Monday, August 19, 2024

House Committees Report: Biden Engaged in 'Impeachable Conduct' as VP, But ...

Hot Air 

"Impeachment has turned into a political weapon rather than a check on abuse of power. Perhaps Congress needs to ask itself what the point of impeachment really is, constitutionally rather than politically, and recalculate its own actions in light of a new definition." 

"Barn door, officially closed. The colt bolted on July 21, when Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential election took all of the steam out of an impeachment bid that had already lost most of it over the past year. 

"The combined report from three House committees accused Biden of aiding the corrupt activities of Hunter Biden and other family members as Vice President. It didn't add much new evidence to the claims that the committees hadn't already released during their investigations:

"The executive summary lays out the case in broad terms: . . .

First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family. Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden. As Vice President, President Biden actively participated in this conspiracy by, among other things, attending dinners with his family’s foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone, often when being placed on speakerphone by Hunter Biden. For example, in 2014, Vice President Biden attended a dinner for Hunter Biden with Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina. Following the dinner, Baturina wired $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a firm associated with Hunter Biden. Then, months later, as Hunter Biden and his business associates continued to solicit more money from Baturina, Vice President Biden participated in a phone call with Baturina and Hunter Biden where Vice President Biden told Baturina, “you be good to my boy.” Moreover, President Biden knowingly participated in this conspiracy. Based on the totality of the evidence, it is inconceivable that President Biden did not understand that he was taking part in an effort to enrich his family by abusing his office of public trust. 

The evidence also establishes that the Biden family went to great lengths to conceal this conspiracy. Foreign money was transmitted to the Biden family through complicated financial transactions. The Biden family laundered funds through intermediate entities and broke up large transactions into numerous smaller transactions. Substantial efforts were also made to hide President Biden’s involvement in his family’s business activities.

The above is just an excerpt; read the full article here. 

“Our impeachment inquiry shows conclusively that Joe Biden abused his public office for the private financial benefit of the Biden family and Biden business associates.    "As President Joe Biden prepares to deliver his swan song at the Democratic National Convention Monday evening — no doubt to glowing accolades and sentimental expressions of admiration and gratitude for his years of service — the House Judiciary Committee has released a damning report detailing the findings of the committee (along with the Oversight Committee and Ways and Means Committee) in conjunction with the ongoing impeachment inquiry into the president." . . . Read the report here:

Black Wisconsin Voter: I'm Leaning Toward Trump Because Kamala Is a Liar


"We’ve all had fun highlighting Kamala Harris’ social awkwardness. Donald Trump has been brutal to her in his rallies, but it’s not necessary. There’s a reason why this woman is keeping her mouth shut: she’s a lightweight and an absolute disaster on policy. Why is this silent monk routine amusing?

"Her entire agenda is Joe Biden’s, and her name is right next to his in all the White House policy rollouts. When she does speak, it’s an incoherent trainwreck. Keeping Biden and Harris attached at the hip in the messaging is essential, and voters aren’t dumb either. 

"ABC News interviewed a black Wisconsin woman who was unafraid to say she was leaning towards Trump, citing the former president’s ‘no tax on tips’ policy, which this woman said Kamala stole. 

“ 'She's [Kamala] just been kind of caught up in a lot of lies,” she added. 

"Black voters are an interesting demographic this cycle since a) they didn’t like Joe Biden, and b) they’re not overly jacked up about Kamala Harris either. They’re willing to veer away from the DNC’s laughable propaganda about the economy. In Philadelphia, one black woman broke down about how inflation is killing the community without actually doing it, placing blame on the federal government—aka the Biden administration." . . . 

Is Kamala Drunk?  "There is a lot of chatter on Twitter/X regarding Kamala Harris' bizarre word salads. 

"For a long time, people have just assumed she is a moron, and I admit that this has been my working theory. She rose through the ranks of Democratic politics on the back of relationships with powerful people, implying that intelligence was not the driving force in her rise to power. 

