Saturday, December 26, 2020

 For decades, California has been a national leader. Trends that begin in California end up in the rest of America. That’s an unnerving thought when one considers that California has essentially hit the self-destruct button. We’re just watching the countdown to detonation. Andrea Widburg

 In California, the craziness never  stops  . . . "Every year, California enacts new laws, and every year, those new laws have an increasingly leftist tilt. This year is no exception, and the new laws couldn’t happen at a worse time.

. . . "The lockdowns are wiping out restaurants, gyms, hair salons, and small retailers. Meanwhile, the big stores into which California consumers are being funneled (and, not so coincidentally, that make big political donations) are doing just fine. The state is becoming medieval, for the middle class is getting wiped out. There are the rich, the poor, and the government.

"Many of the new laws going into effect on January 1, 2021, will pick up where the lockdowns left off, further destroying the economy and, along the way, increasing racial and sex divisions. The San Francisco Chronicle has a list of the more consequential laws, although the sheer volume of statutes in California means that everyone is almost certainly an unwitting scofflaw every day:

"Because nobody knows better how to run your business than the government, the state is going beyond the requirement that publicly held companies with California headquarters must have a woman on the board of directors. Henceforth, the board must also have one person from an “underrepresented community”: . . ."

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