Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Leftist MSNBC Contributor's Claim that a 'Feeble' Trump Was Guided Off Stage During Rally Blows Up in His Face


RealityBites by Broc Smith

MEDIA FAIL: Leftist MSNBC Contributor's Claim that a 'Feeble' Trump Was Guided Off Stage During Rally Blows Up in His Face After Footage Emerges Exposing the Truth (VIDEO)   . . ."Now, some are also trying to suggest that President Trump, not Biden, is actually the one with mental problems. Brian Tyler Cohen, an MSNBC “News” contributor and podcast host of an ironically named show called “No Lie,” decided to gaslight America by sharing a photo yesterday that he claims shows Trump being escorted off the stage.
"The incident supposedly occurred during a Trump rally in Hialeah, Florida, in November 2023.
" 'Here is a photo of Trump having to hold someone’s hand to guide him off stage,” Cohen wrote. “I’m sure this will get just as much coverage as the daily “BiDeN oLd” story gets.”. . .
. . ."But then a video emerged showing what actually happened. It turns out Trump was shaking hands with his eldest son, Don Jr., before exiting the stage without assistance." . . .
"If this is the best left-wingers can do to smear Trump as physically and mentally unable to handle another term as President, Americans have nothing to worry about. Biden, of course, is a far different story."
MSNBC, you recall, is the home of Joy "Racism" Reid, Ali "Fiery but mostly peaceful" Velshi. and  Fake News Fabulist, Rachael Maddow.

Some translation required | Power Line   "President Biden met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the Oval Office yesterday. The White House has posted a brief readout of the meeting. NATO News has posted a five-minute video of Biden’s and Stoltenberg’s public statements here on YouTube. Biden read from the usual cards his staff prepares to orient him in space and time.

"This is entirely my reconstruction of the background to the RNC Research video clip below. I take it that the press was ushered into the Oval Office for a quick peek before Biden met privately with Stoltenberg. Biden mocked the reporters shouting questions with a childish outburst of gibberish. He found himself amusing. He nevertheless frequently falls into such gibberish without trying to be funny.

"Is this any way for Biden to treat a core group of supporters? Or is this another instance of Biden reaching the seventh age of man described by Jaques in As You Like It — “second childishness and mere oblivion…”?

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