Thursday, May 7, 2020

Huh? Don Lemon Says Trump Is Jealous Because Michelle Obama Is "Better Looking" than Melania

CNN: The channel we were glued to non-stop during the Gulf War because of its excellent reportage; how has it become so silly? Watch Don Lemon and tell me, is this your source for current events? TD

The News Commenter posted on this: . . . "CNN anchor Don Lemon went on a disturbing rant slamming First Lady Melania Trump’s looks while asking why President Trump is obsessed with his predecessor Barack Obama.
"In a clip that went viral on social media, Lemon claimed not only is Obama better educated than Trump, but that his wife Michelle is also more accomplished than Melania – and better looking!"

The Gateway Pundit

"No Don. That’s not the issue here."  Via Infowars.
CNN anchor Don Lemon went on a disturbing rant slamming First Lady Melania Trump’s looks while asking why President Trump is obsessed with his predecessor Barack Obama.
In a clip that went viral on social media, Lemon claimed not only is Obama better educated than Trump, but that his wife Michelle is also more accomplished than Melania – and better looking!
"Don Lemon decided to blast First Lady Melania’s looks and accomplishments on CNN"

This Newsweek reporter must be a Don Lemon follower: Misleading title to follow:
Observe how the title of the article is worded? The left can share it by simply cutting and pasting the first half of the title only. TD
"Melania Trump is lonely and obsessed with Michelle Obama. At least in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's version of events anyway.
. . . "Adichie's fictional account also portrays Trump as envious of her predecessor's natural ease in the role of first lady. Mrs T shows Janelle a video she's been watching on YouTube of Michelle Obama visiting a classroom. She also reveals a folder full of pictures of Obama on her laptop. "Look at this. I always look at them for the inspiration," she says."In this fictional world, Mrs T's only source of joy comes from her 11-year-old son, Barron. The first lady perks up speaking to her son, who is described as "sweetly shy and polite, dependent on his mother for his sense of self.""But Adichie's imagined Trump also exhibits a casual racism that her husband, President Donald Trump, is often accused of sharing." . . .
Babylon Bee finds a way to satirize shameful reportage:
CNN Announces Daily 'Two Minutes Hate' Segment

"CNN has announced a new "Two Minutes Hate" segment airing every morning.
"The segments are mandatory viewing for anyone trapped in an airport or hotel lobby. Enraged hosts will drum up hate against whatever draws their ire that particular day, though usually it will be Trump and his supporters.
"Viewers will be worked up into a frenzy through subliminal messaging and the energy of the crowd. Hosts will use provocative imagery and mocking to get everyone really angry and make them hate their political opponents. Triggering images such as people in red baseball caps and politicians with orange skin will flash across the screen until the crowd's rage is built up to a sufficient level.
" 'Be angry! Be very upset! Be outraged! Everything is terrible!" Don Lemon cried at the crowds dutifully assembled around CNN telescreens across the nation. "Repeat after me: Trump voters are sheep!' "  . . . More, even about Fox.

The lockdown's heavy foot

Rich Terrell
Nearly 3.2 million US workers seek jobless aid; coronavirus has put 33.5 million out of work

A traveller, in protective gear, walking through an empty airport during the coronavirus pandemic Coronavirus latest news: UK airports to order passengers to wear face masks and gloves (Right)   "Passengers travelling through some UK airports will be required to cover their faces and wear gloves from Thursday. " . . .

