Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Massive Super PAC Poised To ‘Swift-Boat’ Biden In Key States

Hot Air  "Remember the 2004 presidential campaign between George W. Bush and John Kerry? That campaign produced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in support of President Bush. The PAC exposed John Kerry’s record as a Vietnam veteran. It was very effective, too. There is a new version of this kind of Super PAC coming on the scene now and President Trump will be the beneficiary." . . .
. . . "Politico is reporting the PAC’s first campaign ads will begin Tuesday in key states." . . .
. . . "Trump’s law and order campaign is catching on because the violence and destruction continue in cities across the country. Voters do not feel safe in their own homes as they are seeing news reports that show the angry rioters expanding outside downtown areas in some places and moving into residential areas, especially if a prominent local official lives there. The security of living in a gated community is being breached in cities like St. Louis, where destructive protesters tore down the neighborhood’s entrance gate to march to the mayor’s house. Preserve America is using ‘real’ Americans and they are telling some compelling personal stories. Two ad spots can be previewed today." . . .

The first is with Alyssa Cordova. Her husband was a police officer killed in the line of duty in Arizona. She questions what kind of leader Joe Biden is since he isn’t standing up for police. She points to a memorial monument that was defaced with anti-police graffiti, labeling the police as murderers. Alyssa points out that her husband was murdered.

"The second ad is done with John Gillis, a retired Los Angeles police lieutenant. He tells the story of losing his daughter because he was a police officer. He said she was killed execution-style. It, too, is a personal and powerful ad. Gillis questions Biden’s character by saying Biden won’t do tough things because he is too concerned about public opinion."

. . . "The emergence of Preserve America is good news for Team Trump. It’s coming at the right time.
The investment comes two months before the election as Trump continues to trail former Vice President Joe Biden in the polls, and to win Trump would have to be the first incumbent in over 70 years to come from behind after trailing following the major party conventions.
"It wouldn’t be the first time that Trump did something that others before him weren’t able to do, now would it?"

Joe Biden's America being burned down ... by Joe Biden's supporters

Charles Hurt   "Is this Joe Biden’s America? Or Donald Trump’s America?
"Certainly, America is deeply divided today. But every bit of the horrifying images and footage of burning, looting and violence we see today comes exclusively from Joe Biden’s America.
"The carnage in Joe Biden’s America is the result of Democrat mayors and governors unwilling and unable to stand up to the lawless, rioting mob that outwardly claims it is motivated by the very same fevers and political positions that motivate Mr. Biden himself.
"In fact, Mr. Biden’s vice presidential pick, Sen. Kamala Harris, worked so hard to ingratiate herself with the increasingly unruly mob that she went on record a few weeks back raising money “to help post bail” for those arrested during the riots — riots they now claim to oppose.
"At the very least, you would think that Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris might want to stand up for peaceful demonstrators who have a constitutional right to gather peacefully and to express their grievances over police behavior or anything else. After all, those truly peaceful demonstrators are among the first victims of the violent, raging mobs burning American cities today.
"It is worth noting that the chief suspect in the apparent murder of a man in Portland this weekend was out on the street (armed with a gun) despite a recent arrest on a gun charge and a warrant for his arrest on a separate gun charge. If all this bears out, then the prosecutors and politicians who allowed this mayhem to rage out of control literally have blood on their hands." . . .

Joe Biden’s Craven Exercise In Blame Shifting  "After a thug shot and killed a Trump supporter Saturday night in Portland, Democratic nominee Joe Biden suddenly got religion when it comes to leftist riots in our nation’s streets. The former vice president “challenged” President Donald Trump to “condemn violence,” then blamed Trump for “encouraging” it. Say what?
"It goes beyond hypocrisy when Biden for months sat in his basement in near-total silence as his far-left supporters rioted, looted and burned U.S. cities, and his own party egged them on.
"This same man chose as his vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who warned us all with a smile on her face during a television appearance that the protesting and rioting is “not gonna stop,” not even after the election.
"Funny what a bit of bad polling will do.
"For months, the 77-year-old Biden said and did nothing as Democrat-supported Antifa and Black Lives Matter followers violently protested across the country.
"Said nothing, that is, until polls showed him losing major ground among voters after the hugely successful Republican National Convention, which focused on patriotic themes and roundly condemned the national violence." . . .

