"Israel is not the leading edge of the free world. It is the last gasp of the free world. If it goes, we all go." AW
Andrea Widburg - American Thinker "Hezbollah (an Iranian proxy) has taken rocket-fired potshots at Israel for years. However, beginning immediately after Hamas (an Iranian proxy) attacked Israel on October 7, Hezbollah began launching rockets at Israel every day. Israel, preoccupied with the Gaza War, relocated over 70,000 people who lived in northern Israel to get them out of the line of fire. Now, though, Israel is fully engaging Hezbollah and, after an awesome start, Israel’s war is still going...well, awesomely.
"According to Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Hezbollah has fired over 8,000 rockets at Israel in the last 11 months, which is around 24 rockets a day. Of that number, the overwhelming majority were fired before Operation Grim Beeper, which occurred last week. Thus, even while Democrats and the rest of the world were screaming about Israel’s delicately conducted war against Hamas (an urban war with the lowest civilian-to-soldier casualty rate in history), everyone was ignoring the non-stop rocket fire directed at Israel’s civilians.
"Despite these provocations, Israel waited patiently until just the right time to launch her defense against Hezbollah’s one-sided attacks. It had been planning the pager operation for 15 years and would not be rushed into it until the time was right.
"The pager attack, as we all know, was stunningly successful, much to the chagrin of the Israel haters. According to Hezbollah’s internal documents, 879 Hezbollah members and 291 senior commanders died, presumably because the confined blasts (which left civilians virtually unscathed) severed their femoral arteries." . . .
Hezbollah's Pagers Go Boom, #AntiSemites Wax Wroth
. . ."The odious Edward Snowden, who has had nothing to say about the Islamists attacking Israel, said that this precision attack was “terrorism.” . . .
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