‘Another innocent black victim’ killed by police but nothing from the media? Maybe it’s because the prosecutor who let the cop off is black.
"The name Amir Locke probably sounds only vaguely familiar at the moment, but rest assured that it is now one more piece of the Black Lives Matter movement’s great white supremacy myth. With, of course, a helpful assist from the ready-to-lie national media.
"Recall Locke as the 22-year-old black man shot dead earlier this year by police during a no-knock warrant raid in Minneapolis. The incident naturally sparked city-wide riots and outrage from leftist journalists eager to pour more kerosine on our race bonfires.". . .
. . ."That’s right. The officer who shot Locke dead is no legal jeopardy. He is under no threat of time in prison.
Really? Yet “another innocent black victim” killed by police but nothing from the media? Why might that be? I know! Maybe because the prosecutor who made that decision, Keith Ellison, is black!
"Ellison released his decision on April 6, stating that his office would be unable to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt a criminal charge against any … officer involved in the decision-making that led to the death of Amir Locke.”
"With specific regard to Hanneman, Ellison said, “Under current law – and as awful as the circumstances of this tragedy are – there is not sufficient admissible evidence to support a criminal charge.”
"The law in Minnesota provides that a police officer is justified in using deadly force against a target should he reasonably perceive in the moment, without the benefit of hindsight, that “such force was necessary to protect the peace officer or another from death or great bodily harm.”