Friday, November 25, 2022

The misery of Joy Reid and MSNBC

"I’m actually sorry for Reid. She lives in a wonderful place, the least racist place in the world (and I know, ‘cause I’ve traveled a lot) and all she sees is ugliness. I wonder whether she’ll ever realize the ugliness isn’t in America; it’s in her. If she does realize that, she can then make the choice to be happy." Andrea Widburg

Joy Reid's Take on Thanksgiving One of Her Most Ignorant Yet

Reid began by referencing how many people celebrate Thanksgiving, which she mentioned as "the day we gather with friends and family to enjoy turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. We throw on the game, catch up on our lives and discuss or quite possibly argue about religion and politics." 

"For millions of Americans, it’s a day of cherished tradition. And as Americans, we certainly value those traditions," she also acknowledged, though it rang hollow with what she launched into next. 

"But it’s also important to unpack the myth of Thanksgiving. It is a holiday riddled with historical inaccuracies," she continued. "Built on this myth that the indigenous welcomed their colonizers with open arms and ears of corn. A simplistic fairytale interpretation of a 1621 encounter between indigenous tribes and English settlers that erases the genocide that followed. It’s the truth that Republicans want banned from our textbooks because here is the secret they want so desperately to keep."

 Tom Elliott  "And now please enjoy this this heart-warming Thanksgiving message from MSNBC" 

. . ."MSNBC’s failure to fire Reid reeks of hypocrisy. From Harvard’s rescinding conservative activist Kyle Kashuv’s acceptance over past inflammatory comments to outrage over outlandish comments Fox News’ Tucker Carlson made on shock-jock radio, the political Left has consistently activated for and defended a culture that "cancels" anyone who doesn't adhere to liberal orthodoxy. Thus, MSNBC’s refusal to abide by the same standard its left-wing allies and contributors have largely pushed is nothing short of unacceptable.". . .

 Joy Reid is the ‘grinch’ of Thanksgiving with her race-obsessed take  "MSNBC host Joy Reid (net worth: $4 million or so) graduated from Harvard University. Despite that pedigree, she learned neither facts nor gratitude. And so it is that, in honor of Thanksgiving, Joy Reid lashed out at America, accusing it of being a violent, irredeemably racist country. It’s time to bring a little reality to Reid’s foray into out-grinching the Grinch, not on Christmas, but at Thanksgiving.

"Here’s Reid’s screed:". . Full article here...

“ 'What a bigot she is, and an unhappy person. My word,” the Fox News host said, in conclusion."

Thursday, November 24, 2022

And Now, a Message From the Democrat Party

 Diogenes' Middle Finger

It’s not racism that’s destroying American communities

 Andrea Widburg  "Democrats know what’s destroying inner-city communities: Systemic racism (including in prison sentences), the lack of reparations, police violence, the lack of organic groceries, and AR-15s. None of this is true, of course, but it’s the snake oil they’re peddling and, sadly, a lot of people within these inner-city communities seem to buy it because they keep voting for the same old Democrats. (Maxine Waters, anyone?)"...

..."Rather than telling hard truths and tackling real problems, Democrats are demanding reparations. As we know from almost six decades of welfare, along with thousands of programs steering resources to minority communities, (1) these programs don’t work, and (2) just as in any corrupt country, a significant part of the funds ends up in bureaucrats’ and politicians’ offices and pockets. In other words, based on past performance, it’s reasonable to believe that the push for reparations has less to do with saving communities from collapse and a lot more to do with old-fashioned graft."

Why is there a trans team, then?

 Weasel Zippers   

Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary identity is real.

            The NHL is proud to support this past weekend's Team Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin. This was the first tournament comprised entirely of transgender and nonbinary players, with around 80 folks participating! #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride

. . .Social media erupted in the wake of the tweet, with many bashing the league as woke, but the NHL has doubled down, reiterating its support for the transgender and LGBT community in an initiative called "Hockey is or Everyone."

"We support any teammate, coach or fan who brings heart, energy and passion to the rink," the NHL said in a statement.

"We believe all hockey programs — from professionals to youth organizations — should provide a safe, positive and inclusive environment for players and families regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation and socio-economic status," it continued. . . .

Biden talking points for around the Thanksgiving table

 Legal Insurrection

“Isn’t that nice… The government telling you what to talk about with family over Thanksgiving dinner. Orwell would be proud.”

"White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain literally gives you talking points to brag about Biden when “that Uncle” tries to get political with you at Thanksgiving."

Much more at the link, such as this next one:

Mike Pompeo is right about America’s most dangerous enemy

 A devoted educator, Dad understood that the unions were disinterested in educating. Even then, they were pushing an agenda we now call “social justice,” because they focused on elevating race and destroying knowledge.