"She certainly is not charismatic, regardless of what the current propaganda keeps trying to sell to us. Until the media decided that they had no choice but to back her with all their firepower, they were actually quite disgusted by her, probably because of her collapse in the Democratic race in 2019. They had been 100% behind her and she collapsed into a heap of dung in that campaign. 

"Now there is an alternate theory about why she is so incoherent, and once you look, you can't unsee the likelihood that it is true." . . . 

Like Elaine said to Jerry Seinfeld: "Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake"


Will this be another Obama-like black vs. white election just like 2008 when we heard the shrieks of unaware young people over the politically-correct candidate? And the career choice for public figures?  Please read my comment from 2007 in the right sidebar. TD

That Cringe Gas Station Visit by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Just Got Much Worse    . . ."I don't know about you, but I was going to vote for no price controls, lower mortgage rates, and a secure border until I saw Kamala Harris get a bag of Doritos. What a life-changing moment. 

"As off-script as the word salads I mentioned above were, this was a moment that was clearly on-script, and painfully so. Just as the vice president starts to walk away from him, you can see Doug Emhoff rush to bend down and grab a bag of pre-staged chips. Harris then pretends to wander down one of the aisles before he suddenly reappears, Doritos in hand so she can deliver her line. 

"What if I told you that wasn't where the cringe stopped, though? Believe it or not, they filmed that interaction multiple times, and with multiple people giving her the chips. In another video, Tim Walz is the one "finding" and giving her the Doritos." ...

Harris Campaign Kicked Out Patrons From Pennsylvania Sandwich Shop to Bring in Staged “Customers” For Kamala’s Visit Tonight (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris delivers word salad about 'investments' to reporter who asked her how she'd finance her spendathon

In Touting Soviet-Like Price Control Plan, Kamala Harris Vows to Fight Price…Gauging?   . . ."Her history of being an empty-suited, policy-less, creation of San Francisco Democrat politics — combined with the very fact that her website still lists no policy proposals and she has refused to grant even one interview to the media — shows that this was more than a mere slip of the tongue.

"She simply has no idea what price-gouging actually means, and likely has no idea that it’s not this or private-sector greed that’s causing inflation, but rather the profligate spending and America Last energy policies of the administration of which she’s been a part for the past four years.

"Don’t expect her to understand inflation, much less the root causes." . . .

NBC host Kristen Welker, however, pressed Whitmer on the practicality of the price gouging proposal, echoing concerns raised by critics who view it as potentially ineffective or even counterproductive.   . . ."A recent Pew Research Center study revealed that only 23% of voters view current economic conditions as excellent or good, while 36% rate them as poor.

"Critics of the price gouging plan have been vocal in their opposition. 

"Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell described the policy as “hard to exaggerate how bad” it is." . . . 

Speaking of free enterprise vs. price controls:  Harris offers big bucks for black entertainers to shill for her. This guy refused but others sold themselves to her.  Video . . .“Kamala Harris and the Democratic plantation is paying you celebrities, paying you to shame Black people into voting [for Harris]. Ya’ll know we not going to get nothing out of that vote…ya’ll being bought. They offered my $10K for an interview with Kamala Harris. I don’t want your money, but we can definitely do the interview…yes, we can do the interview, but keep your damn money," Johnson said." . . .

Shill this, Hollywood!  Wrongfully Convicted Black Man Recounts How Kamala Harris Laughed After Convicting Him   "There are likely many who have stories about how Vice President Kamala Harris’ approach to criminal justice has caused great harm. The story of actor Jamal Trulove, however, presents a particularly glaring example that Democrats would rather remain hidden." . . .

Final comment on the above:  

Lester Dent:  "Some context for those of us who needed it (I had to look it up…). Jamal Trulove was convicted of murder, then conviction was overturned on appeal (mainly prosecutorial misconduct). He sued SF & was awarded over $13m. While sites like @PolitiFact  say that Harris did not personally prosecute, as DA all cases cross her desk & she has both actual & ethical responsibility for actions taken by attorneys under her supervision. Claims that she was not responsible are simply false." 

