Friday, March 16, 2012

Libs ride the feminist horse some more

Hateful Stephen Colbert: Taliban Has a Better Record With Women Than Rush Limbaugh   "Liberals, including Colbert and Jon Stewart themselves, will immediately jump to the "we're just comedians" defense. However, considering that outlets like MSNBC routinely promote their clips and portay them simply as cultural satirists, it's worth noting the extreme, often hateful tilt of their comedy.
"On February 23, 2012, Jon Stewart contributor John Oliver compared conservatism to crack."

The Sandra Sideshow By November, nobody is going to remember who Sandra Fluke is. That’s what Republicans need to keep in mind as they judge the political impact of opposing the Obama administration’s latest health-care mandate. The issue is likely to help Republicans in the fall, if they can keep their wits about them." 

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