Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Six Christians Martyred In Nashville Are A Call To Repentance

Tony Branco

HORRIBLE: Democrat Katie Hobbs' Press Secretary Calls For MORE VIOLENCE Against "Transphobes" - HOURS After Trans Mass Shooter Murders Children in Nashville | The Gateway Pundit   . . ."Where is The FBI when terroristic threats like this are made? 

"As The Gateway Pundit reported, the highly politicized FBI and dirtbag FBI Director Chris Wray was busy taking a pledge to recruit more women “in an effort expected to advance diversity, strengthen partnerships, and enhance operational success.” This is despite the shooter, Audrey Hale’s last messages stating“I’m planning to die today,” and “THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!”

"Hale continued, “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die.”

"Others shared their disgust with Katie Hobbs and her team."

 The Six Christians Martyred In Nashville Are A Call To Repentance (

Until eternity, these six souls will join the millions of others “slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held,” who cry to God “with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?'”

"If you weren’t aware that the West’s culture war is also a spiritual battle, let the martyrdom of Christ’s six precious saints in Nashville, Tennessee this week open your eyes. We “wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

"It should be no surprise that worshippers of demons rage against those bought and sealed with Christ’s holy blood, and identify Christians as their worst enemy. They hate us because of Christ. Our Savior, whose torture and triumph we honor next week with Holy Week and Easter, told us to expect their violent, unceasing hatred.

Here’s Jesus in Matthew chapter 10. . .

. . ."Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney, Cynthia Peak, Katherine Koonce, and Mike Hill lost their lives for Christ’s sake. Not metaphorically, as all Christians must do, but also literally. It is a heavy cross, and thus a heavy honor. That heaviness is why Christians have always, from our first days, honored our martyrs.". . .

Prepare to stand. Is that not the defining test of our day? It seems so simple to stand courageously for the true and the good, but it’s incredibly rare. When evil comes, we don’t run. We must not participate in it or refuse to see and name it. We simply stand. 

Realigning California Would Realign America

 American Greatness  "The conventional wisdom on the Right in most of the rest of America is that California is a lost cause. Rather than fight inside California, where you are up against the most powerful and monolithic alliance of progressive special interests in the world, dedicate resources to flipping purple states, and keeping red states red. But to invert a popular quote attributed to Nietzsche, even if you do not gaze into the abyss, the abyss will still gaze back into you.

"California’s role in influencing the future of the country is unparalleled. In addition to its economic and demographic weight, California remains the epicenter of America’s media and entertainment industry, as well as its high-tech industry. Even if several American states defy the momentum of California’s political class, laws governing California frequently end up becoming federal policy. The abyss is coming for us all, and its epicenter is in California.

"It’s expensive to engage in public education in a state with a population of nearly 40 million, including 22 million registered voters. California’s political culture is almost completely dominated by social radicals and environmentalist extremists. But if the challenges to changing the political culture in California are daunting, the potential rewards are even greater.

"There is an immediate financial incentive for the Right to take the fight into the belly of the beast, which is that whatever money California’s well-heeled public sector unions and progressive billionaires have to spend on defense in their own state is money that will not be used to swing close races in other states. The question then only becomes how to engage in asymmetric warfare to ensure that California’s progressives spend far more money on defense than their attackers spend on offense. In this manner, even if the political battle is lost, the money is well spent.\

"An example of this strategy is Proposition 32, waged in 2012 by reformers attempting to force government unions to obtain consent from their members before they could spend any of their dues on political campaigning. A lot was at stake for these public sector unions, which in California spend an estimated $600 million on political campaigning and lobbying each two-year election cycle. That’s a lot of money, even in California. Voters rejected Proposition 32, but proponents spent $10 million, whereas the union defenders spent over $108 million. That’s $98 million that did not flow into the other U.S. elections in the 2012 cycle.". . .

Gavin Newsom is cornered by the reparations clown show he unleashed

"Gov Brylcreem"
 Thomas Lifson- American Thinker  . . ."Democrats totally control both houses of the legislature, and who among them would vote against reparations? Blacks’ share of California’s population is well below the national average, but in a state utterly dominated by the left, it would take courage – and leadership from the governor – to go against the fad (and left wing obsession) of reparations.". . .

"Plans that spend impossible amounts of money, taxing people wholly innocent of any guilt to bestow fabulous wealth on others to compensate for wrongs that none of them suffered: this is California Democrat policies at their zenith. No wonder that the dummy Newsom is dummying up.". . .

