Saturday, September 8, 2018

Obama Called Benghazi A ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ Benghazi Defender Kris Paronto Lets Loose In Response

Weasel Zippers

"Former President Obama gave a speech in Illinois today which marks the beginning of his midterm push to try and help the Democrats take back Congress. Obama’s address made it clear that he, along with a sizable portion of the mainstream media, weren’t paying attention to what happened during his watch. One remark Obama made was about Benghazi:

"It’s not conservative, it sure isn’t normal — it’s radical,” Obama says of the rise of far-right, while citing conspiracy theories that include his birth certificate, Benghazi and science and facts.

. . . "I complained plenty about Fox News, but you never heard me threaten to shut them down, or call them enemies of the people," he said."Fiscus found this argument wanting." 'Your DOJ also prosecuted more leak investigations than all other presidents’ combined. Come on," Fiscus wrote."Fiscus was referring to the then-unprecedented efforts by the Obama White House to out leakers and prosecute those helping them. Most notably, former Fox News reporter James Rosen was accused of violating anti-espionage law for what one reporter at the time termed "traditional news reporting.""At the time, Major Garrett, CBS’s chief White House correspondent, asked Obama press secretary Jay Carney: "The subpoena says James Rosen is a potential criminal because he's a reporter. Is the White House comfortable with that standard, never before seen in a leak investigation?""Carney replied: "We need to make sure that leaks are not tolerated because leaks—they can endanger the lives of our men and women, and endanger our national security—need to be taken very seriously.' " . . .

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