Friday, November 27, 2020

My Response to an Olive Branch from Alyssa Milano


“‘I remember you. You were the one glaring at Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his hearings. You were the one that called conservatives every name in the book and didn't sensor your words in the least. No way you'd be offering an olive branch had your party lost ... How about NO,’ one person reacted.

She knows a great camera position

"Among the many Hollywood celebrities who hotly opposed Donald Trump, Alyssa Milano has been one of the most consistent. Now, as she believes that the election of Joe Biden is a 
fait accompli, she is offering an olive branch. How should we respond?" . . .

"Not surprisingly, the responses to her olive branch were mixed.

"Fox News reported that, “Trump supporters were quick to react to Milano's offering on Monday, and a majority did not meet her with kind words in return. Several balked at the star's approach, calling it a ‘joke’ after her several outcries for Trump to be ripped from office.

. . . “3 questions for you: 

“1) For what past comments can you now apologize? 

“2) Can you have a civil conversation with pro-life Christians? 

“3) Would you have accepted an olive branch from Trump supporters Nov 2016?”

. . . "As for my three questions, let’s say Biden wanted to make peace with Trump. He would have to apologize for laying the blame for more than 200,000 COVID deaths at Trump’s feet. Conversely, Trump would have to apologize for exaggerated or false charges against Biden.

Then the writer discusses at more length each of the questions he posed.....

David Limbaugh: Democrats Want Unity Only on Their Terms  . . . "Trump's opponents -- the media, Democrats, never-Trump Republicans -- have never given him a moment's rest, never a benefit of the doubt, never an atom of cooperation or bipartisanship. They haven't just served as the loyal opposition, resisting his agenda like the minority party is expected to do. They have never let him govern. From the time he stepped on the political stage, they've harassed, investigated, bullied, impeached and censored him.

"The media has tormented Trump, ignored and distorted his accomplishments, and shown him in a 100% negative light for his entire term. Never in my lifetime have I seen such one-sided coverage." ..

.I've never believed that this incessant hatred toward Trump was just about Trump. The left has villainized every Republican president in recent memory and, for several generations, has defamed all Republicans as heartless bigots.

. . . "It is the Democrats (and their policies) who are divisive. Through rank identity politics, they stir people against one another on the basis of their skin color, gender, and economic circumstances. Republicans aspire to racial colorblindness and an end to the manufactured tension over gender politics." . . .

[Simply put,] Obama Is a Jerk, and It Comes Through With Every Media Appearance


Because I have ignored Obama since he left the presidential stage, I had forgotten how demeaning he could be to people he dislikes or doesn’t understand. He attempts to sound reasonable, but his contempt bleeds through like a leaky pen on white silk.

"I find it fascinating that former President Obama chose this moment in time to write and publish his book, Promised Land. He could have had it released a year before the elections, or a year from now, once another administration had been settled. Instead, he decided to ride the coattails of the election, as though he had won another term, and capitalize on someone else’s momentum.

"Obama the 2008 candidate came off as likable, but that was clearly an act. Obama the 44th President and Obama post-presidency is an insufferable jerk who doesn’t know when to leave the stage.

"My colleague Nick Arama said it perfectly,

“I have to admit that one of the great things about the Trump Administration is that Barack Obama is no longer president.

“Now while it’s fair that as a Democrat, he would have policy that I would likely disagree with and yes, want to fight against, often what was most infuriating about Obama was his utter pretense and gall, claiming to be against division while completely cutting people up or siccing his administration on them behind the scenes.

“He was always praised by media for being so smooth. But they mistook ‘smooth’ for caring, rather than simply being smooth, deceitful and huge narcissist.”

"Big time. It doesn’t help that the Democrat Party keeps calling him back, like a

talisman. Obama could refuse, but narcissist that he is, he can’t ignore the siren song of attention. It’s not like he and Michelle aren’t busy making left-leaning, poorly produced Netflix fodder. In fact, he made a big deal that he wanted to stay out of this election (yeah, right). But… <sigh> the party… and Joe Biden needed him, so he made the ultimate sacrifice <sigh> and came back on the stage.

