This first is an in-depth commentary by Andrea Widberg:
Two intriguing points about the Durham allegations - American Thinker . . ."
However, with the Durham revelations, my guess is that the Democrats will offer Hillary up as a sacrificial lamb for the party. She'll be asked to take responsibility with the promise that she'll get no prison time. Instead, she'll just retire from the public eye, having taken one for the party and protected both the Sainted Barack Obama and the current White House occupant."The problem with this theory is that it's hard to see Hillary going down quietly. There's a
meme circulating that quotes Hillary saying that if she goes down, she'll take everyone else down with her. In fact, she never said that, but it's just the kind of thing she'd do.
"What I'm reminded of when I look at the potential fight between Hillary and Obama over culpability is the divorce of a power couple I knew. They were very, very rich, and if they'd cut the marital estate in half, each of them would still have been very, very rich. However, by the time of the divorce, they hated each other. Therefore, each was willing to risk having exposed horrible secrets about him- or herself if it meant he or she could publicize horrible secrets about the other. You can read about the divorce here." . . .
Donald Trump Was Right All Along: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Was Behind the Russian Collusion Hoax. ( . . ."Durham’s report must be considered if Hillary Clinton is indeed making another run at the Presidency in 2024.
"Word has leaked out that considering Biden’s dismal performance as President and his equally dismal ratings; there’s no chance that Biden will run for reelection in 2024.
"Since Biden’s VP Kamala Harris is even more unpopular and more incompetent than Biden, Hillary sees a gigantic hole to the Democratic nomination in 2024 that she could run a freight train through.
"And if Trump is looking to enter the 2024 Presidential race, and it sure looks like that’s his plan, the fireworks will visibly be on display during their respective 2024 presidential campaigns.". . .
Left-Wing Espionage: Trump Was Right - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics Read or listen to the article.