What will this mother's children become?
Angry Customer Opens Fire At Oklahoma McDonald's Over COVID-19 Restrictions
. . . "Authorities said the shooting happened around 6:00 p.m. Wednesday (May 6) following an argument between a female patron and a crew member of the fast-food chain."
As reported by ABC News, the female crew member informed the customer that the restaurant's dining room was off-limits due to social distancing, a preventive measure observed worldwide to curb the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
More here:   “The suspect left the restaurant briefly and returned with a handgun and fired multiple shots,” said Capt. Larry Withrow of the Oklahoma City Police Department in a statement. “One male employee was shot in the arm. Another male employee was hit in the neck and shoulder area by what is described by police as bullet shrapnel. A third male employee also suffered from bullet shrapnel in his side.”
UPDATE: Single suspect, Gloricia Woody, was forced out of the restaurant by employees.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dennis Miller: Biden will never debate Trump

Youtube  "Why Biden will avoid the discussion with Trump. What is the conclusion of Trump's presidency? Dennis Miller (Talk Show Host and Comedian) about the current state of politics and comedy. Dennis gives his thoughts on the current political divide in America."

Lab Theory of Wuhan Virus Cooked Up in a Neocon Lab

Ann Coulter  "Just because the media say something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not true. In the case of Trump’s claim that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab — or as I call it, the All Cultures Are the Same! Theory — the media are probably right.
"Granted, whatever the truth is, it will somehow become an argument for more immigration and more war. Still, the lab theory sounds a lot like what we were told before going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to liberate the poor Afghans and Iraqis from their vile leaders! They’re just like us!
"Then it turned out the Iraqis were shooting at our guys, as well as one another, and the Afghans were pederasts. Twenty years later, we’re still there and not much has changed. They weren’t just like us.
"The Chinese aren’t just like us. Cultural differences are a more likely explanation for the Wuhan flu pandemic than a simple lab accident.
"Here are some of the clues:
1) Chinese people eat bats, dogs, civet cats and live octopuses, as well as a variety of endangered species, which are sold at wet markets, jam-packed with wildlife being slaughtered on site in breathtakingly unsanitary conditions. Among the “high-risk” behaviors at wet markets cited by the National Institutes of Health, shoppers “[blow] the cloacae of chickens” to “examine their healthiness.” (Look it up.)2) At least a half-dozen other animal-to-human viruses have come from the wet markets.3) Scientists have been warning us for decades: THE NEXT VIRAL PANDEMIC WILL COME FROM THE CHINESE WET MARKETS!" . . .

Well-Connected DC Journalist: “I Don’t Want an Investigation. I Want a Coronation of Joe Biden.”

Well-Connected DC Journalist: “I Don’t Want an Investigation. I Want a Coronation of Joe Biden.”  "Joe Concha writes at The Hill:
Washington journalist: ‘I want a coronation’ of Biden, not an investigation of allegations . . .
 Fair Warning, Uncle Joe: Stacey Abrams Is The New Sarah Palin

. . . "And sure: the old crisis communications standby is “change the subject” – “Wag the Dog,” and all that. Indeed, you’re in a doozy of a pickle: you, and every woman politician panting after the #2 slot, are hoist by your own hot pink petards.
"As the Human Octopus with females within range, you of all people should have figured the mindless “Believe Every Woman” sexual assault standard would come back to bite you. When Mika Brzezinski puts the cattle prod to your progressive hide, this brouhaha clearly isn’t just gonna fade into the sunset along with your faculties.
"Still, don’t succumb to the same temptation as a previous stalled senior nominee, John McCain: “throwing long” by elevating an incandescent, but youthful and untested, talent. To paraphrase a crowd-pleaser from his surprise choice: “How’d that work out for him?”
"Answer: not so hot at all for Commander Mac, and almost certainly not for you, either – if you launch into the same risk-fraught trajectory with gifted current progressive icon and cause célèbre Stacey Abrams as he did in selecting erstwhile right-wing fave Sarah Palin.
"Yes, Ms. Abrams brings more to the table than did the former beauty queen, sports reporter and (very) small-town mayor with less than two years as governor under her belt. The Georgian boasts – wow – a Masters in Public Affairs, a  Yale law degree, experience as an entrepreneur and tax attorney at a bigtime firm, and six years as state House minority leader.
"Yet no more seasoning on a national stage. And Dude, even beyond that, the parallels – promising and perilous – couldn’t be more glaring if phosphorescent breadcrumbs were strewn from Delaware to Milwaukee." . . .