Tunnel Wall Home Page

Elon Musk Shares Devastating Video ‘The Unraveling of Kamala Harris’ on His X Page – Kamala Was So Bad She Folded Before First Primary Contest

I can never forget the evil way she treated a decent man like Judge Kavanaugh by trying to destroy his reputation. She is a failure as a politician, a Senator, a border czar and, I fear, like Joe Biden, will be a failure as a President and as an ally of civilized nations against murderous enemies; the plagues of peaceful civilizations by such as Hamas. TD

Were they giggling quietly?

 The Gateway Pundit  "Elon Musk shared a devastating video on Kamala Harris, posted by Kanekoa the Great on his X page on Saturday. “Strange days.” (X Video) The video reminds us that Kamala Harris was so shallow and unlikeable during her initial run for US president in the Democratic Party primary that she dropped out before the Iowa caucus. The video captures CNN hosts discussing an article from The New York Times on a key aide to Kamala Harris turning in a resignation letter. CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson: “How Kamala Harris’s campaign Unraveled.” They obtained the resignation letter of the Harris campaign State Operations Director" . . .

Photo added by TD

"Elon Musk shared a devastating video on Kamala Harris, posted by Kanekoa the Great on his X page on Saturday."

“Strange days.” . . .

Two Heroes and a Marxist Airhead   . . . "Musk has consistently offered the same opportunity to Kamala Harris, who is unlikely to agree to such an unscripted, unrehearsed, freewheeling discussion.

"She has finally set forth her agenda (until now it has been a secret with not even a hint of it on her website). It appears to have been written by slovenly kids who spent their college years in the student union advocating for “the masses.” 

"It is an agenda utterly ignorant of economics -- which is to say, reality. The worst of it is price controls to deal with what she mysteriously said was “price gauging.” (Apparently even reading prepared remarks presents a challenge for her.)

"Iowahawk, as you might expect, had some thoughts on the agenda:" . . .

 Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure   . . ."Meanwhile, although much of the media has spent the days since the beginning of Kamala’s campaign pretending she had nothing to do with the border and bears no responsibility for the fiasco, the Times begrudgingly admits it here [emphasis mine]:

But she was also saddled with no-win assignments, most notably tackling the root causes of illegal immigration from Central Americaexposing her to Republican criticism. Stung by an early television interview that went awry, she became skittish about mistakes, asking whether an appearance or a line in a speech might produce another vicious viral clip. And her allies believed the president’s staff often clipped her wings, appropriating her initiatives for him to announce without building up her own public profile.

"Notice how the authors manage to criticize what we can presume to be Republicans in their angle? Her senseless ramblings might produce “another vicious viral clip.” But what exactly is vicious about playing her own words?" . . .

‘Gross’: Rita Panahi slams ‘moron’ MSNBC host

Gaslighting: MSNBC knows they are lying but don't care if you know.

"Sky News host Rita Panahi has hit out at MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend over her “gross” commentary on a tribute to the father and firefighter Corey Comperatore who was murdered in a shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania

"During a segment on MSNBC, Ms Sanders-Townsend claimed that she was ‘sickened’ by the tribute to Comperatore at the republican national convention and the using of his firefighter jacket as a 'prop’. “Just gross. The truth is that it wasn't a prop. It was Corey's real uniform, and the moron activists in the media who ran with that angle would've known that if they'd done even 5 seconds of research," Ms Panahi said." . . .

Kamala’s inflation rhetoric misses the real culprit

Jack Hellner 

. . ."Of course, to Democrats, oil companies, which have made the country thrive for over 150 years, are evil.  They should be thankful that oil companies have greatly improved our quality and length of life instead of seeking to destroy them."

 "Kamala is outraged at grocery stores that have a net profit margin of around 2%.  Somehow, she blames them for the high inflation that is causing them to live paycheck to paycheck, clean out their savings, and run up their credit card debt. 

"But she didn’t say a word about Google, whose net profit margin is 13 times what the grocery store margins are.  Could it be that they are special because they find a way to favor Democrats and harm Republicans on their almost monopolistic search engine?  Could it be that they are special as they support the green pushers while their carbon footprint, with their data centers and A.I., is massive?

"It seems that as long as they pretend, they will be special and not blamed for inflation. 

