seen pushing a wheelchair in the middle of the road.
Another wheelchair-bound man reclines listlessly on a street corner while women file their thin-looking children through the crowds.
Video at the link.  

It is too bad journalists idolized Obama instead of being embarrassed by what he did

By Jack Hellner  "Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post implies that all of us are embarrassed by President Trump.  We essentially get different versions of the same things trashing Trump every day.  I am absolutely not ashamed of Trump, but I am ashamed of Ruth Marcus and most other journalists, who somehow were never embarrassed by, but actually proud of our previous president, who didn't understand that leading from behind is not leading.
. . . 
Journalists and other Democrats should have been embarrassed but weren't when: 
  • -Obama reneged on our commitment to put up missile shields in Poland and the Czech Republic. 
  • -Obama whispered to Medvedev that he should tell Putin that he would have more flexibility after he was elected.
  • -Obama sneered at Mitt Romney in a presidential debate when Romney said Putin and Russia are dangerous. 
  • -Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi while concocting a lie to protect his political power, because a terrorist attack would be inconvenient right before an election when he had been lying that terrorists were on the run.
  • -Obama showed his lack of intelligence when he called ISIS the J.V. team, allowing the terrorists to build up.
  • -Obama drew the fictional red line in Syria, which contributed greatly to the refugee crisis.
  • -Obama failed to live up to our commitment to help Ukraine when it was invaded by Russia (international agreements meant nothing to Obama).
  • -Obama was so arrogant and ignorant that he signed the Paris Accord, where he pretended that if people just give the government trillions of dollars, politicians can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever.
  • -The way he was going to control the climate was by slowing the U.S economy and bankrupting coal companies and through stifling regulations.  (I don't know why journalists and other Democrats aren't embarrassed by politicians who want to slow down the economy and make more people dependent on government.)
  • -Obama failed to live up to his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. 
  • -Obama used taxpayer money to defeat a candidate in Israel.  (Aren't journalists and Democrats embarrassed to complain about Russia interfering in our elections when Obama interfered in someone else's election with taxpayer dollars?) 
  • -Obama continually said that as president he could not rewrite or ignore existing immigration law and did it anyway.
  • -Obama and his staff lied to willing accomplices in the media about lifting up the major sponsor of terrorism. 
"Now it appears that Obama cared more about his legacy on Iran and little about the terrorist group Hezb'allah and its drug-running.  It is sad that Obama cared so little about the people who got and used the drugs and the terrorists attacks and so very much about his legacy. 
"I remember that George Clooney, Democrats, and journalists cared greatly about Darfur and Congo when Bush was President, and that issue essentially disappeared when Obama was elected.  Did Obama take care of that issue?"
. . . 
"It is truly sad that Marcus and most journalists were never embarrassed about what Obama did."
See the source image

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Toons for today

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Myth Buster – A.F. Branco Cartoon

Burnt Bagel Blamed For Shutting Down An Entire Airport…

Weasel Zippers

"Via Yahoo:
A burnt bagel is being blamed for the evacuation of a terminal at Lambert Airport in St. Louis.
Airport officials say a bagel burned in a restaurant in Terminal 2 around 6 p.m. Tuesday, setting off smoke detectors and prompting a full evacuation. An estimated 300 to 400 people were required to go outside, where the temperature was 11 degrees.
The airport says the evacuation lasted only about five minutes, but passengers had to go back through security checks once they re-entered the building. No flight delays were reported.
Boing Boing
See the source image

Mike Huckabee: "We Have A Churchill In Trump". This writer would disagree.

But I do see more of Obama in these Churchill remarks than of Donald Trump. TD
"You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war." -- Churchill's remark after Chamberlain returned from signing the Munich Pact with Hitler
It must be said that I could not find any record of Mr. Churchill uttering these words in his six-volume set on World War Two. The Tunnel Dweller

Hot Air  . . . "First point: If you’re going to draw this analogy, draw it for something substantive. To Huck and 95 percent of the public, “Chamberlain” is just shorthand for “timid diplomacy towards evil” and “Churchill” is shorthand for “resolute confrontation with evil.” You can force a Chamberlain/Churchill template onto Obama and Trump if you like by focusing on their respective approaches to Iran — although even there, while formally decertifying the nuclear 

deal, Trump has kept it in place. He’s been sanguine about letting Iran’s and Russia’s puppet, Bashar Assad, remain in power in Syria for the foreseeable future too. But at least if you tried an Iran analogy, you’d be showing some effort. Huck’s points of comparison are facile to the point of glibness, stuff that could be said with some truth about any wartime leader. Both men had political enemies who criticized them harshly, and both were bold communicators! The same was true of Lincoln. The same will be true of any hawkish statesman who oversaw an era-defining conflict and left behind memorable oratory. All that’s missing in Trump’s case is the conflict and the oratory. Churchill had “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” and World War II, Trump has “FAKE NEWS!” and a counteroffensive in the war on Christmas. There’s always next year.

"Which leads to the second point: It does Trump no favors to compare him to one of western civilization’s great statesmen, certainly the greatest of the 20th century, and to do it when he hasn’t notched 12 months in office yet. No leader has ever had a single year in power to rival a record like Churchill’s. As such, Huckabee’s hyperbole operates as an alley-oop to Trump critics to dunk on him, over and over:" . . .

Leftists Declare War on Thomas The Train

What will it take for Americans to form a "resistance" to the oppression of the left?

Gamaliel Isaac  "A conservative cynic from birth, I foolishly thought I had seen it all when it came to leftist madness. But then I saw, posted on CNN’s website, “Why kids love 'fascist' cartoons like 'Paw Patrol' and 'Thomas'.” The article referenced several other articles that described Thomas as “a premodern corporate-totalitarian dystopia,” “imperialist racist and sinister,” and “classist, sexist, and anti-environmentalist.”

"This caught my attention because my six-year-old boy -- like children all over the world -- loves stories of Thomas the Train. I recently took my children to Thomasland in Massachusetts and now my boy wants to visit the Thomasland in Japan. The Thomas cartoon is so popular that 1 billion dollars of merchandise related to the show is sold every year." . . .

. . . "Now left-wing critics label the Thomas the Train show “racist” because the diesel villain is black. They call it totalitarian because trains are supposed to do what the manager of the rails, Sir Topham Hat, tells them to do. They call it sexist because there are more male trains than female trains. (In 2013 the British Labour shadow Transportation Secretary actually called out Thomas for its lack of females.) When Thomas is awarded two female passenger cars to pull because of good behavior, the feminists call this sexist too." . . .

Beloved sci-fi character Doctor Who gets sex reassignment surgery, rolls with black lesbian

Ed Straker  "The actor playing Doctor Who, the British sci-fi character who has been played by various men for 54 years, has just been replaced by a woman, whom I am calling Nurse Who, which, I assure you, is meant with all due respect.  For those of you who are fans of science fiction, this trend of performing gender reassignment surgery on male characters is not unfamiliar.

1) Star Wars replaced Luke Skywalker with the ultimate "Mary Sue" named Rey – a character who, without any training, beats Luke Skywalker in a duel, knows how to fly spaceships, and beats the villain in her very first lightsaber fight, while he had trained for years.
2) Star Trek replaced Captain Kirk with Michael Burnham, a black woman who, with the help of supporting gay and Muslim crewmembers, is always successful in beating the Klingons.  (In the future, Muslim crewmembers do not throw gay crew members off the tops of starships.)
3) Battlestar Galactica replaced the male character Starbuck with a female character also named Starbuck and replaced Commander Cain with a lesbian who had a physical relationship with a luscious female Cylon robot.  (No, this is not a joke.)  . . .