Biden Needs A Running Mate Who’ll Offset His, You Know, The Thing  "Former Vice President Joe Biden is looking for a running mate for the November election. He’s getting plenty of suggestions. But just about anyone will improve his chances as long as the selection is more mentally capable than he is." 
"There’s no shortage of advice for the Democrat. CNN has listed “The Top 10 women Joe Biden might pick as vice president.” A media favorite is, of course, Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren. At least one cable host has campaigned for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. CBS reports that Biden is “challenged to pick a black woman.” Biden himself has said he’d pick Michelle Obama “in a heartbeat.”
"Two things, though, we know for sure: One, Biden pledged to pick a woman. Two, he needs someone who can make up for his dismal campaign performances, in which he has the look of someone suffering from dementia and appears to be in sharp decline." . . .

Seeing Democrats as they are; how can Americans want them to rule over this nation?

🤣🤣🤣@brithume can't hold back laughter at the @nytimes calling for the DNC to "investigate" the Tara Reade "matter swiftly"
"What's the difference between the NYT and DNC these days?
"Biden points to NYT to clear him, NYT points to the DNC. Pathetic" Video

Conrad Black:
Democrats Gamble Everything on Dislike of Trump and Promotion of Lockdown "
The Democrats are staking everything on their ability to turn the presidential election into the question: “Do you like Trump?” Their gamble, (and only play at this point) is that an adequate majority will reply negatively, and the Democratic nominee as the only alternative, will win.
"Like film versions of World War II Allied bomber pilots returning to England from raids over Germany with flack-riddled airplanes, wings wobbling, engines sputtering, and landing gear not responding, they are gamely repeating to each other “Hang on, Carruthers, this could get a little rough.” In pursuit of this strategy, they have an excellent excuse for keeping their unfeasible candidate in his basement for medical reasons, and are espousing in unison the imbecilic mantra: “Test and trace.”
"This holds that the way to fight the coronavirus is to mass-test the population and wherever an infection is discovered, to ascertain the identity of everyone the infected person has met in the last two weeks and chase them up and test them, and so forth, to the farthest corners of America. This is nonsense and anyone who thinks about it for five seconds will realize it’s nonsense, but it is the almost uniform position of the national Democratic leadership." . . .

The Hidden Victims of COVID-19: Dem Donors Forced to Spend $100K for ‘Virtual Dinner’ With Hillary  "The coronavirus pandemic has unleashed tremendous suffering upon the people of earth. Perhaps the foremost victim of this China-caused crisis is President Donald J. Trump, who has suffered horribly at the hands of the Fake News Media and its relentless barrage of unfair questions. Many have also caught the actual virus.
"Some victims are more visible than others. Media reporters such as Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy of CNN, for example, have used public platforms to express their victimhood." 
. . . 
"Stelter, meanwhile, gave a speech about the time he cried himself to sleep, giving voice to fellow journalists suffering in silence, terrified at the thought of another month without brunch or of having to pretend to care about sexual assault allegations against a Democrat." . . .

Liberals Rewrite History to Justify Their #MeToo Hypocrisy

National Review
It’s absurd to suggest that Christine Blasey Ford is more credible than Tara Reade.

"You can believe whomever you choose in the alleged sexual-misconduct cases of Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh, but you can’t revise history to erase your partisan double standards.
"One of the most egregious examples of revisionism can be found in a column by the New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg, who employs nearly every attack Americans were warned never to use against alleged sexual-assault victims during the Kavanaugh hearings — questioning their motivations, asking why they didn’t file charges, attacking them for not remembering specifics, etc. And yet, even if we adopt Goldberg’s new standards, Tara Reade still emerges as a more credible accuser than Christine Blasey Ford.
"For starters, Ford was unable to offer a time or place or a single contemporaneous corroborating witness. Ford offered no evidence that she even knew Kavanaugh. Reade worked for Joe Biden. Reade has offered a specific time and place for the attack." . . .

