“ 'I’m not apologetic for writing this book,” he says. “Everything I wrote in the book is based on Scriptures, not my opinions,” Mr. Cochran told reporters after the mayor announced the chief’s ouster. “I simply spoke to sex being created by God for procreation, and He intended it to be between a man and a woman in holy matrimony — and that any other sex outside of that is sin.' ”Washington Times

"Liberals claim to be champions of “diversity” in all things, particularly in matters of race, ethnicity and gender (they mean “sex”) and gender-bending. “Our diversity is our greatest strength,” Bill Clinton, who demonstrated his embrace of diversity with the pursuit of a diversity of women in the White House, told a diversity forum last year in Phoenix.

"The LGBT&O organizations were grievously offended by a book about biblical morality by Mr. Cochran, who presented his critical opinions of “sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion.” This was neither an official manual nor guide book for behavior of municipal employees, but a book privately printed by Mr. Cochran, expressing his personal opinions, which — so far — is his right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. He required no one to buy or read his book.