I don’t believe it has to be this way. After traveling the country and speaking with voters, I am more convinced than ever that we don’t have to be a nation in decline. But first, we have to make that choice — a choice to be better, to do better. And it starts with better policies.
"We frequently evoke the ideals of American excellence and exceptionalism. But earlier this week when I visited Kensington, Pennsylvania, what I saw was a third-world reality within our own country. Those needle-ridden streets are the direct consequence of a porous southern border and disastrous domestic policies that pay people to do the opposite of what we want them to do.
We get the leaders we deserve. Such as these. |
"If we are only as strong as our weakest link, then Kensington is an unsettling portrait of an America in decline, embodying the antithesis of progress and optimism. This was not a representation of America first; it was a distressing manifestation of what happens when we enact bad policies that put America last.". . .