CNN is now 'the Biden Booster Network'

Sky News host Paul Murray says CNN "used to be the Clinton News Network, now they're the Biden Booster Network," as Democratic candidate Joe Biden firms to be the party's nominee to face Donald Trump later in the year.

On Monday, during a debate with Bernie Sanders, Mr Biden confirmed if he won his party's nomination, then he would pick a woman to be his running mate.

During the debate he also spoke of allowing access to citizenship for millions of "undocumented folks".

"Good luck with that sleepy Joe," Mr Murray said.

Vermont's giant sucking sound: Residents flee government bloat

According to that much-derided "trickle-down theory," raising taxes can at some point actually reduce tax receipts.  The Laffer Curve represents the effect on behavior of rising tax rates.  At some point, raising taxes decreases rather than increases government revenue:
American Thinker  "In 1992, Ross Perot famously stated that NAFTA would cause a "giant sucking sound" as jobs and industries fled the U.S. for Mexico.  For years, progressive Vermont's bloated bureaucracy has increased regulations, social programs, and income and real estate taxes in the fantasy that the rich can just be taxed more to achieve every imagined social good.  But the COVID-19 crisis has pulled aside the fiscal veil, and now the Green Mountain State is careening into the red.  A "giant sucking sound" is heard from Vermonters fleeing the state.
"Vermont has stubbornly avoided funding its state pension system.  It "boasts" the second highest per-pupil school costs in America, the fourth highest health care costs, and the fourth highest welfare benefits.  Unsurprisingly, it also distinguishes itself as the 49th worst business climate and the only state to have its credit rating downgraded in 2019 — when economic times were relatively good.
"Liberals scoff at supply-side economics (the idea that cutting taxes causes a "trickle-down effect" that boosts investment, income, and ultimately tax receipts).  But taxes do matter." . . .
. . . "The Laffer Curve predicts that at some point, increased taxes do cause people to change behaviors in a way that undermines tax revenue.  Vermont is well past that point by every standard — and people are leaving.  It's not the wealthy fleeing, but the common workers and businesspeople who see greener tax pastures over most all neighboring state fences.  Reducing taxes in Vermont by reducing expenditures would help these residents, not imaginary tycoons who don't reside here." . . .

The Democrats’ double-standards continue regarding Joe Biden

How can anyone with a sense of honor want Democrats to rule over us?
It’s fascinating, in an ugly way, to watch Democrats instantly abandon principles they embraced with such fervor only eighteen months ago. It’s to be hoped that America’s independent voters are not impressed with this unprincipled turnaround.

The Democrats’ double-standards continue regarding Joe Biden  . . . "And of course, the studied disinterest in Biden’s conduct is in even greater contrast to the vile, slanderous kangaroo court Democrats created around Brett Kavanaugh, a man with a deserved choir boy’s reputation. In 2018, Christine Blasey Ford, a passionate pro-abortion advocate, came forward with a remarkably changeable and vague story about a person who lived near her and grew up to be a potential conservative Supreme Court justice. Her unprovable accusations, which her own witnesses rejected, sparked a cottage industry of hashtags, especially #BelieveAllWomen.

"Naive people might have assumed that this support for women who accused powerful men of sexual abuse would be the new standard. After all, every leftist, progressive, and Democrat preached and repeated it endlessly. It turns out, though, that the old saying is true: If leftists didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was one of Ford’s stalwart defenders. That’s not the case when it comes to Tara Reade, who has more detailed memories about being assaulted by a man she knew well and one, moreover, with a reputation for dirty doings in the bowels of the Senate building. Pelosi’s new position isn’t #BelieveAllWomen; it’s #BelieveJoeBiden. She’s done with the subject and doesn’t want to hear any more about it:" . . .
. . . "Pelosi may pretend to believe Biden, but Martin Tolchin, who spent 40 years as a New York Times journalist before founding both The Hill and Politico, has a different approach. In response to the Times’s anguished editorial saying that, to keep the FBI away from Biden, the DNC should investigate Reade’s claims, Tolchin wrote a candid letter. In it, he asserts that Biden should not be investigated lest he is found guilty as charged, derailing the Democrats’ last, best hope to defeat Trump:" . . .
Frame it and hang it on a wall.

