Monday, March 5, 2018

"Don't Dare Sit with Us if You Want to Live"

Gatestone Institute

Muslim Persecution of Christians, September 2017

"They get paid for every Coptic Christian girl they bring in. In some cases, police provide the kidnappers with drugs they seize. The drugs are then given to the girls to weaken their resistance... I even know of cases in which police offered helped to beat up the girls to make them recite the Islamic creed." — World Watch Monitor, Egypt; September 14, 2017.

"On September 14, a court sentenced a Christian man to death for "blasphemy" against the prophet of Islam. Nadeem James, a 27-year-old father of two, was originally arrested in July 2016, after a Muslim angry with him for personal reasons falsely accused James, who is illiterate, of texting a poem deemed "blasphemous" of Muhammad. — Pakistan.

"School textbooks taught her that "it was the Christians who wanted to plunder the lands and the riches of the Muslim world" and Turks merely responded by "defend[ing] what was rightfully theirs." (In reality, modern day Turkey consists of territory that was Christian for more than a thousand years before it was conquered by Turks in the name of jihad.) "Everything is used to make the Christians look like villains," she said, adding, "It's the same all through Muslim countries." — Turkey.

Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (published by Regnery with Gatestone Institute, April 2013).

About that ICE Raid the Oakland Mayor Interrupted...

Cortney O'Brien  . . . She shared the notice with the intent to "protect" citizens, not frighten them, she wrote.

"Oakland is safer when we share information, encourage community awareness, and care for our neighbors."
"It turns out the community is much "safer" having been swept by ICE, as a sizable number of the people the agents arrested in the San Francisco Bay Area had violent criminal records. 

Of those 232, 180 “were either convicted criminals, had been issued a final order of removal and failed to depart the United States, or had been previously removed” from the country and had come back illegally.Another 115 “had prior felony convictions for serious or violent offenses.” (Fox News)
"Those convictions include aggravated assault, murder, a hit and run, lewd acts with a minor, burglary, cruelty toward a child, indecent exposure, domestic violence, drug trafficking, battery, sex offenses and false imprisonment, an ICE spokesperson told Fox." . . .

EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Conservative Parkland Massacre Survivor the Media Has Largely Ignored


. . . "I ask[ed] him why he thinks that's the case. "I don't know," he says, hesitantly. "Maybe because I don't use inflammatory language.  I speak calmly and logically without much emotion. I don't necessarily make the very best headline."  He's politely referring to some of his more "famous" peers' propensity to launch provocative and partisan attacks, such as repeated assertions that people who disagree with their political or policy preferences "don't care" about dead children, or have 'blood on their hands.'  But Kashuv knows that the disparate treatment he's lived isn't merely attributable to stylistic differences; he's convinced that the substance of his views is what has diminished his appeal to many activists and journalists." . . . 

In case you didn't watch the Academy Awards....

The grand irony is that Kimmel and the Hollywood cohort no doubt think they are helping matters, ultra-virtuous warriors and deep thinkers, living monuments to the beatitudes of liberal progressivism – and that can only be good, because they are good, and they know they're good because they care.  
And the award for Most Insufferable Virtue-Signaling goes to...  . . . "So we are asked to engorge a banquet of self-aggrandizement from an endless conga line of over-lauded thespians, so deep into their method-acting role as, apparently, the wisest of the wise that they have actually come to believe it, utterly incapable of recognizing themselves for what they really are: politicized hacks whose happenstance has found them in the klieg lights, in front of a microphone, bent on convincing the world that people who disagree with them are, let's face it, no damn good." . . .

The best and worst moments of the Oscars  "Obviously, this year’s Academy Awards were never going to match last year’s utter disaster. But did the ceremony have to be so utterly boring? By the end of the nearly four-hour ordeal, it was a challenge to stay awake. Can’t wait to see how far the ratings plummeted from last year’s 32.9 million. Still, a few moments stood out." . . .

Oscars Early Ratings Tank, Show Sinks 16 Percent From Last Year

Oscars: Jimmy Kimmel Takes Shots at Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Fox News  "Well, that didn't take long. 
"Right off the bat, host Jimmy Kimmel took shots at Donald Trump during the opening of the 90th Academy Awards on Sunday night, including about the president tweeting from a gold toilet." 

Oscars: Celebrities Push Gun Control Surrounded by a Wall of 500 Armed Officers

". . . The Academy Awards allows the American people to enjoy seeing the most number of stars in one place without having to donate to the Democratic Party."    Comedian Argus Hamilton

‘Keep your damn mouth shut …’ ABC tries to get Dolly Parton to trash Trump and her answer is brilliant

BIZPAC Review  "Reaching all the way back to the iconic 1980 movie “9 to 5,” which featured Dolly Parton, ABC News tried in vain to get country music legend to denounce President Donald Trump by likening him to the sexist boss in the film.
“ 'The sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical portrayed so effectively in that movie by actor Dabney Coleman hasn’t exactly disappeared from the culture,” said Nightline correspondent David Wright. “We have a president of the United States who said the things on that bus.”
"That a “journalist” can espouse such rank bias without a trace of shame is another matter altogether, but Parton proved to be a little too sharp for Wright’s taste." . . .