"As my colleague, Scott Hounsell, says, “Excuse me while I call BS.”  .  .  .

Obama wrong again

Well, the bit about putting "undocumented workers" in cages is a bit strange coming from the man who built those cages and was given the nickname "deporter in chief."

The Morning Briefing: Barack Obama Hates Joe Biden, the Truth, and Man Jeans

The disrespect for Joe Biden here is hard to deny, and it’s classic Obama. He begins to fade from existence if he goes more than five minutes without anyone paying attention to him. Since it’s RACIST to deny him, he knows he can just snap his fingers and get the cameras turned back on him. Obama obviously knew that his turn as the belle of the post-election Attention Whore Ball could potentially shove Grandpa Gropes into the background at a time when he should be enjoying his greatest triumph.

. . . "I don’t really care that he’s crapping all over Biden, I’m just pointing it out as a reminder of how awful he is.

"Not that Obama himself isn’t busy reminding us that he’s a terrible human being." 

After Four Years of Democrat Attacks on Trump Supporters, Biden Can’t “Unify” the Nation

 Legal Insurrection

“only 3% of Trump voters surveyed said they accept Biden’s victory as legitimate”

"If Joe Biden is sworn in as president in January, he is going to have a serious problem on his hands. No one on the right has forgotten the relentless attacks of the last four years. Calls for unity are going to fall on deaf ears.

"Millions of Americans don’t even view Joe Biden as the legitimate winner of the election.

"Jacob Pramuk writes at CNBC:

Almost no Trump voters consider Biden the legitimate 2020 election winner

Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. Nearly every supporter of President Donald Trump thinks otherwise, according to a new CNBC/Change Research poll.

As the president makes unsubstantiated claims about electoral malfeasance and sows doubts about vote tallies, only 3% of Trump voters surveyed said they accept Biden’s victory as legitimate, the survey released Monday found. A staggering 73% of respondents consider Trump the legitimate winner. Another 24% said they are not sure.

A mere 3% of Trump voters believe he should concede to Biden and start the peaceful transfer of power. Another 31% want the president to fight in court until states certify results. Two-thirds, or 66%, think Trump should never concede.

"This part is especially funny:

But the poll underscores the potentially bigger harm Trump’s lies about the vote tallies have done to public faith in the electoral process. The president appears to have convinced many of his supporters he lost unfairly, even as state officials and judges have repeatedly shot down claims of fraud and wrongdoing.

"Trump supporters don’t lack faith in the electoral process because Trump told them to. This is happening because people have common sense and know something is not right when multiple states cease counting votes in the middle of the night.

"Trump supporters have been physically attacked and called bigots, and worse by Democrats and their media allies for four years, but now are expected to act like nothing happened." . . .

Reminder: In 2016 Democrats Threatened and Harassed Members of Electoral College to Stop Trump

Legal Insurrection

“I’ve had people talk about putting a bullet in the back of my mouth.”

"As we watch Democrats and their many friends in media melt down over Trump’s challenges to the 2020 election over alleged voter fraud, it’s important to remember where we were four years ago after Trump’s surprise 2016 victory.

"Not only were Democrats claiming that Russia stole the election for Trump, they harassed members of the Electoral College in a last ditch effort to prevent Trump from being certified as the winner.

"In December of 2016, Mark Moore reported at the New York Post:

Electors are being harassed, threatened in bid to stop Trump

Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday.

The bullying is overwhelming Sharon Geise’s tech devices, but not her resolve to support Trump.

The Mesa, Arizona, grandmother woke up Wednesday morning to more than 1,500 emails demanding she not carry out her legal duty to vote for the president-elect.