Biden morphs into Carter faster than Jimmy did

 “Biden is a worse president than Carter because Carter proceeded cautiously in his first couple of years. Inflation was tolerable in his first couple of years. But Carter also abandoned Iran and left 50 American hostages behind two years later,” he said. "Those hostages, however, were returned as Reagan entered office. The difference now is that it looks like Biden will leave people behind, he said.

. . ."Back in May, when inflation headlines were raging, gas prices were surging, and the coronavirus crisis was kicking in again, critics of President Joe Biden tried to label him the new Jimmy Carter. Former President Donald Trump joked, “That is very unfair to Jimmy Carter.”

"The label didn’t stick in most circles because Carter was saddled with one crisis Biden had avoided, the foreign policy debacle in the Iran hostage crisis.

"But now, as Biden muddles through a much worse crisis in Afghanistan, the comparison is returning, and this time, it’s sticking.". . .

. . ."Alfredo Ortiz, the president and CEO of the influential Job Creators Network, for example, said the parallels are clear to “ordinary Americans."

"He cited surging prices on everyday necessities, weak job growth, threats of high taxes, and the Afghan debacle as permanent stains that Biden won’t be able to wash out.

“ 'The American people can only hope,” he said, “that Biden follows Carter in yet another respect, being ousted after only one term in office.' ”. . .

"I got a refrigerator full of chocolate chip ice cream"

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Who Owns the University? By Victor Davis Hanson

  American Greatness

The megalomania of the current crop of students, faculty, and administrators at our radical universities blinds them to the claims of their generations of benefactors.

"The most recent shout-down debacle at Stanford’s law school, one of many such recent sordid episodes, prompts the question: “Who owns our universities?” 

The law students who are in residence for three years apparently assume they embody the university. And so, they believe they represent and speak for a score of diverse Stanford interests when they shout down federal Judge Kyle Duncan, as if he were an intruder into their own woke private domain. he most recent shout-down debacle at Stanford’s law school, one of many such recent sordid episodes, prompts the question: “Who owns our universities?” 

"The law students who are in residence for three years apparently assume they embody the university. And so, they believe they represent and speak for a score of diverse Stanford interests when they shout down federal Judge Kyle Duncan, as if he were an intruder into their own woke private domain. 

"After all, Stanford, like most of the Ivy League universities, is a private institution. Are then its board of trustees, its faculty, its students, and its administration de facto overseers and owners? 

"Not really. 

"In the case of public institutions of higher learning, there is no controversy: The people own the university and, through their elected representatives, pay for and approve its entire budget. Again, through their selected regents and overseers, the taxpayers adjudicate the laws of these universities.  

"But private universities, while different, are not really so different.  

"Take again Stanford as a typical example. It receives about $1.5 billion per year in federal taxpayer grants alone to its various faculty, labs, research centers, and programs. 

"Its annual budget exceeds $8 billion. If Stanford accepts such huge federal and state direct largess, do the taxpayers who provide it have some say about how and under what conditions their recipients use their money? 

"After all, Stanford, like most of the Ivy League universities, is a private institution. Are then its board of trustees, its faculty, its students, and its administration de facto overseers and owners? 

"Not really. 

"In the case of public institutions of higher learning, there is no controversy: The people own the university and, through their elected representatives, pay for and approve its entire budget. Again, through their selected regents and overseers, the taxpayers adjudicate the laws of these universities.  

"But private universities, while different, are not really so different.  

"Take again Stanford as a typical example. It receives about $1.5 billion per year in federal taxpayer grants alone to its various faculty, labs, research centers, and programs. 

"Its annual budget exceeds $8 billion. If Stanford accepts such huge federal and state direct largess, do the taxpayers who provide it have some say about how and under what conditions their recipients use their money? ". . .

Transgender Nation by Ann Coulter

 Transgender Nation - Ann Coulter

I’m not allowed to offer a professional opinion without conducting an examination, but based on the symptoms, there’s a good chance that Trump is a liberal white woman 

"Talk about bad luck! What are the odds of the Nashville school shooter being a transgendered person who is ALSO mentally ill?

"Arguably, there were hints.

"In a form of modern Lysenkoism, young transgenders overwhelmingly come from homes with signs that say: “In This House, We Believe: Black Lives Matter, Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, No Human Is Illegal, Science Is Real, Love Is Love, Kindness Is Everything.”

"Specifically, a study of adolescent and young adult transgenders found that the adults in the home who identify as “parents” were 91.4% white; 70.9% had a bachelor’s degree or higher and 85.9% favored gay marriage. Parent respondents were 91.7% female.