"Facebook also was not mentioned despite its margin being 34.34%, or 17 times a grocery store’s.  Of course, Zuckerburg spent hundreds of millions to beat Trump in 2020." . . .

. . ."If Kamala wants to blame someone for high inflation, she should look at all the people who are allowed to rob stores blind in California and elsewhere, where there are no repercussions.  Their net profit margin is 100%, and stores either have to offset the costs with higher prices close.  Who is to blame for this?  Kamala herself supported Prop. 47, which allows stealing up to $950 every day in as many stores as they like.  Not once have I heard Kamala rail against this idiotic law or against Soros-supported prosecutors who allow career criminals to roam the street and destroy society."

Meanwhile, in Kamala’s city of San Francisco.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

For the pro-Hamas people in the Chicago streets this week

 For your personal enjoyment.

Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears


Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of those killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of sexual assault, including broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears, and that the victims ranged from children and teenagers to pensioners.

Video testimony of an eyewitness at the Nova music festival, shown to journalists by Israeli police, detailed the gang rape, mutilation and execution of one victim.

Videos of naked and bloodied women filmed by Hamas on the day of the attack, and photographs of bodies taken at the sites afterwards, suggest that women were sexually targeted by their attackers.

Few victims are thought to have survived to tell their own stories." . . .

Attackers laughed as they raped and murdered a woman in Israel on October 7, witness says | CNN    "Five men came out of the van and captured a woman, ripping off her clothes as they formed a circle around her. One raped her and killed her with a knife. Then he raped her again, said Raz Cohen, a survivor of Hamas’ murderous rampage in Israel on October 7." . . .

Struggling Grocery Store Owners Rake Kamala Harris Over the Coals for 'Price Gouging' Proposal

Jeff Charles  

"Ehsan Khan, who owns a grocery store in Brooklyn, New York, said that during his 24 years in the business, he “never saw the cost of grocery bread, butter, cookies, milk going up” as it has under the Biden/Harris administration."

"As Americans are struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet, Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz are focused on pushing a “positive” and “joyful” message to appeal to voters.

"Harris recently declared a new policy proposal: Enacting a federal ban on “price gouging” for food companies. The proposal has met with fierce criticism from both sides of the aisle, with many pointing out that this would only make the problems worse.

"A new video is circulating on X featuring two small business owners discussing how rampant inflation has affected their businesses and customers. To put it succinctly, it ain’t looking good, folks.

"Ehsan Khan, who owns a grocery store in Brooklyn, New York, said that during his 24 years in the business, he “never saw the cost of grocery bread, butter, cookies, milk going up” as it has under the Biden/Harris administration.

"Carlos Collado from Fine Festival Market described how his store has to reduce inventory because of inflation. “See those shelves right there? We're trying to keep less inventory because it's expensive after the inflation under your vice presidency,” he said.

Now I go through the store. Yes, we have to have merchandise here for our customers. But if you only knew how this works, and I invite you to come down. We can have you help us enter the invoices into QuickBooks since you claim that we are price gouging.

"Khan continued, discussing how Oreo cookies more than doubled in price.

For example, I'll give you an example. You see this Oreo cookie? I love Oreo cookie. I used to sell it for my guys. I used to be $1.50. I used to sell it for $2.99. Right now, this cookie, I'm selling it for $7. Why? Because my cost is over $4. Look, I have only two pieces. I used to order cases and cases. Because the cost of groceries is so much high, I can't afford it.

"Collado issued an invitation to Harris to show her what they are going through due to inflation." . . .


"If I were part of Trump’s campaign, I’d advise them to find more business owners like Khan and Collado who are willing to speak out against Harris’ ill-advised policy proposals. In this economic climate, it wouldn’t be hard to find plenty more who are going through similar ordeals.

"The fact of the matter is that the Biden administration’s economic record is horrid. Harris’ proposals suggest that they have not yet learned their lesson." 

Emphasis mine. TD

Reasons I fear Harris and her Democrats handling the economy


‘Squandered The Moment’: Washington Post Editorial Board Blasts Kamala Harris’s Economic Rollout As ‘Disappointment’ (Daily Caller)    
"The editorial board of The Washington Post criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic policy rollout as a “disappointment” Friday.

