Tuesday, July 24, 2018

For Democrats, there is left, and then there is LEFT!

Rich Terrell
Another excuse for Hillary's 2016 loss: Democrats fear Sanders may undermine efforts to beat Trump

"But after we win in 2018, it will be leftward HO!"

2016: "Democratic Party leaders are upping the pressure on Bernie Sanders to drop his presidential campaign, alarmed that his continued presence is undermining efforts to beat the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and again win the White House.
“ 'I don’t think they think of the downside of this,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a supporter of front-runner Hillary Clinton and broker of the post-primary peace between Clinton and then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in 2008." . . .
Moderate Democrats push back against 'wild-eyed' leftward lurch of the party
 A group of moderate Democratic lawmakers sounded the alarm Thursday over the party's shift to the left, saying the embrace of ultra-liberal policies could endanger their efforts to capture Congress in the November midterm elections and the White House in 2020.
Chris Coons
“The next two years is just a race to offer increasingly unrealistic proposals, to rally just those who are already with us,” Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware, told a gathering of like-minded centrists at a strategy session in Washington. But with a far-left agenda, Coons warned, “it’ll be difficult for us to make a credible case that we should be allowed to govern again and easier and easier to mock and marginalize us.” 

Most Liberal House Dem Barbara Lee Wants to Replace Crowley as Caucus Leader
"Liberal"? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. TD

. . . "Lee, an antiwar member of the House Progressive Caucus whose Bay Area district includes Berkeley*, was the only member of Congress to vote against retaliatory action after al-Qaeda struck the United States on 9/11. “As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore," she said at the time.
"Lee was rated the most liberal member of the House in GovTrack's 2017 ideology rankings. Crowley fell in the middle of the House Dems' ranking.
"In a letter to colleagues today, Lee stressed that "the strength of our caucus lies in our diversity of experiences and ideas.' " . . .

* That would be on the California coast, in case you didn't know.

The battle cry of leftists:

Hillary's neckwear is always a topic of speculation, especially now

Granted it does look like that and one wonders what else it could be. But why wear it in the daytime when Hillary is surrounded by her people?  Perhaps at night, but during the day she could take it off. TD

American Mirror  "She’s fallen before and she’s needed help getting up.
"Maybe that’s why Hillary Clinton appeared to be wearing a Life Alert emergency button necklace during her recent appearance in New York City.
"Twitter user @ComfortablySmug posted a photo of Clinton posing with a fan while she was in Central Park for the Ozy Fest:" . . .

The Twitter user then noted the necklace looked very similar to the Life Alert emergency device made famous for the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” commercials:

'Gender Neutral Parenting' Is Child Abuse

You could have Child Protective Services knocking on your door, especially in low income neighborhoods, if you so much as spank your child. Yet these people are turning their kids into social experiments, hiding essential biological truths from them, depriving them of identity, force feeding them leftist gender theories, and fostering mental disorders in their minds, and rather than a visit from CPS they get a profile on NBC.
Daily Wire

"NBC reports on a parenting trend with a name as stupid as the thing itself: "theybies." This is the designation certain upper-class, white, liberal parents have given to their children, whom they have decided to raise without "gender labels."
"The NBC article focuses on Nate and Julia Sharpe, parents of Zyler and Kadyn Sharpe. The biological sex of Zyler and Kadyn has been hidden from everyone, including Zyler and Kadyn themselves. They are aware of their own body parts, but they have not been told what those parts mean. They do not know their own identities. Nate and Julia will keep that secret under lock and key until the children are old enough to decide for themselves. They will reach this magical age sometime around four or five, apparently. They will not yet have reached the age where they are old enough to make themselves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but they will be old enough to decide their own gender.
"Of course, we run into some logical problems here. There are approximately 6,782 logical problems, actually, but let's mention just a few: If biological sex is meaningless and gender is a social construct, what does it mean to "choose" a gender? You just said gender is something arbitrary and invented. If a boy chooses to be a girl based on his affinity for girly things, has he not made this decision based on the very construct that you are trying to abolish? And if he makes the decision based on nothing at all, then hasn't the word "girl" just become another word for "boy"? If "girl" and "boy" have no meaning then you cannot choose to be one or the other. If they do have meaning, then the choice must be based on something objective. You can't have it both ways." . . .  Matt Walsh
I suppose this is one way to do gender-identification. TD

Teen Tyrant David Hogg Threatens President Trump: ‘You Will Suffer Consequences Few Have Ever Suffered’

Must need his publicity fix. That look of adoration on the faces of liberal celebrities can be addictive. TD

Hogg’s threat mimicked Trump’s warning to Iran Sunday night after Iran threatened the U.S. with war.
The Gateway Pundit  Hogg, an 18-year-old graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School in Parkland, Florida, rose to prominence as a student gun control activist in the days after the February 14 mass shooting at the school has since revealed himself to be a bullying social justice warrior with delusions of grandeur. Hogg has tried to bully companies like FedEx, Florida’s tourist industry, the Fox News Channel and others with boycotts for offending him and not bending to his will.
President Trump, on the other hand, is standing up to an Iranian regime that has declared “Death to America!” and has embarked on a nuclear weapons program to fulfill their pledge.
"Trump posted to Twitter late Sunday night a blunt riposte to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani warning to him that, “war with Iran is the mother of all wars.”

