A lot more attention needs to be going to this natural disaster than thus far being seen from this crew. The federal response and Joe Biden's interest in keeping the spotlight off himself during this unprecedented events seems to be adding a layer of new suffering on the already beleaguered people of Lahaina. You can bet the Chinese are watching -- and adjusting their calculations about Biden accordingly.
Monica Showalter; American Thinker "In Maui, a disaster of epic proportions is unfolding, one week after wildfires razed its historic city of Lahaina. It's not just that there was little warning and a chaotic evacuation. Now it's the body count -- 99 people are confirmed dead now, and some 1,000 remain missing. If they're dead, and Lahaina has only 12,000 people, the math isn't pretty -- ten percent of the population may be dead, which has a whiff of Ukraine. The cadaver dogs, with rarified training to detect bodies incinerated to ash in flames, are far too few for a mass casualty event like this, so they still have 75% of the area to search. The lines of cars that tried to escape and got incinerated first weighs heavily, as does the question of why the island's expensive alarm system never went off.
It appears to be the worst natural disaster in a century and certainly Hawaii's biggest catastrophe.
Yet Joe Biden is clueless. His ham-fisted response to this disaster keeps getting worse and worse and worse.
First, he glibly announced that neither he, nor his vice president, Kamala Harris would visit the disaster area.
Then he went on vacation, putting in another beachside time-out, as if there wasn't an apocalypse going on the other side of the country.

After that, returning from his restful rendezvous, he was asked about the scope of the disaster by a reporter, which by then had claimed 93 dead.
His response? "No comment." And then he, kid you not, grinned.
No comment means no coverage, right? Always a bad idea from a public relations perspective to get too close to those failures and disasters, because voters might make associations, right?
Plus, what the hey, as the New York Post noted in its cover story today, Biden knows that Hawaii's residents will always vote Democrat, so why worry about their disaster?" . . .
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