"Harris delivered a speech Friday seeking to address the economic concerns of American voters, but her approach drew criticism for lacking substantive plans and relying on populist rhetoric, according to The Washington Post. The editorial board stated, amid continuing frustration over high costs of living, Harris chose to focus on corporate malpractices like price-gouging rather than provide a detailed economic strategy. The editorial board also claimed Harris “squandered the moment on populist gimmicks.”

Here's How Americans View Harris And Trump On The Economy (

. . ."Trump’s economic plan has largely focused on deregulation in the energy and financial industries, touting the much-better inflation during his presidency than Biden’s, and instituting significant tariffs on Chinese goods. The U.S. economy performed very well under both Trump and Biden by most metrics, with historically low unemployment, strong stock market performance and steady economic output growth occurring during both administrations, save for a 2020-21 global blip during the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic (see here for detailed data on how the economy fared under Biden and Trump). The president often has a less direct impact on the U.S. economy than public perception may suggest, considering the difficulty in implementing policies, the global nature of the economy and the fragile nature of the stock market, which ultimately relies on earnings growth for multinational corporations." ...

Kamala Harris’s Economic Plan Will Be a Disaster for Consumers (  . . ."Harris has misidentified the disease of which inflation is a symptom. She blames corporate greed as the driver of rising prices — not profligate stimulus; not incontinent monetary policy; not the supply-side chaos caused by Covid-19 and the attendant state-imposed lockdowns; not price-ballooning central planning, such as protectionism and barriers to energy abundance; not anti-innovative boondoggles, such as the Farm Bill.

"The strings connecting high food prices to corporate greed are wild-eyed and largely fictious, economists Ryan Bourne and Bryan Cutsinger write. According to NYU data, the grocery industry average a net profit margin of just 1.18 percent. Bourne and Cutsinger note that policies that attempt to tie inflation to corporate greed “are not only economically destructive, but would have failed to address inflation’s underlying cause — namely, a surge in total spending brought on by excessive monetary and fiscal stimulus.”

"Harris’s policy prescriptions are predictably inapt — or worse. Her campaign says that she will seek to impose price controls on food and groceries and dispatch antitrust officials to harass grocery stores that attempt mergers. These kinds of policies — which, under Biden, have proven useless — have attracted economically muddled politicians for time immemorial. Ham-fisted flailing at “corporate greed” is the last refuge of politicians who want desperately to seem to have command of economic issues about which they are wholly baffled. The twin barrels of anti-corporate populism — price fixing and frivolous antitrust — unfailingly worsen the bad economic conditions that cultivate populism in the first place." . . .

Trump Says Jews Haven’t Been in [as] Much Danger as They Are Today Since the Holocaust

  Anthony Gonzalez (  

“They turned him down for other reasons, but the primary reason is because he’s Jewish,” the former president said, adding, “Any Jewish person that votes for [Harris] or a Democrat has to go out and have their head examined.”

Democrats need the votes of these people.

"As Jews in Israel are being massacred by Iranian-funded terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, former President Donald Trump has declared that Jews are in danger more today in the U.S. since the Holocaust.

"Trump said that Jews across America are being subjected to abuse and are being overlooked because of their religion.

"The former president mentioned that Vice President Kamala Harris did not end up choosing Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) as her running mate because he was Jewish.

“ 'They turned him down because he’s Jewish,” Trump said during a packed rally in Bilkes-Warre, North Carolina.". . .

("Shapiro has said that he was not overlooked because of his faith.")

. . .Last week, a Citi Bike rider punched a 70-year-old man in Central Park, calling him a “F***ing Jew pig” while threatening to kill him. The elderly man was walking his daughter’s dog before he was assaulted.

"The Israel-Hamas war has led antisemitism to skyrocket in the U.S., leading many protests to pop up across the country.

"While speaking to the New York Post last month, the Director of Communications for End Jew Hatred, Michelle Ahdoot, said that “the single most significant hatred we see in New York City since Oct. 7th is overwhelmingly Jew-hatred.”