I thoroughly detest computer voices as in this video.

Snopes Fact Checks, Facebook Threatens Satire Site for Mocking CNN

Big Journalism  "The Christian satire site Babylon Bee has been fact-checked by Snopes and threatened by Facebook after it published an Onion-style article about CNN about purchasing a washing machine to “spin the news.”

"The Babylon Bee openly advertises itself as a satire site. Recent headlines include, “Local Pastor Hoping Curling Metaphors Go Over Big This Sunday,” “Nation That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away,” “Calvinist Dog Corrects Owner: ‘No One Is A Good Boy’,” and “New Exercise Bike Forces You To Watch Christian Movies Until You Hit Your Calories Goal.” . . .

. . . "This time, in order to protect the far-left CNN from ridicule, Snopes and Facebook worked in tandem to teach the Babylon Bee (and all of us) a lesson about mocking your betters.
"It all started with a Babylon Bee headline that read, “CNN Purchases Industrial-Sized Washing Machine to Spin News Before Publication,” and a few paragraphs of satire that are more goofy than biting…" . . .

Maxine Waters: Trump Is ‘Racist’ For Questioning My She Demands Reparations. Updated

The biggest danger to America is the voters who chose this woman for her office.
Trump Jokes About Maxine Waters Needing An IQ Test At Gridiron Dinner 
. . . "The humorless left is in full meltdown mode after last night’s Gridiron dinner at which Trump made some hilarious remarks about the various idiocies of the media and Democrats during his first full year in office." . . .

Screen Shot Rep. Maxine Waters (MSNBC: March 4, 2018)
Video at the link.
Weasel Zippers  "Then everyone is racist."Via Daily Caller:
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters alleged Sunday that President Donald Trump is “racist” because he questioned her IQ level.On Saturday night, President Trump addressed the annual Gridiron Club Dinner, an event that is known for its humor. Trump took jabs at his own administration and many of his rivals, and at one point joked that Rep. Waters should “immediately take an IQ test.”Waters was afforded an opportunity to respond to the joke by Joy Ann Reid, host of MSNBC’s “AM Joy.”
Waters promises 'reparations' if Dems take over in 2020  "How radical can the Democrats get if they take over the government again? What used to be an extreme position - reparations to black people for slavery - is now entering the mainstream of Democratic party thought and could become a reality once the Democrats regain power." . . .
. . . "If we want to get to the point where we can get reparations, we’ve got to have the power to do that, Number 1, by having a supportive president would be wonderful, but taking back the House would be absolutely wonderful ... I need to take back that House so that we can have a majority in that committee.' ”

Maxine Waters Wants Porn Star To Give “Her Interpretation” Of Trump’s Mental Health…

Update:  ‘Stop Blaming White People’ Sign Causes Stir At NJ Post Office

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The press is spoiling the Parkland kids rotten

Victory Girls
The spoiled brats of Parkland persuade us only of their own boorishness
." . .  these right-on-the-spot activists were just dupes in the hands of professional gun control lobbyists looking to capitalize on a tragedy, well financed and organized even before the bodies of their classmates were cold. It all started to look questionable, and even more so as news that Soros money was behind so much of their organized protests.
. . . 
"But what's really starting to stand out now is the foul language, uncouth manners, and oafish behavior of the newly minted teenage gun control activists, who are obviously still the same spoiled brats they always were before the shooting, only now getting a lot of attention." . . .

A Nation of Children Wants a Nation of Gun Control  "In the history of protests, there is probably nothing less inspiring than a high-schooler refusing to go to school.   It's as if the children threatened not to eat their vegetables; or as if a bad Catholic, upset with the bedrock teachings of the Church, refused to go to Mass.   You can refuse any number of things, but you can't refuse in the most fun way possible, and if you refuse your food, the response of your "oppressors" should be then don't eat your food.   It's your life, and should you choose to ruin it by getting skinny or playing hookey, I say best of luck to you.   If you really want to make an impression, you should douse yourself in gasoline and set yourself on fire.   That way, we'll know you really mean it." . . .

“See, the problem is, is makes way too much f**king sense for our elected officials to take care of,” Hogg said.
Next they're on Bill Maher!  . . . "Among the highlights: Hogg, 17, told Maher’s live audience that he hung up on the White House last week. He was offended that President Donald Trump refused to attend CNN’s town hall meeting with survivors of the Feb. 14 mass shooting that left 14 fellow students and three faculty members dead." . . .

May we ask if they recorded the incident in order to play it before celebrities?

