Sunday, December 29, 2013

What 2014 Will Look Like Under Obama – Warning, It’s Not Pretty

john Podesta  "Obama’s goals for 2014 will push FORWARD a fast-moving Progressive agenda facilitated by the master of constitutional avoidance techniques, John Podesta. Podesta will help Obama legislate from the White House and worry about the constitutional challenges later, after it’s too late and the unconstitutional initiatives have had years to ferment."
"One only needs to look at what has happened in the last few weeks to know that the lawlessness will not ease up and the will of the people is irrelevant in all of this."

Un-transforming America

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.  "I always considered Barack Obama an empty suit, a coffeehouse communist, doomed to replay the tragic political and economic mistakes of the past because he lacked any sense of history beyond the clichés of fashionable and comfortable college Marxism.
"Like the characters and events in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father" written by unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, Obama is a composite, the manifestation of a liberal fantasy, a man who, like his acolytes, exists in a political "Twilight Zone" somewhere between reality and narcissism.
"Obama's political talent is based on his mastery of the platitude; a banal or meaningless statement, generally directed at soothing the social, emotional, or cognitive unease of uninformed, easily misled voters or desperate liberals in search of a Messiah."
"His ascension to the Presidency can largely be attributed to a combination of corruption and cowardice." ...Read more: Family Security Matters 
Just for the record, I consider the recently-elected mayor of New York to be just as bad.TD

Having Obama's back in the Middle East; How the New York Times tried to airbrush al Qaeda out of Benghazi

PowerLine blog  "Yesterday, in discussing the New York Times’ claim that, as far as it can tell, neither al Qaeda nor any other international terrorist group had a role in the Benghazi attack, I wrote:
The Times chooses to focus on a militia leader named Ahmed Abu Khattala, whom it characterizes as “an erratic extremist” and very much his own man. But I believe that other leaders connected to the attack have been tied to al Qaeda or its affiliates. I will try to document this in a future post.
"For documentation, I turn (as I expected) to the invaluable Tom Joscelyn:
[The Times] piece totals more than 7,000 words and yet [it] fingers only one suspect out of the dozens who took part in the attack. Another suspect, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, is briefly mentioned, but only then to dismiss the notion of his involvement.
Left out of the Times’s account are the many leads tying the attackers to al Qaeda’s international network.

Rep. Darrell Issa Smacks Down New York Times Report Claiming Benghazi Attack Was A Result Of A YouTube Video
“ 'Al Qaeda is not decimated,” Issa replied. “And it was a group there, that was involved, that was linked to al Qaeda.” Have a look at the video

The mullahs’ message for Obama  ... "Second, the Iranians have Obama’s number and they mean to advertise it. They are sending a message. They see him as a pathetic weakling whom they can push around without consequence. Obama and Kerry are smart enough to know they are being humiliated, but they don’t care. They are more than willing to endure humiliation in the service of what they deem to be a higher cause."

25 of the most widely-shared urban legends, debunked

FAVES + CO " On the crusade to correct misinformation, Snopes compiles the 25 “hottest” urban legends currently circulating the interwebz. Next time you get a forwarded email from your mom or great-uncle with false information, you can set them straight. Does aspartame cause cancer? Did Obama kick a door in after a Congressional meeting? Click on the link to each “urban legend” to find out more."

Included in this list is the falsehood about Nancy Pelosi being Miss Lube Rack of 1959 (or was it 1955?). Bottom line, it ain't her.
The dating of this photo to 1959 is a fiction concocted to make it plausible that the woman pictured could be a young Nancy Pelosi; in fact the photograph was taken in 1951, when Nancy D'Alesandro was but eleven years old and was living thousands of miles away from Los Angeles in Baltimore, Maryland (her father was mayor of that city from 1947 to 1959); quite obviously the young woman pictured as Los Angeles' "Miss Lube Rack" of 1951 is not a prepubescent girl and therefore could not be eleven-year-old Nancy D'Alesandro of Baltimore, now better known as U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi.

The dating of this photo to 1959 is a fiction concocted to make it plausible that the woman pictured could be a young Nancy Pelosi; in fact the photograph was taken in 1951, when Nancy D'Alesandro was but eleven years old and was living thousands of miles away from Los Angeles in Baltimore, Maryland (her father was mayor of that city from 1947 to 1959); quite obviously the young woman pictured as Los Angeles' "Miss Lube Rack" of 1951 is not a prepubescent girl and therefore could not be eleven-year-old Nancy D'Alesandro of Baltimore, now better known as U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi.
The dating of this photo to 1959 is a fiction concocted to make it plausible that the woman pictured could be a young Nancy Pelosi; in fact the photograph was taken in 1951, when Nancy D'Alesandro was but eleven years old and was living thousands of miles away from Los Angeles in Baltimore, Maryland (her father was mayor of that city from 1947 to 1959); quite obviously the young woman pictured as Los Angeles' "Miss Lube Rack" of 1951 is not a prepubescent girl and therefore could not be eleven-year-old Nancy D'Alesandro of Baltimore, now better known as U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi.

Iran: Bad Outcomes, and Worse

Hoover Institution  IR 54, Hoover Institution Archives Poster Collection"Negotiations are the opium of the chattering classes, but sanctions are pure heroin to our governing elite. Those who have risen to power in Washington on the strength of words, rather than deeds, assume that malign foreign powers must be as receptive to appeasement and largesse as their constituents, while those who have never done without imagine that foreign actors accustomed to hardship must surrender if deprived of imported luxuries.
"We do not have an “Iran strategy,” merely a pouch of impotent diplomatic techniques that allow us to delude ourselves about progress and postpone effective action, while, at most, further inciting Iranian feelings of nationalism and inherent superiority."