“On an almost daily basis, we see groups of radical Hamas supporters — some even waving the Hamas flag — marching in city streets calling for the genocide of Jews. We do not feel safe,” Ahdoot added." . . .

The liberal press protects Kamala from shots by any serious media

 "In a video posted on social media, Johnson accused the Harris campaign of engaging in what he called “Democrat Plantation tactics,” using black celebrities to pressure and shame the black community into voting for a party that, in his view, offers little in return."

Say what we want and we'll protect you!

This is why Kamala Harris is avoiding the press — and getting away with it  
"Still, it is disturbing that even as Americans and our allies harbor serious concerns about whether the president is up to an increasingly fraught geopolitical and economic moment, his constitutional understudy has done so little to reassure the public."
When will Kamala Harris meet the press? - Poynter   "Eventually, Harris will have to sit down for a one-on-one interview or press conference. But, so far, not doing so hasn’t hurt her." . . .

Jim Hᴏft  "Dr. Umar Johnson, a well-known activist and educator with millions of followers on social media, rejected an interview offer of $10,000 from the Kamala Harris campaign, calling out a manipulative strategy to win over the black vote.

“Black vote ain’t for sale no more,” Johnson said, emphasizing that the days of pandering to black voters with empty promises and financial incentives are over.

"Johnson shared a screenshot of the text from the Kamala campaign offering him money to do the interview.

"The text reads:

“Hello Dr. Umar Johnson. [redacted] from the Harris2024 team. You are a big part of the black community. Can you help us by completing a Zoom meeting with VP Kamala Harris. Paying [redacted] are looking for about an hour of your time. Please advise if you would like to complete the Zoom call. Your help can get us across the finish line. HARRIS2024”

"Johnson responded:

“Peace & PanAfrikanism. I hope that all is well. I’m not interested in your money. However, I am very interested in having the zoom conversation with Vice President Harris to discuss our needs and her plans for the Black community. This zoom must be livecasted to the national Black community and may not be prerecorded.

I promise to be completely respectful of the Vice President but I will ask direct questions about miseducation, mass incarceration, police brutality, economic strangulation, gentrification/ migrant crisis, reparations & and the need for a federal anti-Black Hate Crimes Bill.”


What sort of chaos can we expect at the Democrat Convention? 

How would a violent DNC affect Harris’s polling numbers?  Kamala is already seeing her honeymoon begin to tatter; her unforced error promising $1.7 trillion in new entitlements was likely a significant boost for Trump.  Harris is burdened with a considerable handicap: she must woo her left flank while trying to prove she has a different plan from failed Bidenomics.  With luck and a little bit of history, perhaps the nearly twenty million undecided voters will use their minds and not their emotions in deciding who the next president should be.

You Know It’s Bad When Even WaPo Calls Kamala Harris' 'Price Gouging' Plan a 'Gimmick'


Perhaps this is why Democrats are recommending that the vice president refrain from discussing policy until after the election. They know what a radical she is, and that this will turn voters off.

"Vice President Kamala Harris recently announced her plan to reduce the impact of inflation by imposing price controls, ostensibly to prevent “price gouging.”

"Surprisingly, nobody seems to like the plan – including leftist media outlets, several of whom have published reports criticizing Harris’ plan while they try their darndest to make sure she wins the election in November.

"The vice president's campaign announced on Wednesday that she will enact “the first ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries—setting clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries.”

"Then in a Friday statement, the Harris/Walz campaign said: “Extreme consolidation in the food industry has led to higher prices that account for a large part of higher grocery bills." Economists balked at that:

Several economists have taken issue with Harris’ plan.

Some economists, however, rejected the notion of corporate power as an important cause of inflation, saying a limit on price hikes could result in shortages of goods.

Michael Jones, an economics professor at the University of Cincinnati, said a government-imposed ceiling on prices could cause stores to run out of goods in times of scarcity.

"If there's a restriction on the prices that companies can charge for products, they simply won't supply them," Jones told ABC News.

 Full article here.