Joe Biden's statement on the violence and riots is way too little, way too late
. . . "But it’s far too late for Democrats to pretend that they didn’t overtly advocate for and make excuses for this horror show. They've only changed their tune now because street violence, chaos, death, and fiery destruction are not exactly political winners — who knew?! "That doesn’t mean we should forget that right up until last week, they thought and said that it was fantastic.
  • Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, said back in June that “everyone beware” because the protests are “not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not.”
  • Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts said in an interview on MSNBC, “There needs to be unrest in the streets.”
  • In 2018, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi questioned why there weren’t yet “uprisings all over the country” over Trump’s policies.
  • Then, of course, the media was there with a helpful assist in attempting to distinguish the mass rioting from the “mostly peaceful” protests even as reporters stood in front of buildings and streets that had literally been turned into bonfires.
  • Last week, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez was on camera with the city clearly up in flames behind him, and yet the screen graphic hilariously said that the riots were “fiery but mostly peaceful.”
  • In another segment, a producer at CNN had to check themselves after a screen graphic described the protests in Kenosha as “violent.” That word was swiftly taken out a moment later.
  • And who can forget Ali Velshi at MSNBC, standing in front of burning police building in Minneapolis, carefully noting that the protests were “not, generally speaking, unruly”?" . . .
Seattle Defunded Police. Now Businesses Are Leaving, and Rioters Still Aim Explosives at Cops

Kamala Harris's dog whistle to rioters, looters, and arsonists

Only much later (August 30) did Joe Biden and Kamala Harris condemn the violence, while Biden challenged Trump to do the same. I guess they haven't been paying attention because President Trump condemned violence three months ago, and he condemned racism and white supremacy last year.
Civis Americanus  "Kamala Harris, AKA "Mike Nifong in a Dress," wants to be vice president of the United States.  Given Joe Biden's age and apparent health, she could easily become president if he wins. Voters need to know about Harris's dog whistles in support of the violence that is ravaging cities around the country. Let's begin with Harris's verified tweet of June 1.
If you're able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund  to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.
The link goes to "Kamala Harris for the People," which says, "Make a donation to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. Your support will help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota."
Kamala, you're a lawyer, so you know full well that protesters do not need bail because protest is not a crime for which one can be legally arrested.  It is, in contrast, a federal crime to arrest somebody for the lawful exercise of his First Amendment right to protest.  Looters, rioters, vandals, arsonists, illegal road-blockersdisturbers of the peace, assailants, harassers, and carjackers need bail because they have committed crimes." . . .

"The polling must have been brutal for Democrats.
"They've gone from supporting the rioters, terrorists and anarchists to softly speaking out against them, all while blaming any left-wing violence on the Tangerine Man.
"To believe this you must fall into one of two camps: (a) the hate-filled anti-Trump Democrats and Never-Trumpers; or (b) those who work at CNN."
"No word if Kamela will help bail out the alleged murderer of the innocent Trump supporter in Portland. Hat tip: BadBlue Uncensored News."

Monday, August 31, 2020

What Is the Violence in American Cities All About?

Victor Davis Hanson
Why do city governments defund police departments at the very moment vulnerable residents are most fearful for their safety?

. . . "Millions of youths were sequestered in their apartments and basements, unemployed, without school, and worried over their career prospects. Many simply wanted to vent their rage at the world and almost everything in it.
"The media romanticized the “summer of love” unrest and downplayed the violence. Newspapers ran bizarre photo essays on the chic garb at the protests — umbrellas, leaf blowers, wooden shields, armor, and colored bike helmets.
"Many in the street seemed as interested in taking selfies as they were in smashing windows.
"Some cite furor directed at President Trump, the tensions of an election year, and the weaponization of almost every current issue by both political parties.
"Still others claim that the violence is mostly careerist-driven. Demands are made to fire ideological enemies and hire partisan friends. If the old guard is banished, then their lucrative billets can be snapped up by a new woke generation. Demagogues see political careers birthed with the bullhorn.
"None of these explanations are mutually exclusive. But all reflect confusion over why often-senseless vandalism has been directed at statues of Ulysses S. Grant and Frederick Douglass, and at the World War II Memorial.
"Why do liberal authors and artists fear there is a new McCarthyite cancel culture that threatens to take out even progressive sympathizers?" . . .