"This is a weirdly specific profile. Only about a third of Americans have B.A.s; a third of the population is white and female, and about a third supported gay marriage (until it was made a capital offense to oppose it — changing even Barack Obama’s mind!)

"How many other biological conditions are correlated with political ideology?

"I guess there’s “long-haul COVID.” So there are two biological FACTS where the main vector is: Liberal White Women. And of course, innumerable studies have shown that mental illness is far more prevalent in liberals than conservatives, which may be the umbrella condition.

"On the other hand, counterfactual self-identifications are popping up all over. For example, the media are currently self-identifying as purveyors of information, and Trump is self-identifying as a bad-ass tough guy who can get the job done.". . .

24 Hrs In The Trenches (WW1 Documentary)

 Just one day sounds dreadful, and this carried on for years "Have you ever wondered what life was like for a soldier on the frontlines during the First World War? In this video we explore what a typical 24-hour period of trench warfare was like on the Western Front."

Video: The Clash Of Empires | Trenches: Battleground WWI   "Experience first hand "the war to end all wars." World War I was the first war in history to affect most of the globe, with battles fought on land, at sea and, for the first time, in the sky. This series captures the experience almost a century after it happened, with rare footage, much of it never before released."

"this is a very good account, excellent detail and footage. '

Controversial group behind 'Trans Day of Vengeance' raised money for firearms training - as other trans protestors pose with guns ahead of march in DC on Friday

 Controversial group behind 'Trans Day of Vengeance' raised money for firearms training | Daily Mail Online

"Despite three nine-year-olds being gunned down by a transgender shooter at a private Christian school in Nashville, activists are still rallying the troops to protest for a 'Trans Day of Vengeance' - months after raising money for firearms training. 

"Transgender shooter Audrey Hale opened fire on the Covenant School in Nashville at 10.30am on Monday, killing Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney and Evelyn Dieckhaus during her rampage at the school.

"But despite rising political tensions across the country, which saw a press secretary for Arizona Democrat Governor post a Tweet about shooting transphobes, the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with their protest in DC.

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley Expose the Biden Team in Brilliant Grilling of Mayorkas


“ 'You’ve simply lost all credibility, Mr. Secretary,” Cornyn said. Amen, he needs to go."

"Department of Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas testified, on Tuesday, before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding how the Biden administration has been dealing with the border crisis. I think it’s fair to say that it did not go well.

"He testified a couple of weeks ago before the House and he got caught in a lie there. It didn’t go any better before the Senate.

"Mayorkas was ripped apart by the committee which, at this point, has rightfully lost patience with the Biden team’s inability and lack of desire to do anything to deal with the crisis at the border.

"Indeed, as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) exposed, Mayorkas’ head is so buried in the sand, he refuses to even acknowledge that the border crisis is a “crisis.” Listen as Cruz questions him and he won’t even acknowledge what we all know to be true, with a record number of illegal aliens flooding across the border.". . .

"Cruz, in disbelief, then said how that showed that Mayorkas was incompetent for not knowing that the wristbands indicate how much the illegal aliens owe the cartels and there are thousands of them littered along the border. He pointed out how the Biden policies have helped turned the cartels into multi-billionaire organizations when each illegal alien has to pay thousands to get across.

“ 'These are modern-day leg irons!” Cruz thundered. “There are children being sold into sex slavery, and you don’t even know what they are! That is astonishing.” Cruz said children were being sold into slavery, being raped with these actions by the cartels, and that if Mayorkas had “any integrity” he “would resign.” He decimated Mayorkas, saying the officers of the border patrol despised him because he would allow children to be raped, “to follow political orders.' ”. . .

Don’t Let Biden’s All-Time Offensive Response To The Nashville Shooting Get Buried

 Don’t Let Biden’s All-Time Offensive Response To The Nashville Shooting Get Buried | The Daily Wire

 Biden’s embarrassing behaviour is now ‘sickening and infuriating’

After the video, scroll down through the comments to see a cross-section of opinions.

"While his behavior is autocratic and lacks sensitivity, his lies, misinformation and total falsehoods are repulsive."

"Sky News Contributor Kristin Tate expresses frustration and disappointment with the President's insensitive remarks, stating, "this man does not know how to conduct himself as President of the United States." "It was embarrassing for a long time, and now it's just sickening and infuriating," she told Sky News host Chris Kenny."

Joltin’ Joe should leave and go away | Power Line . . ."President Biden turned up in the briefing room with a few remarks about the devastating mass murder in Nashville yesterday. The White House has posted the transcript of Biden’s remarks here.