Iran Regime Journalist Mocked for Saying He’d Rather Get Coronavirus than Use Israeli Vaccine

The Algemeiner
For the anti-Semitic Iranian regime, it appears that death is preferable to life, if it means that Israel gets any credit.

"A journalist for the Tehran regime’s official English-language mouthpiece was widely mocked online on Thursday after he said he would prefer getting the coronavirus over using an Israeli-produced preventative shot.
"Roshan Salih — of Press TV — tweeted a Haaretz article about an expected announcement by an Israeli research center that it had developed a vaccine for the disease currently spreading around the world with the comment, “I’d rather take my chances with the virus than consume an Israeli vaccine.”
"The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland replied, “You are already infected with a virus. It’s called Hatred.”
"The avalanche of negative responses prompted Salih to tweet, “Looks like I’ve activated the Israel lobby.' ”

Iranians have their politically-correct positions just as Hollywood does. Only Iran kills those who dare speak well of their enemies unlike American media which only rejoices when their opposition dies.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

'Believe Democratic women': Paying the price for a lie

Noemie Emery    “ ‘Believe the woman’ didn’t mean believe all women, all the time. But this is an era of slogans, and we’re paying the price for that.” So spoke an adviser to one of the women now being considered as Joe Biden’s running mate, quoted by Politico. In other words, "believe the woman" was a lie.
"What they meant was, "Believe the woman when she’s with our party and the man she's accusing is a conservative who might vote against us on the Supreme Court." So Anita Hill was a saint, whereas Paula Jones (who got a nice, hefty sum out of Bill Clinton) was "trailer-park trash." Juanita Broaddrick could not get a hearing, and Gloria Steinem wrote in the New York Times that President Clinton, because of his party and his stance on abortion, should get a pass, depending upon whom he had pawed.
"Now, the woman to be disbelieved is Tara Reade, a one-time Biden aide who was fired in 1993 soon after she claimed Biden raped her, with just a little more evidence than Christine Blasey Ford had against Brett Kavanaugh, which, in that case, was nothing at all. If this seems like deja vu, it’s because that it is, case one being the Lewinsky affair and the Clinton impeachment in 1998, seven years after the Hill-Thomas hearings, with the Kavanaugh buzz-saw occurring in 2018.
"Each time, Democrats believed in the woman, sight unseen, when the man involved was a conservative who seemed on his way to a Supreme Court appointment. They disbelieved when the man was a Democrat either in the White House or trying to get there. Does this sound kosher to you?
"This time, the situation emerging is still more complex. Biden, before this, had promised to pick a woman to run for vice president, and every last woman who fits that description is already on the record as a fervid opponent of Kavanaugh and as a supporter of Blasey Ford's allegations. This means that each one will have to explain, many times over, why Blasey Ford was believable with no evidence whatsoever, whereas Reade is not.
Note that Ford told no one her story until 30 years passed, whereas Reade spoke to a number of people only days later. They cannot, of course, vouch for the truth of her story, but can at least say it was told at the time.
"Reade also gave a time, date, and place to her story; Blasey Ford can’t remember the day, month, or year when her incident happened, or the house where it happened. Blasey Ford cited the names of the people she says were in the house at the gathering, but no one she mentioned remembered the house, or the party, or even one like it. No one could recall seeing Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh at any occasion at all. No one can prove that Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford did not meet on some occasion, but no one can prove that Reade’s story’s not true.
"Given this, an impartial observer has to conclude that Reade’s story is probably more likely true because she gave a time and a place to her story, seemed disturbed to contemporaneous observers, and told others about it. Any woman who believes Blasey Ford and not Reade does not believe in "believing the woman." And the woman chosen by Biden to run right beside him will be "paying the price" for the lie." . . .