LGBTQ Totalitarianism in Boston: The Destruction of the St. Patrick's Day Parade

Saint Patrick's Day was instituted to commemorate the Apostle who brought the Catholic Faith to Ireland.  It is impossible to honor Saint Patrick while showcasing those who not only repudiate the moral code of Saint Patrick's religion, but who castigate that code as bigotry, prejudice, hatred and homophobia.

Amy Contrada  "In 1995, a remarkable 9-0 ruling was handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court.  A Catholic veterans' group, organizers of the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in South Boston, were vindicated in their refusal to allow a homosexual activist group to march in their parade.  The Court confirmed that the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council was protected by the First Amendment and could reject a group if it "impart[ed] a message that the [parade] organizers do not wish to convey."

"Twenty-three years later, orthodox Boston Irish Catholics will no longer have the prominent public voice on St. Patrick's Day.  They've been elbowed out by secular celebrants of disordered sexuality.
"South Boston has fallen.  LGBTQ radicals have just seized complete control of the St. Patrick's Day Parade, with the director of a front group, OUTVETS, put in charge of the event.
"The shocking evolution of the parade from a celebration of Irish Catholic heritage to an overtly LGBTQ event should be a warning to those who advocate "inclusion" within their institutions.  The infusion of LGBTQ sexuality will inevitably upend tried and true traditions and moral standards.  We see this happening most clearly in our schools and churches." . . .
. . . 
"The final capitulation came in 2017.  Mayor Walsh was determined to wipe out any glimmer of resistance to sexual radicals' participation.  The Veterans Council's objection to LGBT symbols had to be overcome.  The mayor continued to strong-arm the parade organization.  Powerful politicians and corporate sponsors threatened to withhold support.
"Worse, Antifa-style riots were being planned to disrupt the 2017 parade if LGBTQ groups were not given full participation.  No mainstream outlet reportedon those threats of violence." . . .
The demise of Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade is just one example of how allowing LGBTQ individuals to openly serve in the U.S. military has opened doors for their activist interference in other social realms.  If LGBTQ participation in the military is recognized as legitimate, who can refuse to recognize their inclusion in other settings?

Monday, July 23, 2018

Woman Born In Hitler’s Germany Tells Liberals They Remind Her Of Nazis

The People’s Voice

. . . Inga Andrews said:
What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator.
“What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors.
“That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”
“I see what is happening here reflecting some of the things we saw in Germany, and it’s terrifying. It’s sad. But it’s not because of Trump. It’s because of poor education.
“Trump is not like Hitler. The theory that he is is propaganda. Yes, I lived through some of Nazi Germany, but all you have to do is read some books about that period to see how wrong that theory is.”
"Andrews drove home her point further for the younger generation:
It saddens me that we are teaching garbage in the schools and in the college. We don’t teach history anymore. History repeats itself over and over. . . .

Read the full article here.

A Ghastly and Tasteless Escalation of Tensions…With Ourselves

Donald Trump promises and is delivering as much of a change as Roosevelt and Reagan to a political system at least as decrepit and more corrupt than those earlier presidents inherited, but he does not have a remotely emollient public personality and and takes no trouble to reduce his vulnerability enemies.
Conrad Black

"The response to the Helsinki meeting has been so extreme on all sides that questions about the maturity, stability, and intelligence of the entire American political community are incited and require some act of faith to deal with positively. Earlier U.S. presidents created shock waves as great as these but managed them better.
"The Trump phenomenon and his assault on the political establishment were bound to cause immense convulsions.
"In the terrible economic crisis of the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt swept out the stable and, while he riled many, his suave and mellifluous patrician manner and demiurgic political dexterity kept the country on an even political keel out of the Great Depression and through World War II. The Northeastern establishment that John F. Kennedy led to Vietnam and that induced Lyndon Johnson to plunge into that conflict, followed by the Watergate debacle, the abandonment of Indochina to the Communists, and the over-conscientious irresolution of the Carter presidency, left Washington an open city for Ronald Reagan and his optimistic Californians, like George Shultz and Caspar Weinberger. Again, the president’s almost hypnotic talents as a public speaker and his immense personal and public charm, assured that profound changes could be assimilated without excessive strain on the country’s political fabric." . . .

Gillibrand: Democrats Should Immediately Abolish ICE Once They Take Back Congress

Daily Caller  "Democrats should immediately move to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if they regain majorities in Congress, Democratic New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said on Sunday.

“ 'So when we flip the House and flip the Senate, I think the first thing we should do is deal with the children who have been separated from their families at the border. I think we should get rid of ICE,” Gillibrand said at the New York City festival OZY Fest, where she shared a stage with left-wing actress Chelsea Handler." . . .

