Friday, September 22, 2023

And just like that, Biden was too old

 - Don Surber (

The flop sweat of desperation hits the Establishment

. . ."But there is no virtue in power. Lord Acton said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hence, we live in a corruptocracy because we gave Washington too much power.

"Fix pollution, we said. They shut down factories. There, fixed.

"Help black people, we said. They discriminated against whites in affirmative action. There, fixed.

"Save us from another 9/11, we said. The instantly created the Department of Homeland Security. There, fixed.

"When the answer to every problem is the government, the government has an incentive to create problems. I am not saying the conspiracy theorists are right, but I do notice their batting averages are rising.'

"Over at the Jeff Bezos Post, columnist David Ignatius played poker and saw the NYT’s dump Biden and raised them a dump Kamala.

"Ignatius wrote, “It's painful to say that, given my admiration for much of what they have accomplished. But if he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump.”

"By greatest, he means only. Biden is a one batter reliever like Obama, whose only achievement was being black." . . .

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