But here’s the deal: You cannot simultaneously hate Christianity, fossil fuel, and slavery, because it is the first two that ended Western slavery and keep it ended.
It’s time (again) to call out the kerfuffle over a man joining a women’s swim team and the usual leftist ignorance about what ended slavery.
"When I prepare my illustrated edition, I usually have a category of memes that I save on my computer as “stupid leftists.” Sometimes, though, I don’t have a visual meme, so I’m just going to have to use my words. There are two things currently irking me about stupid things leftists do.
"One. Women on the Penn swimming team are beginning to speak out more often about the travesty of Will Thomas being on their swim team.
"They speak about the fact that Thomas is biologically intact and, clearly, gets aroused in the locker room. They speak out about his arrogance for he’s comparing himself to Jackie Robinson. They speak out about his dismal record when he swam on the men’s swimming team. They speak out about the fact that he almost certainly conspired with a woman who claims to be a man to throw a race to short-circuit claims that men will always win. (By the way, that woman also claims she hasn’t taken testosterone but I wonder if anybody has tested her.) And they speak out about the fact that, with Will on the team, and more men like Will Thomas coming down the pike, they will be denied victories, scholarships, endorsements, and all the other perks of a lifetime of hard work.
"All of their claims are correct. But you know what? I don’t have a single iota of sympathy for them. Why? Because they call Will Thomas (a sleazy, perverted, dishonest biological man) “Lia,” and refer to him as “she” or “her.” In other words, they’re supporting the con. As long as they’re supporting the con, they deserve the “con”-sequences and are getting them good and hard.
"Ladies (real ladies), the truth will set you free. You need to say that Will Thomas is a man. Until then, stop whining.
"Two. Leftists are very clear: They hate Christianity and fossil fuel. They also purport to hate slavery, although that’s not quite true. What they hate is slavery as practiced in America in the years leading up to the 13th Amendment.
"I happen to think that all slavery is morally wrong. I also understand that American slavery was an existential flaw in a nation built upon the premise that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights, one of which is liberty. I abhor all forms of slavery, however, and wherever practiced.". . .