 Andrea Widburg  "Mike Pompeo, who has presidential aspirations, recently said that the most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (“AFT”), the most powerful teachers’ union in America. I’d go further: Weingarten’s a symptom, not a cause. If she were gone, the AFT would still be an existential problem that Americans must fix.

"During an interview with Semafor, the former Secretary of State said that America as a country survives only if children are taught American values. However, thanks to the AFT, they’re being taught anti-American values.

"Shelby Talcott, who was conducting the interview, asked Pompeo to articulate what he believes are central issues for a 2024 Republican candidate. Rather unusually for a Republican, Pompeo was able to articulate both core values and the enemy of those values:

The central ideas of America are timeless — limited government, expanded set of freedoms, protecting the capacity of people to practice their faith. The very things I spoke about tonight — making sure we don’t teach our kids crap in schools, which we are at the center of doing.

I tell the story often — I get asked “Who’s the most dangerous person in the world? Is it Chairman Kim, is it Xi Jinping?” The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten. It’s not a close call. If you ask, “Who’s the most likely to take this republic down?” It would be the teacher’s unions, and the filth that they’re teaching our kids, and the fact that they don’t know math and reading or writing. These are the things that candidates should speak to in a way that says, “Here’s the problem. Here’s a proposal for how to solve it. And if given the opportunity, these are the things I will go work on to try and deliver that outcome that fixes that problem.” Pretty straightforward stuff.

If our kids don’t grow up understanding America is an exceptional nation, we’re done. If they think it’s an oppressor class and an oppressed class, if they think the 1619 Project, and we were founded on a racist idea — if those are the things people entered the seventh grade deeply embedded in their understanding of America, it’s difficult to understand how Xi Jinping’s claim that America is in decline won’t prove true.". . .

’So F***ing Stressful’: Hunter Biden Interview Quickly Goes South

 Analyzing America

"There are looming criminal charges for Hunter Biden, the disgraced son of President Joe Biden.

"Sources say criminal charges are “imminent” for Hunter in connection to his shady overseas business dealings as well as the illegal purchase of a firearm while he was regularly smoking crack cocaine.

"In the meantime, Hunter found time to appear on a podcast called “The Crypto Roundtable Show” with host Mario Nawfal.

"Podcast host Mario Nawfal quickly found out that Hunter didn’t actually have any commentary to offer on the topic of NFTs or cryptocurrency.

" 'Behind the scenes, that was tough,” Nawfal admitted. “There were a lot of requirements we had to meet.”

"F***ing that was so stressful,” he added. “That was so f***ing stressful, man.”

"Nawfal explained that his hands were “tied” because behind the scenes he was disallowed to ask the president’s son certain questions.". . .

Karine Jean-Pierre Insists It’s Not Her Job To Answer Questions Like Some Sort Of Press Secretary

Babylon Bee

"WASHINGTON, D.C. — Things got tense in the White House briefing room today after several journalists in the press pool asked Jean-Pierre to answer some questions.

" 'Listen here — it's not my job to stand here and answer your questions all day like some sort of press secretary," said Jean-Pierre while furiously flipping through her 3-ring binder to find a pre-written comeback that would shut the journalists down once and for all. "For goodness' sake, I'm a human being, not some wind-up toy or magic 8-ball you can shake up and ask whatever question you want to! What do you take me for? A member of the White House communications team?' ". . .

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Same Old, Same Old Deja Vu

Watch MSNBC and CNN for phrases loke "bombshell!" and "the walls are closing in!" Joy Reid will discover all forms of "racism" in the Republicans. TD

Victor Davis Hanson  "Attorney General Merrick Garland has just announced the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith.

"But Smith’s team will not look into the Biden family quid pro quo syndicate nor its incriminating confessionals on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

"Instead, it will further investigate Donald Trump’s possession of presidential records that were hauled off from Mar-a-Lago, as well as his purported role in the January 6 “insurrection.”

"We know the script that will follow because we suffered through it for 22 months and spent $40 million for it under Robert Mueller’s special counsel team.

"First, the Smith investigation will bear no resemblance to special counsel John Durham’s probes. The media ignored Durham. His team did not leak to the press. And neither a Washington, D.C. nor northern Virginia jury was ever likely to convict any perceived enemy of Trump.

"Second, upon the announcement of Smith’s legal staffers, the media will grow giddy that their resumes portend another “dream team,” “all-stars,” or “a hunter-killer team.' ”. . .