"Biden added remarks on the Nashville tragedy to his prepared text, but he found it an appropriate moment to perform his usual shtick. There was never anything remotely good about this shtick, but under the circumstances it was indecent.". . .

"His heart was broken despite the chocolate chip ice cream and the prefatory yuk-yuks.

"The facts are still coming to light (as Biden acknowledged in passing) and the victims have yet to be buried, yet Biden sought to exploit the tragedy for his own political purposes. He seems to have omitted any concern about the mental health issues troubling “trans” people such as the perpetrator was, according to Nashville Police Chief John Drake. It was time for the “gun violence” routine:. . ."

Tucker: The trans movement is targeting Christians  'They turn to violence because silencing didn't work"

American Left Grew More Violent While FBI Was Hunting Soccer Moms

  PJ Media   . . ."Ever since Joe Biden and his handlers decided to turn the Federal Bureau of Investigation into the American Stasi, we’ve been hearing that the real threat to America is coming from “right-wing radicals” or some such nonsense. The FBI has been targeting soccer moms at school board meetings and pro-lifers who pray outside of abortion clinics.

"You know, the scariest people among us.

"Every time I write about the rogue FBI and its goon-squad priorities, I conclude by worrying about what the Bureau might be missing in the way of people who might actually commit violence. Thus far in the Biden era, it’s been a fairly steady stream of leftists who are snapping and killing.

Keep seeing this

"The parents at school board meetings have yet to amass a body count.

"The tragedy in Nashville this week has shed even more light on the continued violent radicalization of the American left. Matt reports that, prior to the shooting at The Covenant School, a trans activist group coordinated something that seems like it might be worth some investigation by law enforcement:

The primary Day of Vengeance event is scheduled for 11 a.m. on Saturday at the Supreme Court in D.C., with additional events planned for March 31. LGBTQ activists specifically targeted Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was previously the target of an assassination attempt by a far-left activist last year.

The group purports to seek revenge for what they term “trans genocide,” a conspiracy theory that claims that transgender people are systemically targeted with violence. However, an examination of FBI statistics by the Daily Wire shows no proof to corroborate this claim. In 2021, only two of the 271 recorded hate crimes against transgender individuals resulted in murder. These figures are substantially lower than those of other groups and insufficient to substantiate allegations of “trans genocide.”

 North Korea Unveils New Nukes as U.S. Argues about ‘Misgendering’ – PJ Media

Meanwhile, back in America, mainstream media outlets, including New York Times, USA Today, and CNN, are apologizing for referring to a female murderer as a woman because she called herself “he/him,” and President Joe Biden cracks jokes about ice cream before discussing the shooting of six people, including three young children. Somehow, that’s not encouraging.

 FBI Isn’t Treating Nashville Shooting As Domestic Terrorism | The Daily Wire

A transgender radical group run in part by a former staffer for a Virginia Democrat lawmaker is planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” for Saturday, to avenge a “trans genocide.” The event, on whose web page organizers discuss Molotov cocktails, is set to occur at the Supreme Court. Justice Brett Kavanaugh is a target of trans radicals and survived an assassination attempt last year. 

Biden’s Empty Suit Presidency Is Resetting The World Order, And Not In A Good Way

 Biden's Incompetence Is Helping China Reset The World Order (

With Biden in office, Xi Jinping smells an opportunity to further Red China’s global ambitions.

. . ."Biden’s presidency has ushered in an era of American weakness Beijing seeks to exploit. His administration threw the U.S.’ longstanding record as a buffer against the CCP’s global ambitions into the garbage. Rather than pursue policies strengthening America’s economic security and military readiness, Biden and his administration have implemented measures achieving the exact opposite.

"On the economic front, Biden’s monetary policy — which includes spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on useless Democrat pet projects — resulted in decades-high inflation, causing everyday Americans to struggle to afford basic necessities such as gas and groceries. Rather than curb federal spending or increase domestic energy production, the Biden administration spends its time championing expensive electric vehicles made with Chinese batteries.

"The situation isn’t any better on the national security front, either. Up until January, the administration depleted U.S. military ranks by removing servicemembers who didn’t receive the experimental Covid jab. Despite the shot’s inability to stop viral transmission and its significant risks, the Defense Department denied the vast majority of religious and medical exemptions filed by un-jabbed soldiers. Combined with forcing servicemembers to undergo racist DEI training, it’s no surprise the military is facing major recruiting problems."