Heritage; Your Money in Pictures: The Top 5 Charts of 2013

As part of our countdown to the new year, here are Heritage’s top five must-see charts of 2013.

5. What If a Typical Family Spent Money Like the Federal Government?
4. Obamacare’s Barrage of Tax Hikes 
3. Sequestration Cuts Only 2.5 Percent of Spending ....
2. Where Did Your Tax Dollar Go? ....
1. Each American’s Share of Publicly Held Debt ....

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Charles Krauthammer; Story of the year

Washington Post  "The lie of the year, according to Politifact, is “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” But the story of the year is a nation waking up to just how radical Obamacare is — which is why it required such outright deception to get it passed in the first place.
"Obamacare was sold as simply a refinement of the current system, retaining competition among independent insurers but making things more efficient, fair and generous. Free contraceptives for Sandra Fluke. Free mammograms and checkups for you and me. Free (or subsidized) insurance for some 30 million uninsured. And, mirabile dictu, not costing the government a dime.
"In fact, Obamacare is a full-scale federal takeover. The keep-your-plan-if-you-like-your-plan ruse was a way of saying to the millions of Americans who had insurance and liked what they had: Don’t worry. You’ll be left unmolested. For you, everything goes on as before."

 "That was a fraud from the very beginning." ...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Pajama Boy a leftist Obama operative. What else did you expect? (UPDATE)

Pajama Boy: Obama's Smirking Commissar  "The effete visage of the ObamaCare pitchman known as Pajama Boy already is a figure of fun. But now it comes to light that Ethan Krupp is more than just a smirking, turnoff face for an ad. He's a leftist extremist.
"Krupp is more than just a hipster metrosexual cradling cocoa in his red onesie pajamas whose arch, supercilious expression is supposed to make young people want to run out and buy overpriced ObamaCare on government insurance exchanges.
"In reality, he's a long-time Obama operative, one of the president's leftover campaign shock troops active in The One's permanent campaign organization known as Organizing for America."

From the Daily Caller: Obamacare’s Pajama Boy: ‘I am a liberal f***

Pajama Boy
"As The Daily Caller reported, Krupp was accused of racism and anti-Semitism during his college-aged stint as the editor of the Madison, Wisconsin comedy newspaper the “Madison Misnomer.' ” Not the most important excerpt from this article, but the least obscene.
UPDATE: NBC Takes One Yet Again for the (Obama) Team   ... "It strikes me that more and more Americans are now viewing the president in a similar fashion. They’ve seen the Obama act for five long years, and it’s become tiresome. We’re on to the verbal tricks, the stale formulations, the endless straw men and unmatched sense of moral superiority. We’ve figured out that the reality has never come close to meeting the expectations and promises. And so words that had a magical effect before now elicit a roll of the eyes. Barry is just being Barry. Don’t take him seriously. He’s just a talker."

Cruciphobia at Mt. Soledad; The cross the Left can’t bear.

Michelle Malkin
... "A pragmatic, tolerant resolution, with 76 percent of voters’ support? Heavens, no! The extreme secularists couldn’t have that. They sued and sued and sued and sued. By 2007, the state Supreme Court — affirmed by a state appellate court — had rejected the atheists’ campaign. The courts affirmed the constitutionality of the San Diego referendum (Proposition A) and the sale of the cross to the Mount Soledad Memorial Association. The American Civil Liberties Union intervened in an attempt to suppress and “de-publish” the ruling as a way to prevent its use in future litigation. They lost." ...

Man bites dog story: Despicable white man punches out 79 year old African-American victim.

This guy punches out a 79 year old man and deserves what I hope is coming to him; this was a despicable thing to do.

Washington Times  "The Obama administration filed a federal hate-crimes charge Thursday against a man whom authorities accused of using the “knockout game” to target a black man, videotaping it, and then bragging about the assault to strangers.
"The charge marks the first time the administration has taken action on a “knockout” case after the game became an Internet and media phenomenon. It chose a case in which the person accused is white, even though most other cases reported in the news have involved black assailants.
"In this case, the man accused is 27-year-old Conrad Alvin Barrett, who the Justice Department says attacked a 79-year-old black man in Fulshear, Texas, just west of Houston. Justice Department officials said they brought the case to make a point about hate crimes."...

But what about the many incidents of the reverse? I appreciate these remarks by Al Sharpton (of all people!) who for once seems to fill the role that we hope to see from African-American leaders.
Photo and accompanying article from The Jewish Press

O, great Government, we bow down to Thee

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Greenwald Snarks at MSNBC: I Defend Snowden Like You Defend Obama ’24 Hours a Day’

Mediaite  ... "Things got heated when MSNBC anchor Kristen Welker cited critics who’ve accused Greenwald of “crossing a line” in his defense of Snowden. “What do you say to your critics who say you’ve become more of a spokesman for Edward Snowden?” she asked.
 '“I think that’s ludicrous is what I say to that,” Greenwald shot back. “Every journalist has an agenda. We’re on MSNBC now, where close to 24 hours a day the agenda of President Obama and the Democratic Party are promoted, defended, glorified, the agenda of the Republican Party is undermined. That doesn’t mean the people who appear on MSNBC aren’t journalists, they are.' ”