Liberal silliness, a danger to American society

When "silly" becomes vicious.

Feminists now demanding 'menstrual equity'  "You have to almost feel sorry for feminists.  They've been pushed aside by more virtuous groups like illegal aliens and men disguised as women.  These new identity group darlings have sucked all the oxygen out of the liberal media, forcing feminists to make more and more outlandish claims to get attention, such as:" . . .

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Equates Ending Of Slavery To Electing Democrats

Protesters Throw Feces at L.A. Kosher Cafe Because Owner Supports Trump    These people must be resisted! Support the Kosher Cafe!
This is what rallied Democrats to the restaurant:

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Against Stripping Convicted Terrorist Of US Citizenship   "All hail diversity."
. . . "Federal Judge Staci Yanle ruled this month in favor of Faris, saying that there was not enough evidence to prove that any misrepresentations influenced the decision to grant him citizenship." . . .

Tinfoil Hats: ABC Becomes A Home For Trump/Russia Conspiracies

Why on earth would any Republican agree to willingly be interviewed by Clintonite George 
Stephanopoulos? I put him in the same class with David Gregory. TD

UVA students triggered by hiring of former Trump official  “This petition goes beyond reasonable objection,” the UVA College Republicans (CR) wrote in a statement. “It highlights the animus those on the left possess for anyone affiliated with conservatism. It transcends hatred for President Trump. The most concerning aspect is the petition’s endorsement by members of the University faculty. Faculty members should be welcoming new voices on our Grounds, not attempting to eradicate them.”

Does Hillary get royalties every time the Trump Dossier is used by Democrats?

Sen. Rubio likes what the FBI is doing and I'm sure John McCain does as well.

Photosnark by Rich Terrell
Graham: Warrant for Carter Page surveillance was 'a bunch of garbage'
. . . "Asked on CBS's "Face the Nation" whether a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant obtained on Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser on President Trump's campaign, was justified, Graham insisted that it was not and that the opposition research dossier that helped lay the foundation for the warrant application was bunk.
" 'If the dossier is the reason you issued the warrant, it was a bunch of garbage," Graham said. "The dossier has proven to be a bunch of garbage."
"He also said that the warrant application, which was released by the Justice Department on Saturday, served as proof that "the whole FISA warrant process needs to be looked at.' " . . .
FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo  . . . "On Saturday night, the denouncing started again. "The only thing the newly released FISA documents show is that Republicans have been lying for months," the lefty think tank Center for American Progress said in a typical response.

"Now, however, we have both the memo and the FISA application, if in a blacked-out state. We can compare the two. And doing so shows the Nunes memo was overwhelmingly accurate. Perhaps some Democrats do not believe it should have been written, or they dispute what it included and left out, or they do not agree with its conclusions, but it was in fact accurate." . . .

Oops! Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina met with Obama officials in 2015

Thomas Lifson  "Desperate Trump-haters, searching for something – anything! – to show that the Trump administration is in bed with Vladimir Putin seized on the news a week ago that a young Russian named Maria Butina had been indicted for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), or, in the words of the DOJ, for "conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation within the United States without prior notification to the Attorney General."
" . . .Emily Singer, a senior political reporter for Mic, tweeted out a photo from inside the White House and claimed that Maria Butina, who was charged Monday for conspiring against the U.S. as a secret Russian agent, was among a gaggle of staffers inside the Oval Office.  She later realized her mistake and deleted the tweet, but only after it went viral.
. . . "But alas, it turned out that she was an opportunist who would meet with Obama officials if given the chance.  And she did.  TheBlaze reports:" . . .

. . . "A set-up by the FBI?  Let's see – who was in charge of counter-terrorism there?  That's right: Peter Strzok, the man whose expert imitation of a man demonically possessed impressed so many observers.
"Ms. Chapman has found work in Mother Russia:"
"Am I the only person who remembers another Russian red-head deep-cover spy named Anna Chapman?  She was uncovered during the Obama administration, in 2011, and was said to have used her good looks to entice various male officials into her bed and into security lapses.  And am I the only person who thought it reeked of a cover-up that she and her colleagues were rapidly traded for U.S. people arrested in Russia – without even an attempt to get her to spill the beans on whom she seduced for what intelligence?"

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Obama’s Former Director of National Intelligence Says Obama Behind Entire Russia Witch Hunt!

The Gateway Pundit

"President Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, came clean on CNN and stated that former President Obama was behind spying on President Trump!

"James Clapper was on CNN yesterday and he stated that Obama was behind spying on President Trump and all the corrupt and criminal actions involving the government, including the Mueller investigation –
"According to Obama’s former spy chief, James Clapper, who appeared on CNN to say it was Obama who set the entire Russia witch-hunt into motion by tasking the intelligence community assessment.
"Clapper said –
If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.  President Obama is responsible for that.  It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.