That Portland assassin

Suspect, 48, in fatal shooting of Patriot Prayer supporter is dad-of-two who describes himself as '100% ANTIFA' and 'took a loaded gun to a Portland protest earlier this year'

Man suspected in deadly Portland shooting calls himself ‘100% ANTIFA’

Antifa Killer of Trump Supporter in Portland Was Arrested in June Drag Racing with Son While Drunk and Arrested Last Month with a Gun But Charges Were Dropped
. . . Within minutes of the shooting, 4chan users got to work, and within hours… they had a name.
"The message board quickly claimed that the shooter is Michael Reinoehl, 48, of Portland.
 BLM ‘activists’ celebrated as Trump supporter was killed: Devine
. . . "Videos posted by independent journalists Andy Ngo and Ian Miles Cheong show an American flag being burned in celebration as the crowd revels in the news.
     "Online video appears to show the murder. You can hear a man’s voice: “We got a couple right here.” And then two shots ring out.
    "The victim, identified as Aaron Danielson, reportedly was wearing the cap of conservative-libertarian group Patriot Prayer, whose caravan of pickup trucks festooned with flags drove through the city that day.
     "But because he was a supporter of President Trump, the victim did not deserve to live, according to BLM-Antifa." . . .

Why no recall campaign in Portland?

Rich Terrell, former math teacher
Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler exhibits severe Trump Derangement Syndrome  
"Portland has been wracked with Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence for three months, aided by a supine Mayor Ted Wheeler.  A month ago, Mayor Ted Wheeler forced out federal agents who were pushing back against the militants.  However, when a leftist militant killed a Trump-supporter last night, Wheeler left reality behind and launched a full-throated anti-Trump attack, based upon every hoax the left has thrown at the president."
. . . "In the remainder of this post, I'll break down the bizarre fantasies that fill Wheeler's mind.  As you can see, he begins by implying that Trump-supporters cannot enter his city and, from there, goes on the attack:" . . .
"Wheeler's attack has to be heard (or read) to appreciate how devoid of reality it is:" . . .

When NBA, MLB And NHL Players Picked Jacob Blake To Be Their Saint, They Chose Poorly

Issues & Insights

     "The officer who shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, has been tried and convicted by Democrats, the media, and truth-be-damned activists before the case is resolved. It’s a mirror image of the Michael Brown shooting (the officer was cleared) in Ferguson, Missouri, and the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd (the officer has yet to go to trial). The difference is this time, pro athletes, pampered and well-paid, joined the mob.
     "They should be ashamed of their behavior. They quit on the employers who pay their soaring salaries, and estranged themselves from their fans, who provide the dollars the owners use to compensate the players.
     The facts about the Blake case do not show a group of white officers taking advantage of a crisis situation so they could shoot another black man. Reports indicate a starkly different story – the policemen were there to protect a woman, a black woman, we’re assuming, based on what we’ve learned, from Blake.
    "Here’s what is being reported:
  • Police were called to the scene because Blake was violating a restraining order, says the union that represents Kenosha officers.
  • The restraining order was in place due to allegations Blake had sexually assaulted a woman after breaking into her home.
  • The criminal complaint also said Blake also stole the woman’s automobile and debit card.
  • State investigators found a knife on the driver’s side of Blake’s vehicle, where he was shot.
  • The union says he had the knife in his hand when he was arrested.
  • A still image from a video taken before he was shot shows Blake with something in his left hand that could be a knife.
  • Before the shooting, Blake resisted arrest, fought with officers, placed one in a headlock, and was tased twice, in an effort to use non-deadly force to prevent the escalation that occurred.
"But the players couldn’t wait for the facts." . . .

Blaming the violence on Trump is a bridge too far

. . . "Indeed, the entire Democratic Party apparatus, now that it has strategically decided it better shift gears and publicly oppose the violence, is poised to blame the anarchy on Trump, not just because it is happening during his presidency but also because Democrats claim he is an evil racist who engenders an atmosphere of racism in the country."

