Saturday, September 8, 2018

None of You Idiots Is Spartacus. Booker dodges a blunt question.

Jonah Goldberg
Our politics are getting dumber because we’re defining ourselves by the caricatures of our enemies.

. . . "Dear Reader (Including all of you at Kasowitz, Benson & Torres to whom I may or may not have spoken about the Mueller investigation),

"There’s not much new to say about Senator Cory Booker’s performance this week. The proud-yet-fake defiance of Senate norms and rules, the preening, and the bro-bravado (“bring it!”) — most commonly associated with dudes who know that their friends over by the keg will hold them back and barking poodles confident that they will not be let off their leash — have been well documented by numerous observers (including yours truly). But as a longtime admirer of the “World’s greatest deliberative body” (stop laughing!), I look to the wisdom of the great senator Mo Udall, who famously observed, “Everything’s been said, but not everybody has said it.”

"So once more let me don my kicking boots and give this dead horse another whack, not simply because Booker deserves it or because I take joy in it, but because there’s a lesson here for everyone.

"Our friends at the Free Beacon put together this helpful montage:" . . .
. . . Booker’s close-to-an-I-am-Spartacus-moment line was also based on a lie, but it was decidedly not in the form of tragedy — it was farce. Which is why the spectacle of all of those Democrats joining Booker in fake solidarity about a fake issue was so perfect. They were all shouting, “I’m Cory Booker!” and “Expel me too!” in the hopes his bravery would rub off on them, when there was none to rub off in the first place." . . .
 Small photos added by TD

Cory Booker Dodges Questions about Kavanaugh Document Release
“Republicans on the Committee have said that the documents had already been approved for release before 4 a.m. this morning. Senator Cornyn basically accused you of a political stunt to bolster a possible run for the presidency. Was that just a stunt?” Cooper asked.
The Cory Booker you see has always been an imaginary creation
. . . "Never mind that the emails weren’t confidential or that the documents merely demonstrated that Kavanaugh had expressed opposition to using racial profiling in post-9/11 law enforcement screenings. Facts are a trifling concern when you’re a self-styled hero." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

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