Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Gavin Newsom's 'California For All' Is Paradise Lost –


And if Gavin Newsom has his way, his California For All will be "America For All." Regardless of how conservatives feel about the state and wish it would fall into the ocean, brushing the stories of Newsom's failure aside is extremely dangerous, and could be the way we wake up one morning to a President Newsom in the White House.

"California, once the land of opportunity and prosperity, has now become a failed state, and the Democratic Party - especially its leader in the state, Gavin Newsom - and its progressive policies are to blame. California's high taxes, lack of proper infrastructure maintenance, and high rates of homelessness are proof of the failure of their policies. In fact, as of August 8, 2023, California is ranked dead last in the nation for opportunity.

"Newsom's gubernatorial theme is "California For All," and he means that unironically. Although he claims he's not running for POTUS, he absolutely is, and the thought of a Newsom-style "America For All" should terrify everyone.

"Californians are being taxed to death; its residents pay the highest sales tax, the highest state income tax, and are the 4th highest taxed overall in the nation. Which means we have less money to spend on daily needs. The burden is further compounded by the high cost of living, with California taking the 4th highest cost of living position in the nation. Housing costs are particularly high, with the average home costing over $800,000. This has made it difficult for many families to afford to live in California and has led to residents leaving in search of more affordable living.

"Californians also pay the most for basic necessities such as housing, food, and healthcare, compared to the rest of the nation. The high tax rates have made it more difficult for people to make ends meet and are driving businesses out of the state. Their tax policies are hurting Californians and are a major reason for California's failed state status.

"The high taxes are not just limited to income tax. California also has the highest gas tax in the nation, which has a direct impact on the cost of living. It also makes it even more difficult for businesses to operate in the state. With rising fuel costs, businesses are forced to increase the price of their goods and services, which further increases the cost of living for Californians." . . .

Yet, given the opportunity to rid itself of this governor, California voted to keep him where he still is. TD

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