Wednesday, June 19, 2024

That’s A Shame month

Don Surber (
. . ."Which is, of course, about time because the LGBT crowd has gotten away with bullying people for years. It takes someone with courage to stand up. JK Rowling did." . . .

"June 2024 is turning out to be That’s A Shame month for the LGBT crowd, especially the T-girls. Will Thomas who calls himself Lia got kicked out of the Olympics and Biden’s use of federal funding to force girls to give their sports trophies to boys in drag got kicked out of 10 states.
"Biden used Title IX funding — which is supposed to help women in college — to coerce colleges to accept T-girls as women. It’s a Mafia muscle move. Or maybe it is the Mafia that uses the federal government as a role model. Either way, Speak Softly Love.
"A federal judge on Monday blocked the Biden administration’s new Title IX regulations in six more states as Republicans and conservative groups try to overturn a policy that expanded protections for LGBT students.
"In a 93-page opinion, Judge Danny C. Reeves of the Eastern District of Kentucky ruled that the Education Department had overreached in expanding the definition of “sex” to include gender identity.
"Judge Reeves halted the regulations in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia and West Virginia just days after a federal judge made a similar ruling for Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho.
"Title IX, which was passed in 1972, prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funding. The new regulations broadened the scope of the law to prohibit unequal treatment of pregnant students and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
"The Indiana Capital Chronicle got to the heart of the matter in its headline, “U.S. judge blocks Biden Title IX rules, says ‘sex,’ ‘gender identity’ not the same thing.”
"So just as the ATF decided that bump stocks are machine guns, Biden decided drag queens are women. Boy will Sam Alito have fun ripping this proposal into tiny pieces." . . .
"On June 6, 2020, Rowling retweeted an op-ed piece that discussed “people who menstruate,” apparently taking issue with the fact that the story did not use the word women. “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” she wrote. How dare she mock them!"

The Looney Tunes left took another hit this week when Brittney Griner, the only WNBA player anyone heard of, stood for the national anthem. It was her first game back since her little, um, vacation last year. Her protest for social justice ended when she got a 10-month taste of Russian justice, comrade. 

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