David Limbaugh  "Democrats can try but won’t succeed at distancing themselves from the violence they have enabled on American streets. People surely know where the Democrats have stood on this, and that they’re now backpedaling only because of polling data.
     "Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg outright blamed this anarchy on President Donald Trump. “The simple reality is that we are seeing more and more chaos and violence under the Trump presidency, and there’s no reason to expect that it would get any different or better if he were reelected,” said Buttigieg. “This is very much characteristic of living in Donald Trump’s America, and I think we’re going to see more and more of it as long as he’s in charge.”
     "To blame this violence on Trump because he’s in office is like blaming him for the border wall not being erected fast enough. It’s like blaming him for the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus when, in fact, he has persistently tried, over strenuous Democratic obstruction, to sensibly and safely reopen our economy. It would be like blaming him for abortions because they have persisted during his first term despite his valiant efforts for the innocent unborn.
     "It is inconceivable that Buttigieg is unaware Democratic mayors and governors have all but encouraged this mayhem. Many have consistently rejected Trump’s offer of federal law enforcement assistance to quell the riots. Many have cavalierly misrepresented the violence as peaceful protests. Democratic CNN has called the Kenosha riots “fiery but mostly peaceful,” and the Democratic Virginia Senate just passed a bill allowing assaults on police officers to be mere misdemeanors, for crying out loud.
     "If Joe Biden or any other Democrat at the Democratic National Convention denounced the violence, I sincerely missed it.
     "Then, something happened. No, Democrats didn’t all of a sudden become outraged at the criminal assaults and property destruction against people whose only sin was to own businesses in a convenient location for Marxist arsonists and opportunistic looters.
     "Democrats apparently discovered through internal polling and focus groups that most Americans are appalled by this leftist orchestrated breakdown of law and order, and that they actually care about safe streets. Shocker.
     "CNN’s Don Lemon seems to have changed his mind on the riots — but not because he has had a law and order epiphany. “The rioting has to stop,” Lemon said. “It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. … it is the only thing right now that is sticking.' ” . .

Biden To Address Racial Tensions On Monday
Maybe? Pradheep Shanker believes the strategy will backfire on Biden because he’s not showing leadership and won’t provide specifics on how he’d stop the violence. It’s an understandable belief, however, Biden finds himself in a bit of a pickle when it comes to the issue of policing because he’s not in the #defundthepolice camp.
 CNN: Biden condemns violence in Portland and calls on Trump to do the same

Democrats, Media Desperately Try to Pin Antifa/BLM Riots on Trump
Kenosha, WI appears to be the breaking point for voters.  This coupled with the Republican National Convention’s great success have Democrat voters taking a look at the mayhem caused by anti-Trump rioters and criminals and deciding that it’s in their and the country’s best interest to vote for President Trump in November.
Twitter post:  https://twitter.com/peterjhasson/status/1300207864187944960
Peter J. Hasson@peterjhassonI would like to hear from the Biden campaign whether their staffers regret
paying into a fund that bails out rioters, and whether Kamala Harris
regrets encouraging her followers to donate to that fund as well

When Democrats Say ‘the People,’ They Mean ‘the Government’

But then came Trump, who actually meant “the people” when he said “the people.” And that’s one principal reason why the statists who hitherto championed themselves as guardians of the interests of “the people” hate him with such incandescent intensity.
Robert Spencer "In his inaugural address, Donald Trump announced that “today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another -- but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the American People. For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished -- but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered -- but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.... That all changes -- starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.”
"These were stirring words, but they were the sort of thing presidents have said for ages. Back in his first inaugural address in 1913, Woodrow Wilson decried the fact that “the great Government we loved has too often been made use of for private and selfish purposes, and those who used it had forgotten the people.” In his first inaugural address in 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower asserted that “we, the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve.” And in his January 1996 state of the union address, Bill Clinton declared: “We know big government does not have all the answers. We know there's not a program for every problem. We have worked to give the American people a smaller, less bureaucratic government in Washington. And we have to give the American people one that lives within its means. The era of big government is over… Our goal must be to enable all our people to make the most of their own lives -- with stronger families, more educational opportunity, economic security, safer streets, a cleaner environment in a safer world.' ” . . .

(Updated) "I sure hope [California politician] Adam Schiff follows through on his threat to subpoena DNI Ratcliffe over congressional briefings"

Ratcliffe said on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" that he would "continue to keep Congress informed" through written updates. He explained the main reason for the change was to stop "a pandemic of information being leaked out of the intelligence community." 
Thomas Lifson "Adam Schiff, who consistently lied about having clear evidence of purported Trump collusion with Russia, is setting himself up for more humiliation that he knows will be ignored by his MSM propagandist pals."
. . . 
"Ratcliffe's long interview with Maria Bartiromo is must-see TV, and offered a cornucopia of acts, including the news that he has been coordinating with the John Durham investigation to avoid premature declassification and disclosure of information that would interfere with the investigation.  Ratcliffe is running his own intelligence investigation, in addition to the criminal investigation of the inadequate predicate of the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign and administration.
I'm coordinating with him to make sure that he has the intelligence documents that he needs to do his work, and what I don't want to do is declassify something that might prejudice his work so we're going to have to coordinate as we go forward.
"Here is all 20 minutes of the Ratcliffe interview, spread over three segments, in part due to a technical issue that prevented picture and sound both being broadcast, leading to an audio-only feed."