“They just keep coming and coming,” Geise told The Post, estimating she’s received more than 50,000 emails since the election. “They’re overpowering my iPad.”…

Reports of GOP electors being badgered have been reported in numerous states, including Georgia, Idaho, Tennessee, Arizona, Utah and Michigan.

Like Geise, Republican Patricia Allen of Tennessee told The Post she’s been bombarded with 2,000 emails, 120 letters and five phone calls all urging her to switch and vote against Trump. But Allen, 74, said that despite the “siege,” she’s not budging.

"One elector told CNN he was getting death threats: . . ."

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Hm. Remember Back When The Media Had No Evidence Against Trump So They’d Just Make Stuff Up? Something Has Changed…


First, They Came for Thanksgiving; Now They Are Coming for Christmas

Fay Voshell   "Kate Brown, the Governor of Oregon, was rather ambivalent in her approach to violence during the time Portland was torched by radical mobs.  In fact, she thanked “Oregonians for expressing their free speech rights largely through joyful celebrations…”

"But Gov. Brown apparently did some soul searching since the election.  She found a joyful celebration about to be held by unquestionable enemies of the people.  It turns out actual domestic terrorists are Oregonians who wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving.  It’s extremists who wished to dine on turkey and all the trimmings who are dangerous, as they are potential super-spreaders of disease and destruction.  Therefore, it’s Thanksgiving celebrations that need to be tightly regulated. It’s Thanksgiving celebrants who need to be fined and sent to jail if they transgress the regulations the governor has established by executive order.

"Among those regulations?

. . . 

"It appears it will remain for the Christian underground and other resistors to stand up and be counted.  It will be the task of Christians to understand the Left is and always has been committed to the death of God and of joy. Certainly, those who believe the celebration of the incarnation of Christ should not be impeded by the State must stand up. 

"It also will be up to Christians to think of their fellow human beings, including those who do not share their belief in the coming of Jesus Christ. They must think of their neighbors -- the butchers, the bakers and the candlestick makers who simply want to succeed and live quietly.

"Resist the left’s attempt to condition Americans to accept a joyless life without holidays except those permitted by and celebrating the god of the State, who tells Christians and others who to worship.  Resist those who issue orders about when and where to celebrate, how and when to hold our religious ceremonies, and even when, how and what to chew and swallow.

"Believers in Christmas have reason to celebrate!  So…celebrate!

"Happy Thanksgiving and a very merry Christmas to all."

Sidney Powell released the Kraken in Georgia

The Democrat liars want you to believe Joe Biden had 80 million votes this year. What complete rubbish. TRENDING: BREAKING: KRAKEN RELEASED! Attorney Sidney Powell Files 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT of Massive Fraud in Georgia Election - Update: Michigan too These people have no souls.
Ian Macfarlane

 Andrea Widburg  "Sidney Powell promised to release the Kraken and show Americans the scope of election fraud on November 3, 2020.  Shortly before midnight on Wednesday, she filed a 104-page complaint detailing everything she asserts took place in Georgia.  This post will give you a very brief overview of the allegations.

"You can view the complaint here.  The narrative bounces around, so I've organized it by chronology and subject matter.  The causes of action arise under Georgia election law, federal law, and the Constitution.

"The complaint repeats what Powell has said before about Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines being created to help Hugo Chávez win elections.  (You can learn more about Dominion's history here.)

"Powell quotes a Venezuelan whistleblower's direct testimony about the two systems, including Chávez's requirements that the software would hide vote manipulation from audits.  The computers were designed to enable virtually endless vote manipulation throughout the voting process, whether printing ballots, feeding them into the counting machine, or actually counting them.

"The computers were also connected to the internet, so, when it came to data manipulation, no one had to be physically present with the computers.  The systems have been associated with election fraud in various countries.

