Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Not everyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-Semite...

Jerusalem Post
Atlas Shrugs: OBAMA'S LEGACY: "FUNDAMENTALLY ISLAMIZE EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE" IN EGYPTIAN SOCIETY   "Obama kicked Mubarak to the curb. He couldn't get rid of our ally fast enough. Obama worked for years to legitimize the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood.

"Free peoples will be suffering for decades from the greatest threat to human freedom in US history: Obama. The opposite of freedom is sharia."
Art at right by Bosch Fawstin, who also posted this on Islamophobia.

On the other side of the coin: Being A Muslim - And A Teenager in America
"I've been going to Muslim school once a week for four years at the Islamic Center. They teach us that we should treat all people - Muslims and non-Muslims, with respect. They never teach us that terrorism is a good thing. We start every class by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The protesters were stupid and should have been ashamed of themselves for criticizing a country that protects them more than the country they were from. We're grateful that America gives every immigrant family - including Muslim families like mine limitless opportunities to live successfully in peace and freedom. My mom got so mad at the protesters' attempt to involve her, that she started yelling at the lady leading the protest, and I thought they were going to get into a fight. They were talking so fast in Indonesian that I couldn't even understand what they were saying, but I could tell my mom was standing up for America."  Mily J. Sharko

Posting the earlier articles on what we must fear from Islam in America, I felt the need see what Muslims who love America feel and think. This article by a Muslim teenager seemed good to use and meanwhile I will continue my search for Muslims who support Israel. Still looking.

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