"In addition, former acting DNI Ric Grenell appeared for a shorter interview, in which he laid out the criminality of leaks with his characteristic forceful directness and insight:

"My guess is that Schiff is merely blustering about subpoenaing DNI Ratcliffe.  But if he follows through, I expect Ratcliffe to demolish him with testimony about criminality on the part of his colleagues and maybe even him.
"Go ahead Schiff, make my day."

Ratcliffe says he is coordinating with John Durham; about to declassify more Trump-Russia documents  . . . "Ratcliffe said that he is not privy to Durham’s findings, but that he has provided the prosecutor access to intelligence documents needed for the investigation." . . .

UPDATE: Ratcliffe defends halting election briefings, accuses members of Congress of leaking classified information
. . . “ 'President Trump is hoping Vladimir Putin will once more boost his candidacy and cover his horrific failures to lead our country through the multiple crises we are facing. And he does not want the American people to know the steps Vladimir Putin is taking to help Trump get re-elected,” Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden said in a statement." . . .

Father of Seattle CHOP shooting victim sues state, local government for $3 billion

Go big or go home, I'd say.
Instead, Anderson “laid bleeding to death in the streets with no one to respond,” as alleged in papers filed for a separate $1 billion claim against the city.

Fox News   The father of a 19-year-old who was shot in the Seattle Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), has filed claims in excess of $3 billion against state and local governments, accusing them of allowing a “state of lawlessness,” according to reports.
"Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., 50, previously appeared on “Hannity,” claiming that police and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin had not provided him with any information since his son Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.’s death on June 20.
" 'They need to come talk to me and somebody needs to come tell me something, because I still don't know nothing," an emotional Anderson told Sean Hannity. "Somebody needs to come to my house, and knock on my door and tell me something. I don't know nothing. All I know is my son got killed up there.”
" 'They say, 'He's just a 19-year-old.' No, that's Horace Lorenzo Anderson [Jr.]. That's my son, and I loved him."
"Following a week of tense stand-offs and violent clashes in June - with police using tear gas and pepper spray while protesters hurled rocks and bottles - Seattle PD backed out of the area around the Capitol Hill in an effort to de-escalate the situation. Protesters were given freedom to walk around the area with limited police presence.
"The protesters established barriers and declared the six-block area an autonomous zone, free of police presence.  Durkin allowed protesters to remain while they discussed their demands, but the deaths of Anderson Jr. and another teenager finally forced police to clear the area out about a month later.
"Now, two months after his son's death, Anderson Sr. has filed a lawsuit against local and state government, alleging that confusion and blockades in the occupied zone prevented first responders from reaching his son in time after he was shot multiple times." . . .

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Should Universities Recommend (or Demand) Epithet Filtering on Students' and Professors' Internet Devices?

Eugene Volokh via Reason  . . . "Some students, faculty, and administrators have argued that even hearing racial epithets quoted is traumatic or at least highly offensive to students, and that decent people therefore should not quote them. Most of these complaints have
The logo
arisen with regard to quotes of the word "n*****," whether from court opinions, court case files, historical documents, literature, or otherwise. My view is that these words shouldn't be rendered taboo for serious academic discussion, and that there's a sharp difference between improper 
use of the words (especially to insult someone) and proper mention of how the words were used in a case or book or speech.

"But let me try to approach the problem in a slightly different way; tell me if you think it's helpful. 
"I take it that if it's so damaging and unjustifiable for students to have to hear the word, it's also damaging and unjustifiable for them to have to see the word. Indeed, one of the recent complaints has been about a Stanford professor writing the word on the board; a commenter on this blog seems to be objecting to my even quoting the word in blog posts; others have mentioned similar objections." . . .

Overview Compatible with your device
"Advanced Profanity Filter (APF) helps clean up bad language on websites you and your family enjoy.
"Whether you choose to censor, substitute, or hide offensive words, APF is here to improve your browsing experience. Individuals around the world can now be protected from profanity in their homes, organizations, and schools. APF has a variety of options to meet your personal needs.
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"For a detailed overview of the features and settings, please see the Getting Started page here:" . . .https://github.com/richardfrost/AdvancedProfanityFilter/wiki

But wait! There's more!
Syracuse U. Professor Put on Administrative Leave for Referring to "Wuhan Flu" and "Chinese Communist Party Virus