"The fraud began when defendant Governor Kemp, defendant Secretary Raffensberger, and the Georgia Board of Elections (members of which are also defendants) hastily bought Dominion Voting Systems software and hardware.  Kemp and Raffensberger disregarded all the evidence from Texas and others showing that the machines were vulnerable to fraud and impossible to audit.  Ironically, it was Democrats who were initially worried about the systems' fraud potential.

"Earlier this year (presumably in response to the Wuhan virus) Raffensberger illegally entered into a settlement agreement with various Georgia Democrat organizations by which he agreed to ignore the state's strong, specific statutory voting safeguards for absentee ballots.  This opened the door to massive fraud, . . ."

Nine useful articles and data points showcasing 2020's election theft 

Fasten your seatbelts and hold on to your hats, because this is going to be a wild ride of amazing, horrifying, and fascinating information about the greatest election heist in American history.

This video is a bombshell.....any normal person can see this is absolute fraud of 800k votes....

Actor Scott Baio – A Trump Supporter – Threatens to Move to Utah to ‘Unseat’ Mitt Romney

 The Mental Recession

Scott Baio, a Trump-supporting actor, threatened to move to Utah and run against Mitt Romney in an effort to “unseat” the Republican senator.

"Baio, best known for his role as Chachi, cousin of ‘The Fonz’ in the late-70s to early-80s sitcom Happy Days, took issue with Romney’s latest criticism of the President.

“ 'Hey [Mitt], beautiful golf courses in Utah … maybe I’ll move there, play a few rounds and unseat you,” Baio tweeted.

"The actor also alleged that Romney’s campaign kept a $2,600 contribution from his wife for a fundraiser in Beverly Hills that was canceled." . . .

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Have a Historically Accurate Thanksgiving!

 Ann Coulter

Parkman describes a typical Iroquois celebration following one of their attacks on their fellow "Native Americans" (an absurd term, inasmuch as no Indians were "native" to America because there was no "America" until white Europeans got here and created it):

"As every public school child knows, the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when our Pilgrim forefathers took a break from slaughtering Peaceful, Environmentally Friendly, Indigenous Peoples to invite them to dinner in order to infect them with smallpox, before embarking on their mission to fry the planet so that the world would end on Jan. 22, 2031. (Copyright: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)

"Consider this description of the Pilgrims' treatment of the Indigenous peoples:

"They were the worst of conquerors. Inordinate pride, the lust of blood and dominion, were the mainsprings of their warfare; and their victories were strained with every excess of savage passion."

"Except that's not a description of the Pilgrims' treatment of Indigenous peoples. It's a description of some Indigenous people's treatment of other Indigenous peoples, written by the late Francis Parkman, Harvard professor and the world's foremost Indian scholar."

"The Wampanoag, who joined the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving, had a lot to celebrate. Contrary to Hollywood's American-hating rendition of "Pocahontas," in which the Indians feared the "White Demons," the Wampanoag were thrilled with their well-armed white allies, who helped them repel the hated Iroquois and Narragansett.

"The whole reason the Wampanoag were clustered so close to the coast where the Pilgrims encountered them was that the Iroquois had "pursued them with an inveterate enmity. Some (Wampanoag) paid yearly tribute to their tyrants, while others were still subject to their inroads, flying in terror at the sound of the Mohawk war-cry."...

Full article here

"Real Americans honor Indians and also honor the courageous European settlers who brought Christian civilization to a continent, a miraculous union that we celebrate on this wonderful holiday.

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

The Hollywood president: Here are the celebs Barack Obama name-drops in his new book

Statesman  "
When he was president, Barack Obama wasn’t known for shying away from brushes with fame — and that fact is obvious when you see how many celebrity names he casually drops in “A Promised Land.”

"Obama’s new memoir covers his early political career and his first 2 1/2 years in the White House, closing with the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011.

"Writing in the new book about the music series he and first lady Michelle Obama put in place at the White House, he invokes “household names like Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Lopez, and Justin Timberlake but also up-and-comers like Leon Bridges and living legends like B.B. King.”

