Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Joy Behar Mocked Hard After Claiming Trump Will Cancel ‘The View’ if Elected

 Paul Roland Bois (

Trump has previously served four years as President and "The View" is still with us. Why is life so morbid for TV people named Joy? TD

"Internet trolls came out in force after Joy Behar shared her paranoid delusion former President Trump would cancel ABC’s The View if elected in November.

"As Breitbart News reported, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow inspired conspiratorial dread during an appearance on The View this week when she said “no one will be safe” if Trump wins. Joy Behar took it a step further to suggest that Trump would even seek to have The View canceled.

“ 'Some people think that sounds overdramatic but I’m right there with you. I think that he is so vindictive that he will go after, however he has to, whether it’s through the IRS maybe, or even through sponsors to get us off the air maybe or you. How seriously should we be taking that?” wondered Behar.

“ 'Well, so I was asked am I worried about me and my answer was I’m worried about all of us. I’m no worried about me than I am worried about everybody in the country,” Maddow responded." . . .

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