"Until Trump got elected, I never heard one Democrat say we don't need a wall,”
"The event came just hours after special counsel Robert Mueller completed his investigation and submitted a report to the Justice Department"
. . . "The senator repeatedly tossed out what one of the attendees called “red meat” for the conservative crowd, calling for an investigation into Hillary Clinton and the circumstances surrounding the creation of a largely unverified dossier about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. He also complained about alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse, an issue that he is investigating as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"At the mention of Clinton, the crowd began chanting, “Lock her up!” But Graham offered a different view. “Don’t lock her up! We want her to run again,” he said, prompting roaring laughter from the attendees.
"He also touched on immigration. "Until Trump got elected, I never heard one Democrat say we don't need a wall,” Graham said. He then poked fun of the names he has been called over his immigration stances, mentioning "Lindsey Grahamesty” and “Lindsey Lopez." . . .