"Remembering the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, he mentions “making small talk while guests like Rupert Murdoch, Sean Penn, John Boehner, and Scarlett Johansson mingled over wine and overcooked steaks.”

"He says he favored songs by Jay-Z and Eminem to get his head in the right place on debate days, with some audio help from Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Frank Sinatra. And Sammy Davis Jr. is mentioned when Obama recounts stories about inaugurations past. Does name-dropping the deceased even count? Let’s say it does.

"Read on for glimpses into the Obamas’ star-studded life at the name-droppiest White House ever. All excerpts were penned by the former president.

"Oprah Winfrey

"Obama reflected on the time Winfrey spent working on his campaign for president.

“ 'We had a few high-profile moments of our own, including a series of rallies with Oprah Winfrey, who’d become a friend and supporter, and was as wise, funny, and gracious on the trail as she was in person . . ."

Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Whistleblower Goes Missing After Death Threats


"The Delaware computer repairman who gave Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” to Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post has gone missing, with his personal lawyer unwilling or unable to provide information about the welfare of his client.

"According to Delaware Online:

Annapolis-based attorney, Brian Della Rocca, said Mac Isaac closed the shop after receiving death threats. He declined to disclose where his client might have gone, or even if he had left town. 

"The meeting between Hunter Biden and Mac Isaac on April 12, 2019, became a global news story during the election campaign, reaching the White House via Silicon Valley and inhabited by a colourful cast of characters.

"As well as the albino shop owner, there’s Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a burly wrestler turned US Navy officer, a nerdy tech wizard and the President himself.

"Mr Mac Isaac, 44, completed a one-page form with Hunter’s name, address and mobile phone details – all of which have been verified – and a bill for $85 due on completion of the work.

"He told his customer he would need to copy the contents of the MacBook on to an external hard drive to recover them and the process would take a few days.

"The man left – but never returned. Under US law, when 90 days had passed, the uncollected laptop legally became Mr Mac Isaac’s property.

"He decided to look at the recovered material on the laptop – which is now in the hands of the FBI as part of an investigation in which Mr Mac Isaac is a material witness – and says a chill ran down his spine.

"The Mail on Sunday today reveals some of that material for the first time – exposing how the son of the man tipped to be America’s next President left himself wide open to blackmail.

"Mr MacIsaac fears repercussions. ‘I have everything documented. I have everything saved. But the shop is over. I won’t be able to sustain my business… too many people are angry.’ " . . .

Joe Biden is reviving all of his past failures — and it won’t stop: Goodwin

 Michael Goodwin "Psst, an occasionally reliable source tells me Joe Biden has settled on a motto for his administration. It’s going to be “The Way We Were.”

"Just before he announced the first members of his team, the next president was heard singing in his Delaware basement,

“ 'Memories light the corners of my mind,

“Misty water-colored memories of the way we were.”

"My source claims Biden wanted Perry Como to sing the song at the inauguration. Informed that Como died nearly 20 years ago, Biden agreed to let a fresh face, Barbra Streisand, give it a try.

"The next president turned 78 last Friday and his first selections reveal he’s got a bad case of nostalgia. Less kindly, he’s stuck in the past.

" 'Is Biden assembling an administration or a wax museum? John Kerry and Janet Yellen, you’re melting! And it has nothing to do with climate change.

" 'The problem is not just that Biden’s selections show a fondness for old shoes. It’s the policies, stupid.

" 'Robert Gates, who ran the CIA and was later secretary of defense during much of the Obama-Biden administration, famously said of the former vice president, “I think he’s been wrong on nearly every major foreign-policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

" 'In Washington terms, that gives Biden a perfect record, and because nothing succeeds like failure, it’s not surprising he would tap others involved in many of the same policy disasters.

" 'As Sen. Marco Rubio described it, Biden has gathered “polite and orderly caretakers of American decline.”

" 'America First is dead, America Last is back. Is there a good idea in the house?".... . .