"Puff pieces will blanket the media. They will attest, just like “good Ol’ Bob Mueller,” that the former Obama Justice Department public integrity unit lawyer Smith is “an old hand,” “tough but fair,” “nonpartisan,” and a “prosecutor’s prosecutor.”

"Weeks into the investigation, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, or MSNBC will darkly inform their audiences that “unnamed sources close to the investigation tell us that “a bombshell” is about to go off.". . .

Special Counsel Jack Smith Has History of Botched Prosecutions of Political Leaders

. . ."As Breitbart News reported earlier this week, Smith’s wife, Katy Chevigny, contributed to President Joe Biden and to far-left, antisemitic Rep. Rashia Tlaib (D-MI). She also produced a documentary about former First Lady Michelle Obama.

"Smith is tasked with the responsibility of determining whether to prosecute Trump in connection with the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, or the retention of presidential documents at Mar-a-Lago, which was the subject of an unprecedented raid earlier this year.". . .

Joy Reid: Why is MSNBC not ashamed over this demagog?

 Joy Reid Says BLM Protesters Would Be ‘Shackled, Arrested or Dead’ in Viral Speech on Race   ()

. . ."Based on what I have read and heard, however, one can only conclude that Joy Reid is a nasty racist, certainly not very bright or even informed. She is both adept and very willing to incite violence by other people as long as she is unharmed by it.

"According to this report, Ms. Reid exhibits all of those traits and inclinations. She clearly intends to incite racial violence. From her quoted comments, she is of obviously sub-par intelligence, and she makes it clear that she is either abjectly uninformed or wildly mis-informed.

"She could be reminded that with the Black Lives Matter rioting no participants were fatally injured by law enforcement and were never confronted with lethal force.

"At the nation’s Capitol Wednesday, Capitol police and Secret Service personnel threatened protestors with guns and one female protestor was fatally shot.

"Had that happened to a BLM rioter, Joy Reid would have gone nuts (or maybe nut-tier) and media and race baiters would have labeled it the worst atrocity since Kent State.

"No one, as far as we know, has uttered a word or expressed a question about this tragic incident. ". . .  

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid's crying shame:Miranda Devine   "Joy Reid is a racist sociopath. How else to explain her reaction to Kyle Rittenhouse breaking down in the witness box during his murder trial last week? 

“ 'White crocodile tears,” said the hate-mongering MSNBC prime-time anchor. 

"This is a woman on a seven-figure salary who went to Harvard and has more elite privilege in her little finger than the 17-year-old son of a single mother who was in Kenosha working as a lifeguard when all hell broke loose in the form of BLM-Antifa riots in August 2020. 

"Yet Reid continually plays the victim and makes her living punching down at white people less fortunate than she is. ". . .

MSNBC’s Reid: GOP Taught People the Word ‘Inflation” Most Never Used that Word  . . ."MSNBC host Joy Reid said Thursday on “Deadline” that she never heard everyday people use the word “inflation” until Republicans turned it into a campaign issue.

"Reid said, “You know what is interesting too, is that I have actually never heard a person who isn’t an economist or works on CNBC, I used to do CNBC a lot as a guest, I used to do Larry Kludow show all the time, a couple of times a week, and the only people I ever hear use the word ‘inflation’ are journalists and economists. So that is not part of the normal lexicon of the way people talk. So, it’s interesting Republicans are doing something they don’t normally do which is use the common tongue not use just common English to do on their campaigns like they have with crime.”   Emphasis mine, TD

I can't believe she actually said that; She has to feel her viewers are the depths of stupidity. TD

Violent crime comes to previously peaceful and safe Martha’s Vineyard. And guess why?

As we know, increased, unregulated, illegal migration from Third World countries is associated with rising crime rates, and now Martha’s Vineyard appears to be no exception.

Peter Barry Chowka   "The previously unimaginable has happened: The storybook island of Martha’s Vineyard, the seasonal home of billionaires and hundreds of elite cultural and political movers and shakers, not to mention one of three year-round homes of the Obamas, has finally experienced that rarity previously limited to the mainland: violent gun crime. And surprise: The alleged perpetrators are not MAGA white nationalists. Rather, evidence so far points to migrants, possibly of the illegal kind.

"This is a bitter pill for most Vineyard residents to swallow. The island’s six towns have all declared themselves to be sanctuary communities. Last September, the island rallied (a.k.a. virtue signaled) around fifty illegal migrants who were flown there at the direction of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – before they were bussed and ferried off the island less than two days later.".

. . ."Hey, Vineyard residents, it’s finally time for a wake-up call: Welcome to 2022 and Joe Biden’s transformed America, including Open Borders and millions of illegal migrants flooding the country. You asked for this, and now you’ve got it."