Generation Snowflake Needs to Start Learning, and Stop Yapping

"There’s this meme going around the Internet that discourages criticism of the student activists involved in the latest opportunistic push for gun control. Generation Snowflake is comparing itself to the Founding Fathers, because of the similarities in age, trying to answer valid criticisms of their ignorance about domestic policy, constitutional law, and the philosophy of natural rights. They are also incapable of rational thought, and often hump logical fallacies and contradictions like rabid badgers during mating season, but we can’t criticize them because they’re the same age as some of the Founders.
"But we’re supposed to listen to Generation Snowflake, because they somehow have the moral authority to speak on domestic policies about which they know exactly jack and s**t?
    "We’re supposed to refrain from criticism about their obviously uninformed opinions, because they’ve been through what had to be a traumatic experience?
    "We’re supposed to ignore their errors in reasoning, false equivalencies, and flawed analysis fed to them by groups with obvious political agendas, because our Founding Fathers were around the same age when they took up arms and started a revolution?
    "Hate to tell you this, Snowflakes, but people like Henry Lee, Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and Lafayette took up actual ARMS – things you want to see banned – and went to war against a tyrannical government. They bled. They fought. Hamilton was an aide-de-camp to General George Washington at the ripe old age of about 21." . . .
But gosh! How can possibly get educated when there’s attention to be had, and when teachers’ unions are the ones organizing school walkouts instead of teaching teaching children?
And if you doubt this is about attention, just take a look at this interview right around the 1:55 mark, and listen to Emma Gonzalez “courageously” claim how she’s going right back to that school once it opens…
…”unless we have interviews or somewhere to be.”
. . .

This video should tell you all you want to know about " journalism" at CNN.

Zhee Whiz: Looking for Hate in the Wrong Places

When this extreme silliness pervades a society, how can it's viability as a nation continue? TD
Clarice Feldman  "Expanding on the growing institutional campaign to use gender-neutral pronouns, the University of Tennessee has confected up some new ones:"

"Students are increasingly coming to college ill prepared to do the work required, and the (overstaffed) administrations are still piddling about inventing new ways to tongue-tie pupils, ignoring that the English language – unlike, for example, Romance-based ones, Hebrew, Greek, and German – is remarkably devoid of gender specificity except for the basic pronouns, which clarify meaning.  Try this out with zhee: Tom and Mary went to school.  Zhee passed; zhee flunked out.  Who?
"Not tongue-tied is the odious Louis Farrakhan, friend of many top Democrats, including Keith Ellison, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Democratic Congressman Danny Davis, and former president Obama.
"This past week, Farrakhan unleashed a ridiculous diatribe to an audience, which included one of the leaders of the upcoming Women's March (several of whom have allied with him) silence from Democrats and those who find aggressions and microaggressions even in ordinary grammar:" . . .

Hecklers and Hypocrites

"Those of us who oppose safe spaces on campuses do not like the idea of permanently setting aside physical areas where certain viewpoints are banned. We reject the efforts of those trying to assert a right to feel comfortable as a means of negating even mildly offensive speech. 

Mike Adams  "Recently, a professor of history at City University of New York (CUNY) objected to my support for specific provisions of North Carolina’s HB527, which allow student hecklers who disrupt campus speeches to be subjected to campus disciplinary procedures. After he shared one of my remarks on Twitter, many of his followers made accusations of “hypocrisy.” Their reasoning was that one’s opposition to safe spaces requires support for an unfettered right to heckle speakers. In other words, the person who seeks to restrict heckling is somehow creating a safe space for campus speakers. Therefore, he must also support safe spaces generally lest he be guilty of hypocrisy. This argument, which is easy to rebut, is the subject of today’s column. 

"Understanding the need to prevent a heckler’s veto of speech requires some degree of historical literacy. Those who wish to learn about the history of those who have claimed a right to shout speakers down in the name of free speech need only read the Supreme Court’s opinion in Gregory v. Chicago (1969). In this landmark case, Dick Gregory was attempting a peaceful protest against continued school segregation in defiance of another landmark decision, Brown v. Board of Education (1954). White racists who did not like his speech threw things at him and shouted him down by screaming racial epithets, including the n-word. When Chicago police asked Gregory to stop speaking he rightly refused. Along with several other peaceful protestors, he was then arrested.

"When the Supreme Court justices overruled Gregory’s conviction, they were affirming the common sense view that there is no First Amendment right to negate the First Amendment rights of other citizens who are assembled peaceably and speaking lawfully. Put simply, the police arrested the wrong people in Chicago that night. It does not take a PhD in history to arrive at such an obvious conclusion. " . . .

Saturday, March 3, 2018

'Kill all white people': Racist serial killer is indicted for killing THREE more hikers in random attacks bringing the total body count to six

UK Daily Mail

Scott (pictured in court in Sept) is now facing six counts of murder and six counts of armed criminal action after being indicted on three new murders Friday

"A Missouri man who threatened to 'kill all white people' and was already charged with slaughtering three in the Kansas City area was indicted Friday in the murders of three other people.

"Frederick Demond Scott, a 23-year-old black man, is now charged in the murders of five white men and one white woman in total, although investigators and prosecutors have not discussed a motive for the killings.

"After the indictments, Scott faces a total of six counts of first-degree murder and six counts of armed criminal action in a string of killings that began in August 2016. 

"Scott was indicted Friday in the deaths of David Lenox, 67, Timothy Rice, 57, and Michael Darby, 61. " . . .  Read more.